Devil's girlfriend of the last days

Devil's girlfriend of the last days

1067 Chapters ongoing 20,730 Views
Central Plains five demons
Word Count
1,000,000 Words
Vote Count
3 Votes
Central Plains five demons ongoing


The end of the world is coming, catastrophe comes, everything is plunged into madness.

"Wife, did you lie to me?" Fang Mo looked at his girlfriend in disbelief, his eyes widened.

Ye Qingcheng smiled charmingly, and moved his right hand lightly down: "The end times are coming, and I will become the most powerful demon king!"


"This is the thing. I suspect my girlfriend is crazy. She said she is the demon king... "

Fang Mo tremblingly spoke to the psychiatrist opposite.


When he took the psychiatrist home, he suddenly saw the devilish side of his girlfriend.

The dark life of imprisonment has begun...
Devil's girlfriend of the last days

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