Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 19

Are you ready, wife?I am going in.

Oh, fast forward.Ai Jia is ready.

Wife, don’t call my mourning family in front of my husband in the future, but say me, you know?

I know that... I will not call Laijia in front of my husband in the future.

Oh, goodbye, he suddenly raised his hips and sprinted, breaking through the obstacles, and entering a warm moisture.


Husband, I’m dying, I’m coming.

Don't let me go, I will teach you the exercises, and we will practice together later.


Ah, my husband, my strength has improved too much now.Even with the several warring States marshals of the navy, I have the confidence to defeat him.Hancock said excitedly.

Chapter 6 Are You My Mother

After last night's double cultivation base with Hancock, Long Tianxiang broke through to the peak of the late sixth round.With all the wives and Hancock, you can break through to the pinnacle level of Rank 6 within a month or two.Hancock is worthy of being a pure Yin physique.The help to Long Tianxiang is great.Hancock's strength has improved even more.It turns out that Hancock's level 3 strength has reached the top level.(Here is the division of the strength levels of Pirate World, which are classified in total, top level = yellow martial artist (super 1); level 1 = late congenital; level 2 = mid congenital; level 3 = early congenital; level 4 = late acquired; level 5 = Early post-acquisition; Level 6 = Late ordinary warrior; Level 7 = Early ordinary warrior; Level 1 has white beard, Karp, Warring States, Golden Lion, and Rayleigh. Level 2 has Red Dog, Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, Red Fa, Kaido, and the last of the four emperors. At level 3, there are Magellan, God *Anilu, Blackbeard, Hawkeye, Rob*Lucky, Diamond Joz, Empress, Sand Crocodile, Shenping, Don Quixote* and more Flamenco, Moria. Level 4 has Smogg, Luffy, Kidd, Luo, Ace, and the Monster King. Level 5 has Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters (except for the two old monsters), and after the 4th The white beard team leader, Captain Drake, Magic Hawkins, Roronoa Sauron, New World Pirate Captain, Brigadier General, Major General, Gabra, Kira, Big Stomach Girl, Mafia Capone* Becky, Perona, and Zombie Dragon Horse. The 6th level includes the navy headquarter officer, prison Tina, the careerist Hannibal, the female emperor’s subordinate giant snake sisters, the rest of CP9 (except the first three), Mr* 1. Abu Salom, a lion man, black beard helmsman, etc. Bucky the clown (the strength is only level 6, and the influence can be ranked at level 2 or above, and it feels like white beard). Level 7. I won't talk about it.

Hancock is also a super master now.Let's talk about the strength of other women.Bouma and Kiki are in the late yellow (Super 1) stage; all her girls are in the early yellow (Super 1) stage, except for Alice.Although Xiao Sihua's strength has reached the early stage of Super 1 (Yellow Level), he is unstable and only the congenital peak can perform normally.Even though Alice has no strength.

Long Tianxiang was very satisfied with Hancock's improvement.Now it's time to explain Hancock like wives.

On the second day, the guard at the door told Long Tianxiang to get up, but after a long time he didn't agree, he pushed the door in, but where did he come from?So immediately searched on the island.Did not find out, just report to Hancock's room.When he arrived at Hancock’s gate, he said: Lord Snake Ji, a man broke into the island yesterday and was monitored by us, but this morning he was found to be gone.Here is a report.

Okay, I get it now.Go down.By the way, you brought that man’s wives and children to me. Be polite and not neglect, you know?Hancock ordered.

Yes, Lord Snake Ji.

After a while, the guards brought the Buma girls to Hancock’s gate, Hancock greeted them in, and after the girls entered, they found that Long Tianxiang was still asleep in Hancock’s bed?How can I not know what happened.They all looked at Long Tianxiang angrily.

Seeing his father sleeping on Hancock’s bed, Xiao Sihua asked Hancock: Have you become my mother?

Oh?That, yeah, I am your mother too.Are you Xiao Sihua?It's so cute.Come, let Hancock's mother hug.Xiao Sihua went over to let Hancock pick it up.

When the girls saw Hancock admitted, they couldn't say anything.So they came forward to contact Hancock.

The girls asked Hancock how to be with Long Tianxiang, and Hancock said all the charges of Long Tianxiang last night.The girls heard that they love and hate Long Tianxiang.

And Hancock's words were also heard by Xiao Sihua.At a young age, Xiao Sihua was thinking that when he grew up, he must lie to girls like his father, even coaxing and threatening.In the future, you can marry as many wives as your father.Xiao Sihua had a dream for the first time, and it was a harem dream.If you let the girls know, I don't know how it feels.But if Long Tianxiang would definitely call it my son, he inherited the best of his father.Have my dad's demeanor.

And the girls didn't notice the change of Little Sihua at all.Still discussing Long Tianxiang's tricks to deceive girls.And Xiao Sihua is also constantly absorbing.......

Chapter 7 The Elf Reappears

After Long Tianxiang got up, he saw all his wives and Hancock chat together happily, and his heart suddenly became a lot easier. After the incident last night, he was still thinking about how to explain to the girls today. Now it seems that Hancock has helped him solve it. Up.

Yeah, my wife is here, when did you come?Why don't you wake me up?Long Tianxiang pretended.

Hmph, you are finally getting up, you guy found us a sister in this world just one day after he came to this world. I really don't know how many more sisters you will find for us in the future.Xiaoxia spoke first.

Oh, that...hehe...I...I'm hungry, you guys can find something to eat for your husband, and Long Tianxiang awkwardly changed the subject.

Yeah, you had a hard time last night.Xiao Yao said tastefully.

That's right, husband, you are so good at picking up girls now, and have you learned to threaten?If you meet a girl you like in the future, if they don’t agree, you will threaten them to agree?Xiaoguang said jealously.

Oh, that won't.Wasn't it a special situation last night?You have to believe my husband, I am not that kind of person.Long Tianxiang said with lack of confidence.

Okay, the three of you don't be jealous, or else there will be more sisters in the future, will you finish eating?Boomer comforted.

By the way, husband, don’t go crazy like last night. Your power is too strong. The power you gave last night must have caused a lot of casualties.Don't ignore their life and death.They are also living people.Qiqi worried that Long Tianxiang would become indifferent to life when he became stronger.

Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. Yesterday I focused on the sea far away from the island.The people on the island are fine, they are just a little frightened when the ground shakes.Long Tianxiang explained.

Well, so we can rest assured.We are really afraid that your strength will become stronger and stronger in the future, and you will feel indifferent to the weak life.The women said in peace.


After Long Tianxiang got up and ate dinner with the women, seeing that Xiao Sihua loved the snakes on Hancock and the others, he suddenly remembered something, so he said to the women: By the way, my wife, we have not let go for a long time. The Pokémon are out.And since leaving the Pokémon world, they have not been caring about them. Although they will not be hungry in the Pokeball, they must be very lonely.And our little Sihua hasn't seen a Pokémon yet.Long Tianxiang suddenly thought of the little elves, and they haven't cared about them since they put them in the space ring when they left the Pokémon world.

Yeah, yeah?We have almost forgotten them.Husband quickly let them out for Sihua, sister Alice and sister Hancock to meet.Sakura suddenly said.

it is good.Long Tianxiang took out all the elf balls from the space ring.Then they gave the girls' elven balls to them separately, because the girls' elven balls were also placed in Long Tianxiang's space ring.

When Long Tianxiang saw that Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang were about to release the elves in the room, he hurriedly stopped and said: Wait, there are too many elves, and there are many big ones, which cannot fit in the room.Let's go to the island.Release them on the beach.Let those water Pokémon move in the sea.

Oh, that said.Let's go.

A group of people came to the beach, released the elves, and suddenly roared continuously.The elves began to vent their dissatisfaction as soon as they came out.

Okay, everyone, don’t yell. I apologize like you. We were too busy some time ago and didn’t care about you, so don’t be angry.Now I will introduce to you my new family.

This is my son, so please play with my son in the future.This is my wife Hancock and Alice.You all know the others.Long Tianxiang introduced to the elves.

Little Sihua saw the elves for the first time, looked at this, touched that, and kept wandering around the elves, very happy.

Hancock and Alice also met the elf for the first time.Also watching the elves curiously.Especially the beautiful Menas and the lovely Ibrahimovic, Kyuubi, etc.

Looking at Hancock and Alice's favorite appearance, Long Tianxiang said: Alice and Hancock come to me, I have something for you.

Alice and Hancock walked to Long Tianxiang, and Long Tianxiang gave them a dumb fish.Alice and Hancock looked at the ugly stupid fish and wondered why Long Tianxiang gave them such ugly elves.Long Tianxiang explained to the two that the stupid fish became Menus after the evolution.Two people are happy.

Little Sihua took the fast dragon to fly a circle in the air and ran to Long Tianxiang and shouted: Dad gave me the elf, and I also wanted the elf.

Long Tianxiang petted and said, "Daddy's elf, except for Minas and Nine Tails, take it all."

Little Sihua happily ran to play with the elves.

Chapter 8

Long Tianxiang lived on the island of Hydra for two months, and transformed Alice and Hancock’s dumb fish into Menus.And he himself finally cultivated to the sixth rank peak.During this period, Long Tianxiang refined a space ring for each of the other women.Of course the son is indispensable.Long Tianxiang asked Hancock to help him build a ship, ready to go to sea.This time, none of the girls who were older wanted to go to sea with Long Tianxiang, so Long Tianxiang only brought Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Alice and her son.

The purpose of Long Tianxiang going to sea this time is Robin and??

Long Tianxiang guessed that Lu Fei was out to sea now.It is estimated that Sauron has already met.The place Long Tianxiang was going to was Coco Yaxi Village. He didn't want Nami to be abducted by Luffy.

Long Tianxiang took his four daughters and son to Cocoyashi Village. A few days later, he ran into a pirate ship. The captain was a woman, and the crew was all men, with low strength.The captain is very beautiful, holding an iron rod in his hand, Long Tianxiang already knows who she is, it is the Yaerita Pirate Group.The captain of the Alrita Pirate Group who has eaten Devil Fruit.They stopped Long Tianxiang's boat and wanted to rob.

You can stop the boat ahead.Otherwise, we will fire and attack.A crew member on the other ship shouted to Long Tianxiang and others.

Long Tianxiang stopped the boat, and the boat of the Yaerita Pirates approached Long Tianxiang’s boat. Then several crew members boarded Long Tianxiang’s boat and searched for valuables on the boat. After a while, there was no harvest, so they said to Long Tianxiang: No value. Just take the beautiful women on your boat...

The crew member died before he finished speaking. Long Tianxiang waved his hand to solve the pirates on the boat. He walked to the side of the ship and said to Alrita: I know you, you are the Alrita Pirates, and you are the captain. Al Rita.It used to be ugly, but only after eating devil fruit is it beautiful.Now I will choose a path for you, surrender or die.