Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 5

Ah...oh, Monkey King asked again what he shouldn't ask.I was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

It's all right, it's all in the past, and it's better now.You don't care.Long Tianxiang said indifferently.

Okay, husband, let's go to Kalinta, and then go to the temple, I'm going to see what the god is like.Boomer urged.

Good to go, before Monkey King hadn't reacted, Long Tianxiang hugged Bouma, grabbed Monkey King, and teleported to Kalin Tower.Looking around, Monkey King was shocked to speak, too powerful, is this the strength of Big Brother Long.

The cat fairy was standing next to the tower, and the three of Long Tianxiang who suddenly appeared were startled, silently, and suddenly appeared beside it, wondering how high the opponent's strength was.

Ah, it's Wukong, you scared me to death.At the same time, he looked at Long Tianxiang and Buma.It was discovered that Long Tianxiang's strength was bottomless, and it was impossible to find out.And Bouma's strength was as high as that of Monkey King.Looking at these two young people, the cat fairy felt a stormy sea.

Who are you, is there anything going on here?The cat fairy asked carefully.

It's okay, just come to have fun and ask you some fairy beans by the way.Long Tianxiang said amusedly as the cat fairy looked wary.

Oh, yes, wait.The cat fairy put down his vigilance and went to Xiandou.

Chapter 12 Spiritual Time House

Long Tianxiang took the fairy beans from the cat fairy and took Buma and Monkey King to the temple.The cat fairy gave Long Tianxiang about 300 fairy beans. It is estimated that it has hollowed out the family.

In the temple, God and Bobo were talking, and suddenly three people appeared in the center of the temple. They appeared silently and God did not notice.Immediately looked at the three of them vigilantly.The breath of Wukong and Buma was concealed by Long Tianxiang.

Long Tianxiang didn't speak, but Wukong saw the god and immediately shouted: Big Devil Bick, you are not dead?Why are you here?He said he was about to rush forward, Long Tianxiang grabbed Wukong and said: That's not Piccolo, that's the god of the earth.

what?How could this happen, how could he look the same as Bick.Wukong asked suspiciously.

It's very simple, because God and Piccolo were originally the same.Long Tianxiang gave Wukong an explanation.

what?Brother Long, didn't you just say that he is a god or not Piccolo?Why did they become one person again?Monkey King was even more puzzled.

Because they used to be the same person, suddenly one day, that person had evil thoughts, and good and evil couldn't coexist. In the end, the evil thoughts split out of the body, and they became the Big Devil.Shannian is this god.Am I right?Earth god.

You...who are you?How do you know these things.I haven't told anyone.Asked loudly, excitedly.

I also know that you are not from Earth, but from Namek.As for why it came to Earth, I don’t know.Long Tianxiang continued.

what?I am a Namek, am I not an earthling?I have always wondered why I am different from the people on Earth. It turns out that I am a Namek.God murmured.

Okay, let's not talk about this. We are here to use the Spiritual Time House here.Long Tianxiang said straightforwardly.

Okay, use it, I will take you there.

When the three of Long Tianxiang arrived at the Spiritual Time House, the first three of them couldn't enter, and they were restrained.Long Tianxiang stretched out his hand to point out the sword and sent out a sword gas to break the knot, and walked in with Bouma and Wukong.

The Spiritual Time House is indeed a holy place for cultivation, and the cultivation speed in it is very fast, especially the progress of Wukong and Buma.When the two of them spent almost half of their time in the Spiritual Time House, they were both promoted to innate warriors.

Long Tianxiang specially conducted strict training on Monkey King.Every time, he repaired Wukong's bruises all over his body, and then a fairy bean went down, and then he continued training.After training, Wukong has to guide Bouma to practice, and at the same time find time to cultivate with Bouma.His own cultivation didn't slow down either.

Long Tianxiang also reported Wukong and Bouma's teleportation and a sword technique.Due to the short time, the two cannot use it smoothly.

At noon the next day, the three of them walked out of the Spiritual Time Room. Shen and Bobo looked at the three, especially Bouma and Wukong.Wukong's clothes are in tatters, but his aura is fierce, that is because Wukong can't control his power well.Boomer is also super powerful.Looks arrogant, holy and inviolable.

Wukong is now the pinnacle of the innate and lower ranks.Boomer is born intermediate.Long Tianxiang himself is the fourth rank post.About to break through the peak.

Long Tianxiang took Buma and Wukong farewell to God and left.

Long Tianxiang left Monkey King halfway and told him to cultivate well, so he took Bouma away.This time they are going to the Flame Mountain of the Bull Demon King.

Long Tianxiang took Bouma to play all the way, heading for the Flame Mountain.

Husband, what's the matter for you going to Flame Mountain this time?There should be nothing there?Boomer said curiously.

Ah...oh...that, it's nothing, just go and see, the name Bull Demon sounds pretty domineering.Long Tianxiang said haha.

You don't know how to lie, you blush when you panic.Are you going to see the daughter of the Cow Devil? I heard that the Cow Devil has a beautiful daughter.Husband, tell the truth, are you...

Ah, that one, I just went to have a look, haha, just have a look.

You, what are you afraid of, I am not angry, I really can't satisfy you alone, I also want to find a sister to share it.Although I feel a little uncomfortable, I will not stop you, but the premise must be that people like you.And in the future, you can't be partial. If you have the new and forget the old, you must love me well.Bouma said with red eyes.

You, Bouma, I, I, we are not going, I will never look for other women anymore, I will be satisfied with you.Long Tianxiang said guiltily.

Well, as long as you love me well in the future.Seeing how you are nervous about me, I know you love me very much.A man as good as you will surely be liked by many girls.Let's go, how can we go back when we are all here.Go and see how my future sister is.

Chapter 13

Long Tianxiang and Bu Ma came to Flame Mountain and found the home of the Bull Demon King.I saw a 14,5-year-old girl outside the Cow Devil’s house. She was very beautiful. She was in comparison with Bouma and was practicing martial arts.Long Tianxiang guessed whether this was Kiki, because Kiki grew up in anime, and this girl is more beautiful than Kiki who grew up in the anime.

Qiqi was practicing martial arts and suddenly found two people appeared in her yard. The woman was very beautiful, not worse than me, and that man was so handsome.No, I already have Goku, and I said that I will be a bride for him when he grows up.But Wukong definitely doesn't recognize me anymore, he forgot about me long ago.Oops, what am I thinking about.Qiqi thought to herself.

Who are you guys?Do you want to come to my house?Did you come to my dad to learn martial arts?My father is not at home, come in quickly.Qiqi said to Long Tianxiang and Bouma.

Why is it so simple, not as sturdy as in anime.Before asking who the other party is, invite the other person into the house.Long Tianxiang couldn't figure it out.

Then you don't ask what we are called, what are we doing?Are you afraid that we are bad guys?Long Tianxiang couldn't help but said.

Oh, what are your names?What are you doing here?Are you bad guys?Do you martial arts?I am very good.Kiki asked a few funny questions.

Sister, you are so innocent. We are here to find you. My name is Bu Ma and he is my husband Long Tianxiang.We can also martial arts.

Ah...he...he is your husband, Qiqi is a little disappointed.He quickly said: Are you looking for me?I don’t know you, do you really know martial arts?Kiki asked the question again.She seems to like to ask questions very much.

We are really here to find you.Our martial arts is amazing.

Then what are you looking for me for?Qiqi asked in doubt.

We are looking for you...oh...we are looking for you for a blind date.Boomer said something shocking.

Ah, blind date.... blind date.And me?Isn't he your husband?Besides, I... I... Kiki originally wanted to say that I already have someone to marry.But I can't say it.After all, when I was young, no one would take it seriously.Besides, if you don't mention Monkey King's single cell, he won't remember it.

What's wrong, can't he come on a blind date because he is my husband?I am not kidding.My husband doesn't know how to know you, he has a great affection for you, and I also want to really find a fraternity sister to serve my husband with me.how about it?Do you agree?Tell you, my husband is very good, and the others are also very good.If my husband is not too good and you are also very good, I would not find a woman for her husband.Know that no woman wants to share her husband with others.Boomer said with some confusion.

Oh...that...I...I...Qiqi glanced at Long Tianxiang secretly, shruggingly embarrassed.

Sister promise her sister, sister knows that you must also like my husband, right?My sister likes you too and doesn't want to find anyone anymore. I promised my sister that we will get along well together in the future, regardless of size or size.Take good care of your husband together, are you OK?Is Bouma kidnapping at all?

Oh... Then... Does he like me too?Will it be bad to me in the future?Qiqi asked carefully.

Don't worry, my husband likes you too, otherwise, why would he come here? How could he be bad to you? It's too late for him to love you. Besides, isn't there a sister for me?After we are together, if he treats us badly, we will teach him together.

Then...I...I.... I am willing, almost inaudible when I say the last three words.

Great, then we will be a family from now on.We will live in your house temporarily.First, cultivate relationships, and second, marry your husband when you get older.Third, you can let your husband guide you in practice.When your father comes back, we will discuss with him.

When it was getting dark, the Bull Demon King came back, listened to what happened, and finally inspected Long Tianxiang's martial arts. He was a man and agreed. The Bull Demon was very open.As long as the daughter is happy.Therefore, Long Tianxiang didn't make much effort, relying on Buma's help, and made a super beautiful wife.

Chapter 14 Three Years