Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 0240 is saddened

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Within the eleventh, the cuisine protection wall, Liu Dongfeng and Wang Zhi Zhi woke up in the morning, and started to have breakfast together.

In this closed space, there is only ten people, and Wang Yuzhi is the only woman here.

Three big brick houses, there are seven or eight rooms, so you don't have to compete for Wang Yu Zhi and Liu Dongfeng, I have won a room, and I haven't worried my lungs, I have slept in it, I still have to do it in the evening. Interaction between husband and wife.

After eating, Wang Yizhi is lying in bed on Liu Dongfeng: "Do you say that Qin Laozhu will there?"

Liu Dongfeng is a relaxed way: "Nothing!

We all fled into this stone box. Do you say that Qin Laoges can there? "

Wang Yuzhi said with a mouth: "Hey, it is not my machine, watching it is too chaotic, holding you, jumping in!"

Liu Dongfeng is very uncomfortable: "Oh, you can!"

You are a variant, you are cow!

Wang Yuzhi heard Liu Dongfeng's tone very acid, hurried from the bed, and Liu Dongfeng spoiled.

At this time, knocking on the door outside the door.

Liu Dongfeng walked through the door, and a thin little man stood in front of the door, and his face took a smile: "Two good, my name is Ge Mingdong, you got up?"

Liu Dongfeng wore a slightly frown: "Do you have anything?"

Ge Ming East Road: "Ah, this is the case, we plan to open a meeting in the yard, and now we are trapped, and it is often in the end of the world, and the trapped people must live together. But everyone is not very understanding, this will have a little inconvenience, so I hope that you can come together, everyone introduces yourself, how do you see? "

Liu Dongfeng nodded, and he felt really concise, and asked the current situation, I still don't know when I can escape!

So Liu Dongfeng and Wang Zhi, walked to the door.

Liu Dongfeng walked in front of the front side, Wang Yuzhi followed the body of Liu Dongfeng, the person called Ge Mingdong was originally before they were in the two, but when they arrived in the courtyard, he suddenly lowered to the lace.

Liu Dongfeng and Wang Yu Zhi did not use his little action, continue to move forward, because the other seven men in the frontier bed, already standing there.

Just when Wang Yuzhi passed the side of Ge Mingdong, Ge Mingdong suddenly stopped quickly, then took a pistol from his arms, then put the muzzle in the heart of Wang Yuzhi, slap the trigger!

Three sons after the triple gun lame.

All from Wang Yuzhi's heart, shooting her heart!

This kind of damage is very huge for variants!

Wang Yuzhi directly fell to the ground, sweating on the forehead, the tears of the pain, couldn't say it!

Liu Dongfeng walking in front of the front side heard the gun ring immediately, but he was hit by Ge Ming East with a gun handle on his head, breaking his head broken.

Liu Dongfeng dizzy fell, then quickly crawled forward, put Wang Yu Zhi into his arms: "Wife!

How is your wife you? "

After that, he looked up again and angry to the Ge Ming East Road: "What do you want?"

At this time, the other seven men came over, and Ge Mingdong looked at Wang Yuzhi in the ground, smiled slightly, and he didn't pay attention to Liu Dongfeng, but to other people: "How, the three shots are concentrated in the heart and not dead!

am I right? This woman is really a variety of variants!

Other people have different expressions, some shock, some are fortunate, but some are eyeballs, it seems to be very complicated.

Ge Mingdong moved his attention to Liu Dongfeng's body: "Brothers!

When I entered this closed space, I saw your wife, that is, this woman is holding you!

So I know that she should be a variant!

Sorry, we can't let the variable people live!

We have seen it in the flyers of the Tibetan government!

Various people will eat people!

So for everyone to live a few days, I can only start to kill her!

Fortunately, you are very stupid, let me sneak over!

After that, he lifted the gun in his hand, aimed at Wang Zhi's head.

When Wang Yuzhi, his face had no blood, she immediately fainted.

Liu Dongfeng shouted anxiously: "Wife!

Are you OK? "

Then, he saw that Ge Mingdong wanted to shoot Wang Yuzhi to kill Wang Zhi, hurriedly use his body, and greet the guns of Ge Mingdong shouted: "Your garbage, I will fight with you!"

Ge Mingdong did not hesitate, rapidly pulling the trigger, "Hey!

Two gunshots.

Liu Dongfeng's body trembled, is over? Have yourself hit it yourself? Do you want to die? And next moment, he suddenly found in his body, a wide back appearance.

Liu Dongfeng was stunned for a while, and he cried and cried: "Boss!

Qin An didn't look back, but the Liu Dongfeng said: "Lao Liu!

I quickly insert my hand into the body of Wang Yuzhi, as long as I took the child.

I will go out, she is nothing, or she will be in a weak state for several days!

Liu Dongfeng hurriedly wiped his tears, then turned to pick Wang Zhi Zhi.

He took out a short knife from his body, and his hands were shaking from the wound behind Wang Yuzhi, slowly cut the flesh of Wang Yizhi back, and try to take the bullet!

Qin An is coming is time, he holds his mysterious sword in front of him, and two children.

I have all the top of the Xuan Tian's heavy sword and then fly.

Ge Mingdong is already screaming. He and other seven men returned backwards, then put the body on the wall.

It's too unexpected. How did this man suddenly appear? Is he not a ghost? Ge Mingdong has begun to think about it.

Qin An 's eyes were tightly locked the man who shot Wang Yuzhi, and the brow wrinkled.

Ge Mingdong is a smart person. Otherwise, he can't want to kill Wang Yuzhi. He sees Qinan looked at him, try to keep his heart calm, do not pay attention to why Qin An will suddenly appear, say: "Brothers !

I am also for self-insurance!

That woman is a variant, waiting until our food is eating light, she will have to eat us!

It is very big, you can get a big appearance!

You must also understand the variants? Have you seen the Tibetan government's flyers? It's said above, the variants will eat people!

Qin An did not speak, because he considers a problem in his heart!

This thin little man is not necessarily a bad guy, because his approach is as he said, it is for self-insurance!

However, his self-motivated behavior is a little bit to make your own team of people, and have caused Wang Yuzhi seriously injured.

So what should I do at this time? Let him pay attention to him, or revenge for Wang Yuzhi? Qin An is some hesitation.

So he didn't speak, nor did it.

It is about two or three minutes, Qin An is returned to Liu Dongfeng Road: "How is old Liu?"

Liu Dongfeng is somewhat nervous, so panting, replied: "Fortunately!

I have taken two bullets, and I can't find it!

Qin An was soothing after hearing, at this time, Wang Yuzhi's tone trembled, the weak crying: "Husband, I hurt!"

I seem to hear the voice of Qin Lao, is he coming? I am stupid, I am a variety of variants, but I'm going to be done by ordinary people!

Ah, hurt!


Qin An's heart suddenly hurt!

The memory of the fragment flashed in the heart.

From the first time, I heard Wang Yuzhi and Liu Dongfeng's dialogue. After they were actually the relationship between the stealing, Qin An has always had some biased, so he is almost have no exchange with Wang Yuzhi.

And this woman used action, and once again showed her cute and kind side.

So at this moment, she was hurt because of her negligence.

Previously, Qin An was obedient in the case of simultaneous decentralization, so it did not pay attention to the situation of Wang Yuzhi, which caused her to be injured!

They are all my hearts, Qin An deep blame!

Then he looked at Ge Mingdong, and Ge Mingdong looked at Qin An.

Qin An opening said: "You just said, because I know that she is a variant, I am afraid that she has threatened you, so I have to kill her?"

Ge Mingdong nodded, and then felt that he would want to shook his head.

Qin An said immediately after he nodded: "You are right!

I agree with your opinion!

Unfortunately, she is my person!

So now you have caused dangerous to her life, so according to your theory, I can't stay you!

Even if you are a good person!

After saying, he is noticeable if it is refuteed, and directly waves the sword directly, cutting the head of Ge Mingdong!

The hand of Ge Mingdong has been lifted, but it is not too late to shoot Qin An, because Qin An is transferred to him.

In addition, seven men saw this man with a big sword, killing so fierce, suddenly sorry, hurriedly: "Big Brother!

No matter what we!

It is completely my own idea of ​​Ge Mingdong, and he is doing that!

I hope you don't kill innocent!

Qin An is slightly smashed, looking to a few people: "Just now, what is the man?"

The seven people have been shocked by the momentum of Qin'an killed. More importantly, Qin An suddenly appeared in their perspective, it is really surprised, and people are fearful.

So they hurriedly and replied: "His name is Ge Mingdong!

Qin'an mouth smiled slightly, then asked again: "So there is no child in his family?"

Seven people are only slightly stunned. I don't know why Qin An suddenly asked this question. I hurriedly said: "No, he has not been married before the end!

They are robbed, and even someone added some Gamadong's life experience. It is obviously to try Qin An.

Qin An snorted, then said: "If you follow the theory of Ge Mingdong, you will kill yourself, I think you should die at this time!

Because you are obviously very familiar with Ge Mingdong, then his accomplices, you said, should I kill you all people? "

The seven people were completely shocked. This reacted why Qin An will suddenly ask if they have children in Mingdong.

Everyone is annoyed, how can they become silly? Perhaps just because Qin An's killing momentum, let them be too nervous? Qin An did not wait for them to have a movement and expression, and the opening said: "Stand up soon!"

Then enter that room within 30 seconds, I will lock you, if someone dares to resist, or if there is no entered the house within 30 seconds, I will never be in love!

In the chaos of the world, Qin An is really do not want to kill people. After all, these people have no guilty, but at this time, he doesn't have time to waste the tongue, or to investigate their good and evil!

Because other enclosed spaces, there are some situations that require him to deal with.

Seven people did not seem to rebellion, because Qin An appeared too strange, it was difficult to see how powerful strength in Qin An, so they quickly stood up, then ran into the house of Qin An fingers.

After they entered, Qin An will hang the room lock on the door directly locked, and went around the house. After checking the windows, seeing the windows outside the window, there is a metal anti-theft guardrail, so rest assured returning to the front small court, walk Going to Liu Dongfeng asked Wang Zhi, "How?"

Li Dongfeng wiped the sweat on the forehead: "Okay, the shell is taken out, the wound is also self-repairing, she seems to be too painful, dizzy!"

Well wake up for a while? "

Qin An nodded, took the shoulders of Liu Dongfeng, then said: "I will go to other places first. If there is anything, you will shout my name, I will hear it!"

Liu Dongfeng is slightly smashed, repeated: "Go to other places? How to go?"

Qin An Road: "You don't remember Li Qingqing's wall transient!

Liu Dongfeng nodded, Qin'an said: "I will use it too!"

Liu Dongfeng shocked Zhang Danedi, and Qinan's figure has suddenly disappeared!

However, when Qin An's figure appeared in the closed space of Liu Dongfeng, his body suddenly shock, and then his face was pale!