Zhuang Fu Lang

Chapter 93

In late autumn, the cold wind was harsh outside the wasteland, but inside the barbarian king's tent was warm as spring.

As soon as Sambuganda entered the house, he felt the heat rushing over his face. The whole person was a lot warmer, but his heart was like being left in the cold wind and being swept away by the cold wind.

The camp in front of you is made of several layers of cowhide stitched with gilt paintings inside, and all the utensils are exquisite and luxurious.The ground in the big tent is covered with thick leather blankets, which makes people feel the urge to lie down.The fat oil lamp lit on the golden candlestick is bright and dazzling, and it exudes an elegant fragrance...

A shady-looking man leaned on the throne of tiger skins and wolf heads, playing with a slender leather whip in his hand, and saw Sambuganda coming in, staring straight at him with a cold and sharp gaze.

Sangbu Ganda shook his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Sangbu has seen a lot of sweat!"

The man threw the whip out and landed on Sambuganda's feet with a "slap", making his heart beat.

"Why the war has been stuck for so long and there is no progress?" The man asked coldly, his narrow eyes gloomy.

Sambuganda bowed his head and said, "Khan and forgive the sins, all because Daqi had stationed troops on the border early to guard against the dead. Although our army was in confusion, the people of Daqi were even more cunning, tricky, and developed. New weapons..." After roughly explaining the situation, Sambuganda said, "The subordinates dare not send troops at will."

The man looked slightly awkward, retracted the whip, and wrapped his fingers around his tail: "Take Guyang Pass as soon as possible."

Sambuganda was startled, and immediately understood what the man meant: "Yes!" Severe winter is coming soon, when the border is snowy, the road is difficult, and it is impossible to march.But as long as they open a gap and let them march south, all problems are solved!Guyang Pass leads to Tiandu County of Daqi, where there are thousands of miles of fertile fields, countless fertile fields, and the people are rich...

Once they enter Guyang Pass, what are they afraid of?The sky is high and the birds fly, no weapon or trick can stop their brave and fearless iron hoof!

Sambuganda's eyes became frantic.But how do you get in under the heavy guard of Daqi?

The man straightened his whip sharply, his narrow gray eyes shining with the inevitable light: "Sambuganda..."

"Subordinates are here!"


The night on the border always seemed desolate and lonely. In addition to the occasional worm calls, the night crows wailed suddenly, but as the weather got colder, the worm calls were much less.There are no stars and no moons in the sky, and it is gloomy, thick clouds all over the sky, and there is a sense of oppression that the wind and snow are coming.

It has been five days, and the barbarian has not sent a team to harass anymore. The Daqi general guessed that the two previous trials were lost, which made the barbarian feel jealous.I didn't dare to provoke him without knowing the details.So relax a little and get ready to sleep well.Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, a burst of eager drums cut through the night, resounding through the entire border camp, shattering the dreams of the soldiers.

Amidst the scolding, the soldiers again dressed up and quickly assembled to the school field full of stomachs.

Tai Qigang looked extremely serious.The scout who had been monitoring the movements of the barbarians hurriedly reported that they had found the whereabouts of about 30,000 barbarians, and that the black and heavy men were heading toward Muyang City.

It seems that this time is coming for real!

As soon as Tai Qi ordered the right army to meet the enemy, the 40,000 horses of the right army were immediately ready to go.The 10,000 horses of the Qianfeng Battalion took the lead with three replacement horses on the road, and the remaining 30,000 infantry followed with heavy food and grass.

Shen Yanbei always felt a little strange as he watched the mighty army leave the barracks.

The barbarians have been teasing them before, so why are they so honest and face-to-face with them this time as if they were transgender?

When dawn was about to dawn, another scout came back to report that a barbarian cavalry was found near Xilian Town, north of the wasteland, with a number of about 20,000.The number of soldiers guarding Xilian Town was less than 10,000, and it was impossible to resist the barbarian cavalry's attack. Tai Qigang asked the Chinese army to send 30,000 horses to rescue immediately.But the Chinese army had just left the camp, when the scout flew down to report and said that he found a tens of thousands of barbarians wandering near Pingcheng.

The barbarians are going to war on three sides?Tai Qi just twisted his eyebrows.There are now a total of 120,000 horses in the Changyong Pass Camp, of which more than 30,000 are recruits. Excluding the enemy soldiers who may appear to guard Changyong Pass and the Guyang Pass in the west, less than 90,000 can be used.

Fighting the enemy in the wilderness is not like fighting a defensive battle. The enemy is especially the barbarian cavalry who are good at cavalry and shooting. The soldiers sent by Daqi, including cavalry and infantry, must at least be more than the enemy to ensure undefeated.The right army and the Chinese army ran out of 60,000 horses, and Tai Qi had to ask Gu Changfeng as the chief general and an experienced general as the lieutenant to lead 20,000 recruits to intercept, and the remaining new army officers and the left army guarded the army together. camp.

Gu Changfeng took the order and set off with troops.

More than half of the people left in the noisy camp, and the whole camp fell into a strange and deserted atmosphere.Looking at the gray sky, Shen Yanbei always felt that he was not at ease, so he went to the main account to see the generals and analyze the military situation.

In the main account, Tai Qigang, the military division and others looked at the border map, their faces ugly.This barbarian didn't know what he was going crazy, he had only tried to make a fuss before, and suddenly came to amplify his moves.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, but what's wrong in the end?

The barbarian cavalry appeared in the vicinity of Muyang City and Xilian Town so quickly, surely they didn't bring heavy objects such as luggage, and lightly cavalized.But they have a total of 40,000 horses, plus the replacement horses, which consumes a lot of them along the way. How can there be so many supplies?

If it takes a long time to take down Muyang City and Xilian Town, these 40,000 cavalry will soon be exhausted, so why are the barbarians so confident?

Could it be possible that they also have some weapons of siege?

Shen Yanbei did not participate in the discussion, but stared at the map to study, and by the way came an empathy.

The barbarians covet the richness of Daqi and have always wanted to go south.If I were a barbarian, where would I have to break through the defense line of the Daqi barracks to make the most profit for our army?

The barbarians are all cavalry, and the men and horses must eat and drink. There must be grass and water. The barbarians live in the grassland for generations and will not choose mountains and rivers.

Shen Yanbei's gaze fell on the map, and he quickly found the location of the nearest grassland-the Great Plain of Hanoi, Tiandu County.Looking closer, Guyang Pass on the border borders Tiandu County...

Shen Yanbei's eyes fell on Gu Yang, and his eyebrows jumped sharply.If the barbarian cavalry breaks into the Great Plains of Hanoi, it is equivalent to entering the hinterland of Daqi. If you cross the Great Plains of Hanoi, you will reach Liangzhou and you will be close to Yongjing!

The camp now has less than 30,000 horses. If the barbarian cavalry led an army to attack Guyang Pass at this time, they would not be able to stop it!

Although it was absurd, Shen Yanbei still expressed his thoughts.

"Impossible, it is impossible for barbarians to come out!" A general immediately denied this speculation.Just like they want to leave some troops to guard the rear, it is impossible for barbarians to suppress all their troops.

The military division frowned, and the generals in the account also discussed in a low voice.

On the basis of leaving enough manpower to defend the rear, the barbarians will have at least 30,000 horses to win the Guyang Pass. However, the barbarians are sparsely populated, and the number of cavalry is estimated to be less than 100,000. Sixty thousand cavalry have been sent. Thirty thousand cavalry attacked, so this guess is still not true.

"In order to prevent barbarians from sneaking attacks, strengthen camp patrols, everyone is on guard. Let the scouts pay attention to whether there are suspicious people near Guyang Pass." Tai Qi just rubbed his painful temple.

The generals led their orders to retreat, but the military commander stopped Shen Yanbei: "Master Shen, please stay."

"Why does Master Shen think that way?"

Shen Yanbei said embarrassedly: "Before the barbarians always used mystery, but now they send troops upright. I just want us to know that they are sending troops to attack the town, so I am worried about fraud."

Hearing this, the military commander and Tai Qigang looked at each other. Tai Qigang's face suddenly tightened, and he said solemnly, "This statement is reasonable."

"Maybe it's just that I think too much." Shen Yanbei smiled.

After leaving the main tent, the cold wind passed, and a few snowflakes trembled from the sky.


Shen Yanbei spread out his palms, and a snowflake fell and turned into wet water in the blink of an eye.

Snow fluttering, making the whole world on the border look solemn and cold.

A group of fast-paced people rushed to Pingcheng amidst the blooming snow, and arrived at their destination the next evening.The guarding generals opened the gate to greet him. Gu Changfeng did not enter the city, but instead stationed outside the city with 20,000 horses.After a little rest and rectification, he took five thousand men and horses to search for the barbarian cavalry.

When the barbarian cavalry was spotted, everyone saw a black man and horse galloping on the wasteland from a distance, dusting the sky and covering the sun.

The recruits clenched their guns and were ready for a fierce battle, but Gu Changfeng frowned when he looked at the barbarian cavalry galloping across the wasteland.

"No, there are so many horses with people, but the sound of running is not as loud as our five thousand horses." He has a deep inner strength and is more sensitive to sounds. The noise made by this ten thousand horses made him feel uncomfortable.

The veteran General Chen was taken aback when he said this.

The other party looked at the large number of people, and the momentum was menacing, but the momentum looked spectacular, and the horseshoes produced by the running were not a sensation.

what happened?

"I'll take a team of men and horses over to take a look, and the others will wait for General Chen to give orders." Gu Changfeng is holding a pouch in his hand, preparing to lead a thousand cavalry to check the reality.

"You can't do it!" General Chen was shocked. "What if you get surrounded by the enemy?"

"It's okay, I'm waiting for my own way of liberation." Gu Changfeng rushed out first.

General Chen hurriedly summoned recruits to pay close attention to the battle situation, and immediately rescued him when Changfeng had difficulty.

But Gu Changfeng led a thousand people to kill, and the leading barbarian cavalry found that Gu Changfeng did not attack directly, but fled in a panic expression!

Gu Changfeng was even more sure of his guesses, and rushed over and shot a barbarian cavalry down——

General Chen stared at the barbarian cavalry in disbelief, no, not a cavalry, but a scarecrow wearing a barbarian cavalry!

what's the situation?General Chen couldn't think about it too much, and the commander immediately intercepted and killed the barbarian cavalry.

Gu Changfeng's face was pale.The barbarian cavalry, except for the real person in the outer circle, all sitting on the horse are fixed dummies wearing barbarian cavalry clothes, and there are no 10,000 people in this team!

The barbarian tied the branches behind the horse's tail, and the branches dragged long on the ground. When more than 3,000 old horses ran up, they dragged the dust, and it looked like yellow sand was rolling and aggressive.

That's right, this is just a counterfeit army composed of more than 3,000 old horses that have been eliminated!

They were cheated!

Gu Changfeng was frightened in his heart, hurriedly turned his horse's head, and roared: "Back to camp! Back to camp quickly!"

They have been trapped by the enemy, and the enemy is trying to turn the tiger away from the mountain and slam the enemy!