Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 26: At the Orphanage II

The repair of the orphanage was completed without delay.

Speechlessly side with the children and ask them where the broken, broken, old things are or what they can carry.

He then repeated the smelting one after the other, and then also helped clean, wash, etc.

By the time it was all over, the sun had begun to set, and Sister Almeria and Byakura, and then her silver-haired sister, had gotten along.

The name of her silver-haired sister is Asimi Stahl. You think she's the sister of the current lord?

He's often alone, giving orphanage condolences.

Of course, I think I can protect myself enough to be here alone.

Mr. Byakura was able to talk to me.

Mr. Byakura was on a training journey with four of his friends, but he seems to have fallen off with them.

The names of my people are: Peach Flowers (Toka), Kwanghua (Kuzu), Zen Ghost (Tzuki).

Mr. Byakura says, "Bai Luo."

Each is characterized by:

A great looking kid with peach blossoms in his peach hair.

Aquahua is a blonde wild child.

Zen ghost is brunette abalone.

Overall, I only knew the name and hair color on top of the rigorous rating, but I didn't think it was bad because I was shaking my tail when I called my buddy's name.

You think the reason I came here was to rely on my old friend Sister Almeria?

We both look too young to say old friends... how is this with old friends?

Finally, Sister Almeria, she sniffed the remnants of the fleeing demon king of calamity and came across the continent, but she must not leave the unfortunate children alone, but ask permission to build an orphanage and take care of them?

He told stories like that as if they were sleepless nights.

The children and Ashimi laughed and listened, but it is obvious from the equipment that it is not a big way off.

Either way, it's time and time, so it's time to go back to the Adventurer Guild and finish reporting and install the Lid.

Fortunately, I got permission from Mr. Asimi to set up a tent in the open space in front of the mine, so Lid will set it up there.

"Snow, is your sister going?

"Stay, it'll be good for a day."

I will spare you my goodbyes, stroke the children pulling my skirt, and promise to come back.

Finally, fresh pork and deer meat and some vegetables are served from the inventory for sisters and children.

There was an empty vault in the basement, so I would have it for a while if I kept it where it was.

But Sister Almeria won't take it inside.

Are you reluctant?... It would be annoying to leave it on a boulder if it was not religious.

"Excuse me, couldn't you eat an animal?

"No, it's not. All souls have no precious possession, and all food is the sacred body that will take the living to the next staircase."

"Then why?

"... my conscience hurts from the boulder even when I forced you to be impotent"

Sister Almeria, with a troubled face, you'll need to change the way you say it in order to receive it.

"So when I say come in, can you take it? Sister Almeria."

"... as long as it's done, I can't believe you won't accept it if you say so. Gentle adventurer, Snow, there is no guide for the goddess where you are going."

Sister Almeria meditated her eyes and prayed, smiling at Nicole.

Ride Uluru to Adventurer Guild.

Send an email to everyone and tell Lid to be at home in a designated location by communicating information about a connection (connect) using a map together.

By the time I arrive, they'll all be in the Lidhouse.

"Uluru, let's hurry up a little"


I want to do a little research on the guild, and I don't have to keep everyone waiting, so I have to move early.