10 billion opening rewards

10 billion opening rewards

Slice of Life
720 Chapters ongoing 11,315 Views
Clear Water Fish
Word Count
941,000 Words
Vote Count
1 Votes
Clear Water Fish ongoing


Other people's crossing is to reward tens of billions of wealth. Cheng Chuan went through but only got seven dolls. Just about to admit his fate, who expected the prompt to sound loudly: "Ding, activate the baby system..." "Ding, activate the first baby, Azure Cloud, Yaozun, and reward a soul-returning pill, which can bring back the dead..." "Ding, activate Baby No.2, Su Yu, God of Wealth, reward 10 billion for entrepreneurship, limited to self-employment..." "Ding, activate Baby No. 3, Luo Xue..." ... "What? Reward 10 billion and spend 30 days? Such a prodigal Is it okay?" "Well, I'll try it hard." From then on, Cheng Chuan has reached the pinnacle of life...
10 billion opening rewards


10 billion opening rewards novel full read novel 10 billion opening rewards novel 10 billion opening rewards 10 billion opening rewards full 10 billion opening rewards chapter 1 novel drama 10 billion opening rewards 10-billion-opening-rewards 10 billion opening rewards chapter 720