Zhutian Animation: Wu Ji

The Ultimate Martial Art of Anime Chapter 71

Upon seeing this, the heavenly master immediately snorted.

Li Jie immediately closed his mouth when he heard the voice of the celestial master, relying on the will of the martial artist to stand up for the severe pain.

In just a few minutes, Li Jie felt as if several years had passed. The sharp pain was really inhuman, and the cold sweat on his head was like rain.

"You little guy, can't stand this pain?"

Seeing Li Jie's state, the heavenly master said in a mocking tone.

"Master, do you find someone else to try? If they can hold it without yelling, I will write Li Jie backwards!"

Li Jie said uncomfortably upon hearing this.

"Oh? Really? At first, Lingyu didn't make a sound. I remember he was only fifteen."

The old master said with a smirk.

Li Jie, who said this, had no temper at all. He carried it when he was fifteen years old. He was embarrassed to scream, so he gave God a hygienic eye and said: "Master, stop making trouble, you Why are you here?"

"Nonsense! If I don't come anymore, the human being will come. Why did you say I came?"

The celestial master gave Li Jie a sanitary eye.


Li Jie looked at the dim sky, smiled dryly, and then forcibly argued: "I haven't rested yet! And it's not dark yet, Quan Xing probably won't take action so early."

"The old and lazy wrangling with you, I'm about to give Chu Lan a celestial master's treatment, then I won't have time to talk to you, your current injury should be almost healed, and I have left something for you, but you have to remember Live, as a last resort, don't touch the things in your dantian, you can say nothing, go quickly!"

After speaking, the body of the old master flashed and disappeared.

Li Jie was stunned when he heard what the heavenly master said, and then felt his dantian for a while, wondering what exactly the heavenly master left in his dantian.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at the result. At first glance, Li Jie’s eyeballs almost didn’t come out. There was a golden ball floating in the middle of his dantian strength, just like the golden pill in the fairy tale novel, and Li Jie could feel that. There is no doubt about the majestic energy in the sphere. Once this energy erupts, Li Jie will have to peel off his skin without dying.

"Master, master, you are a scam!"

Li Jie couldn't help feeling desperate when looking at his dantian, but Li Jie soon adjusted his mentality. It seemed that the power was quite stable, and it was estimated that as long as he touched it involuntarily, no accidents would happen.


Although Li Jie's heart was full of complaints, what else could he do if the celestial master was gone?After sighing helplessly, Li Jie directly left the ward with a flash step and ran towards the residence of the old man in Jinzhong.

Because the sky was already dim, and Li Jie kept using instant steps to drive the road, no one could find him, and he soon came to the residence of the old man in Jinzhong.

It is quite remote here, almost in the corner of Longhu Mountain. It may be the old man Xijing in Jinzhong, so there is almost no one here except for two children who are serving the celestial master. Li Jie vaguely remembers one of them. The little boy with freckles is called Xiao Yu,

Li Jie had just concealed his figure, Rong Shan also came to the old man's residence, he bowed deeply to the old man, and walked into the house.

Li Jie hid in the canopy not far away and did not dare to move. Although he had not fought against Rong Shan, judging from the strength that Rong Shan displayed at the beginning, Li Jie was a little bit strange, and I am afraid that he would be caught immediately. He found.

As time passed by, the sky was completely dark, and the moon hung high. Li Jie looked at his mobile phone. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and it was also at this time that an abnormal change occurred.


As a deafening explosion sounded, Li Jie looked back and found that there was a sudden fire on Longhu Mountain, and many figures were flying in the air.

Seeing this, Li Jie couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and said inwardly: "This time there are a lot of whole-sex people, is it possible to overthrow Longhushan?"

However, Li Jie quickly threw out this idea, just as a joke, there is a heavenly master sitting in town, how can more people come?It's just a food delivery.

Li Jie suppressed his curiosity and didn’t look at the defense line of Longhu Mountain. If it’s true that, as the heavenly master said, those wholehearted guys would take the opportunity to make trouble, then they won’t be far away, and Li Jie fights. Enthusiastically, looking at the courtyard of the old man in Jinzhong, I was afraid that something would go wrong.

However, at this moment, Rongshan suddenly rushed out excitedly, rushing all the way towards the place where the flames were exposed.

Li Jie's face immediately changed when he saw this, he quickly used a quick step to chase Rongshan in the opposite direction.

Fortunately, the instant step was strong, and within two minutes, Li Jie caught up with the fast-running Rongshan.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

Li Jie stopped in front of Rong Shan and said.

However, when Rongshan saw Li Jie, his face suddenly sank, and his tone was somewhat majestic: "You guy! Why are you here? Why don't you help me when Longhushan is attacked?"

Li Jie shook his head helplessly when he heard the words: "Brother Rongshan, it's not that I didn't help, but that the master gave orders. He asked me to look after you and Senior Uncle Jinzhong, and the master asked you to look after Senior Uncle Jinzhong for fear of you suddenly. Leave, so let me stand by secretly."

Hearing the words of understanding, Rong Shan's expression changed, and he spoke in embarrassment: "Uncle Jinzhong is so remote here, it is impossible for those all-sex monsters to come over, and you have also seen the appearance on Longhu Mountain, you How can I stay quietly with Master Jinzhong? Or you can watch for me, and I will come back after packing up the complete demon.

"Brother Rongshan, things are not that simple. There is news from Elder Lu that it is very possible that one of the targets of these all-sex demon will be Senior Uncle Jinzhong, so the master will let you guard and let me guard secretly. If there is anything wrong with Senior Uncle Jinzhong, neither of you nor I can bear it. Senior Brother Rongshan, let us go back quickly. Don't really have anything wrong!"

Rong Shan heard that Li Jie had said so, so he couldn't say anything more, and both nodded and walked back quickly.


Just as Li Jie and Rong Shan returned to the yard of the old man in Jinzhong, they suddenly heard the conversation of the boy in the old man's room.

"What to do? Those full-sex demon will not really ruin the Heavenly Master's Mansion, right? I'm so scared!"

"No! They don't have this ability, nor do they intend to ruin the Heavenly Master's Mansion."

At this time, the old man Jinzhong suddenly said: "Xiao Yu, although I don't know what their purpose is, but you said that they didn't have this plan, it's not necessarily, you don't know this group of people..."

Before Elder Jinzhong finished speaking, one of the boys directly knocked the other boy out with a punch.

"Kohanko! You!?"

The old man Jinzhong made an unbelievable voice. Although Li Jie couldn't see the old man Jinzhong, he could feel it through his tone. The old man must be surprised and angry at this time.

"Of course I know that when I was down the mountain, I told them that I would destroy it, and try my best to destroy irrelevant places. After all, I have been on the mountain for three years and have feelings."

Speaking of that, the little Taoist gave a deep salute to the old man in Jinzhong, and then said, "Gong Qing, the head of the all-sex generation, has seen Mr. Tian!"

As soon as he said this, not only Mr. Tian inside the house was dumbfounded, but also Rongshan and Li Jie who stood outside the wall were dumbfounded.

What does this mean?It was exactly the same as when Huaxia and the Wa country were opposed, and it turned out that the uncle of the Huaxia government was the emperor of the Wa country. Isn’t Nima bullshit!

Li Jie and Rong Shan looked at each other. Li Jie’s eyes were full of shock, while Rong Shan’s eyes were full of joy. If it weren’t for Li Jie to bring him back in time, it’s estimated that Mr. Tian would be really bad today. As for that It's really a joke that a whole-sex person will let Tian Lao go.

At the same time, Li Jie noticed that a person suddenly walked out of the water tank outside the house, and this person was not someone else. It was the first full-sex middleman Li Jie had seen, Lu Liang!

"Not so! Don't you think you know the all-sex demon well? The all-sex leader is interested. To be a boy on your Longhu Mountain for a few years, does it mean something surprised?"

Gong Qing's voice came again.

"you you!"

At this time, the old man in Jinzhong was already a little shocked and speechless, just kept saying "you"