Zhutian Animation: Wu Ji

The Ultimate Martial Art of Anime Chapter 147

McGee's voice came from a distance, and then the two guns in his hand directly wrapped a layer of armed domineering.

"Multiple headshots!"

McGee yelled, and five consecutive bullets were fired from his pistol. The speed of the bullets rose by a large amount, and the force became stronger.

"Shantou! Bengquan!"

Naturally, Li Jie would not be so stupid to pick up those bullets with his body, and after avoiding the first bullet dangerously and dangerously, Li Jie directly came to McGee with an instant step, and hit McGee’s head with a broken fist. Past.


However, McGee's reaction was equally fast, and this guy directly crossed the two guns in his hand to block Li Jie's punch.

Li Jie is quite different from this. He didn’t expect the guns to be able to play like McGee, and the materials of the guns are also quite good. You must know that with Li Jie’s current power, ordinary steel punches will be scrapped .

### Chapter 43 Weird Reward###

McGee was able to withstand Li Jie's fist abruptly, which was enough to prove his strength, but the force of the fist collapsed directly into his chest through the double spears.



A sound of golden and iron humming sounded, McGee let out a muffled grunt, and blood slowly flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"Quick kick!"

McGee's left leg turned into an afterimage, and it kicked Li Jie's chest fiercely, but due to the overlord body armor, McGee did not kick Li Jie, but he still relied on the counter shock. Opened a distance with Li Jie.

Naturally, Li Jie couldn't let McGee leave so easily. With a flashing start, Li Jie rushed directly to McGee's side, and hit him with an iron mountain.


McGee was hit by Li Jie and almost couldn’t take care of himself. His eyes were a little pale, but this guy soon recovered. He kept pulling the trigger at Li Jie in mid-air, and the bullet was directed towards Li like a tide. Jie strikes.

Because the bullets were all wrapped in armed domineering, Li Jie did not resist, and avoided the attack of these bullets.

Through the fight just now, Li Jie can be sure that this McGee's physical fitness is average, so he definitely has defensive clothing similar to a bulletproof vest, otherwise he would definitely not only be slightly injured in the face of his own attack.

"Oh my God! Am I blind?"

"Master Maggie let such a kid be pressed and beaten?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Don't you want to live anymore?"

"Wait! This kid is not a nameless man! He is Thunder Fist Li Jie who offers a reward of 120 million yuan!"

"What about 120 million! Lord McGee has defeated 170 million monsters!"

"No! Just wait for this kid to become a hornet's nest!"


Seeing the fight just now, the surrounding people eating melons were all stupid, and many people also breathed out fragrance at Li Jie.

"Boy! I must kill you! Random shots!"

McGee glared at Li Jie's gritted teeth, and then his hands turned into shadows. Countless bullets were fired from his muzzle. Soon his muzzle became red, and Qingyan slowly rose from the muzzle.

Seeing the bullets blasting towards him, Li Jie couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was also random shooting. Maggie's random shooting hit rate was only 30%, and McGee's hit rate was as high as 90%!

"Read the gas mask!"

Faced with so many bullets, Li Jie did not dare to be big. Although it is unlikely to become a hornet's nest, it is still possible to become a pockmarked face. Li Jie does not want to be disfigured!

"Boom boom boom~"

Countless bullets fell on Li Jie's rising Nianqi hood, making some weird noises, as if someone was knocking on the door.

Soon the sound of bullets stopped. Li Jie’s surroundings were densely packed with bullets. To be honest, Li Jie was very suspicious. Where did McGee get so many bullets, he couldn’t give Usopp like him. The storm revolver is like an infinite bullet?

Li Jie really guessed this point. McGee’s double guns are really infinite bullets, but unlike the storm pistol, McGee’s double guns "eat" the existence of the devil fruit, so they have unlimited bullets. This ability.

Just firing so many bullets in one breath, McGee is also quite uncomfortable. Infinite bullets are not without cost, it consumes McGee's physical strength.


McGee was breathing heavily, his dark green face turned pale green.

"Flash step! Knee!"

Naturally, Li Jie couldn't watch McGee regain his strength. He instantly appeared in front of McGee, kicking his knees towards McGee's head fiercely.

"Super multi-headshot!"

Facing Li Jie's attack, McGee flashed a cruel look in his eyes. He instantly raised the pistol and fired more than ten shots at Li Jie's chest.

At such a close distance, Li Jie was naturally unable to dodge, even with instant step.


Li Jie's knee slammed into Maggie's head abruptly and shot him out, hitting him heavily on the wall.

At the same time, Maggie's bullets were also inlaid on Li Jie's chest. Although they didn't go in completely, they also went in nearly half.

Li Jie ninja was in pain and pulled out the bullets in his chest one by one. Then he took out a bottle of Chopper's medicine from his inventory, and he was stuffy.

Chopper's medicine is still very powerful. Within a few seconds, the dozen or so blood holes on Li Jie's chest were restored to the original state, and there were no scars left.

Compared to Li Jie, McGee was much more miserable. His head was visibly sunken in a large area, his face was purple, and the blood continued to flow down his seven orifices.

"Let... let me go."

McGee lay weakly in the ruins, begging for mercy to Li Jie who was constantly approaching.


Naturally, Li Jie would not let him go. The Thought Cannon slowly rose from his hand, and then directly pressed on Maggie's body and kicked him into the air with one kick.


McGee turned into a bloody firework in mid-air, and at the same time, Li Jie's ear sounded a system alert.

Ding!Kill the Wandering Gunner McGee]

[Acquired experience: 80,000]

[Reward: 10 million Baileys]