Summoned Sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items -

Summoned Sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items -

100 Chapters hiatus 25,397 Views
Word Count
144,000 Words
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◇ ◇ ◇ Book Related Announcements ◇ ◇ Thank you

very much. Booked by

MF Books, the two-volume release date will be March 25. Please check the official MF Books

HP for details. (More info on the upcoming page) Started the comicalisation

on March 24th in "Comics of the Other World". Enjoy it on

Comic Walker, or Nico Still Pictures.

◇ ◇ ☆ Oh my God ◇ ◇

Ruyue Langya (35 years old) was MMO as usual after work, but suddenly he was summoned to another world as his game character.

But the subpoenaed Toya profession is a Warehouse Character Recovery Technician (Priest), who stores unwanted items for the main character. The

princesses are discouraged and make a new summons. It was a beautiful boy with the brave title who showed up. Used towers are supposed to be sent back to their original world, but are flown to strange places.

"Isn't repatriation magic going back to the original world..."

But knowing that dimensional storage (storage) can be used just like the game, I take a step to live with the items inside.

Using cheat items, Towya aims for Berserker, the strongest position of a warrior she loved in her main character, but what a wise man she was able to transfer. A Berserker aspirant who has become the most powerful sage in

the magic profession runs across different worlds! It is the night state of the author of the transworldly adventures of

reincarnated aristocrats - apostles of gods who do not

know their own weight. Thank you for this piece as well.

Sorry, we have not replied to any comments similar to the Transworld Adventures of Reincarnated Aristocrats.

However, we will confirm it. Please note.
Summoned Sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items -


summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - novel full read novel summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - novel summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - full summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - chapter 1 novel drama summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - summoned-sage-travels-to-different-worlds-the-strongest-was-unnecessary-inventory-items summoned sage travels to different worlds - the strongest was unnecessary inventory items - chapter 100