Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 16: Looking Up at Snow Na High

In a large, beautiful mansion.

One beautiful girl with beautiful blonde hair and sharply narrowed Reiki Ethereal eyes.

She shook that thin throat and whispered in an adorable voice like a bell ringing.

"... you're not Yuki, are you?

- Did you still find out?

"It's my sister."

"As long as it takes."

It's almost no different in appearance, but when you're held tight by a boulder, you'll find out by the size of your chest.

I testified immediately because I was going to be weirdly misled when I made excuses poorly, but that decision seemed right.

The force was pulled out of my right hand, which was attached to my neck, and I slowly lowered.

"... mmm"

"... don't rub it. You can't be small."

"Oh no, I didn't mean to..."

Her Royal Highness Estea touches my chest with her lowered hand, roaring without stopping her rubbing hands.

Compared to my husband (master) Yuki, definitely a big breast.

There was no way I could delude you.

"... mmm, you, for the height split... isn't it a little big?

"… I (I) agree"

My husband (Master) Yuki has decided that you have no problem finding out otherwise if you are His Highness Estea.

Anyway, there is no such thing as an unexpected presence in Yuki, my serious husband.

... I see you have a habit of not thinking...

"By the way, what does your name say?

"My name is Snow"

"Oh, so much so that you..."

Your Highness Estea looks convinced of something.

Mr. Eye is on His Highness's shoulder and seems to be waiting for him to cover the steeple precisely.

Don't dare, let me give you the array I kept from my husband (master) Yuki.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Estea, Yuki to..."

"Etier and good"

"Dear Tia,"


... Well, you don't need to pay particular attention to honor.

Whatever, my husband (master) Yuki is a dedicated subordinate to Marebito.

In military power, it overwhelmingly outstrips the Kingdom of Rubelion and is slowly trying to outstrip it in terms of food production as well.

I mean, for my husband (master) Yuki, His Highness Tia is only the princess of a weak small country.

"So, Tia, I have a gift for you from Yuki."

"Yuki tease"

It comes with great food.

My eyes glistened and my hand grabbed my chest with strength.

"So it's time to get your hands off my chest like a lady"

"Oh, I'm sorry... it was a good size for a habit..."

"... let Yuki know"

"Hey, wait a minute! My favorite is Yuki!

My husband (master) Yuki is very much loved.

Either way, get away from His Highness Tia with your hands off him and take the arr, Yuki doll out of the inventory.

It's a stuffed animal fluffy with two heads.

"Oh, whoa! This...!

You seem happy for me.


Happy as a child to look at, Her Highness Tia cuddled up with a stuffed animal.

When you look at it, you can't help but overflow nature and laughter.

Huge amount of information flowing through connections (connections).

Processing all of the information released by roughly 4,000 people will require considerable concentration.

Awayuki and Fubuki retired for about 500 people and Fuyuki was disconnected for 2,000 people.

If unnecessary information can be excluded altogether, less information can be obtained and more information can be obtained.

By the end of the test, we were able to skip some wasted information and were able to fully grasp the information of 4,000 people.

I look back at the results of my sisters with my husband (master) Yuki.

Awayuki must have left early due to a lot of futile thoughts other than information processing.

In the battlefield at the moment, it wouldn't matter if the ancient wounds on the Alliance Master's forehead were pathetic or if the adventurer had a young couple congratulations.

Fubuki's just left to go with Awayuki. If you mean it, you should have enough strength to stand alongside me.

Fuyuki... you didn't think information on weapons or protective equipment was unnecessary.

Not unnecessary information, of course, but only for Cotto large-scale combat, such information is futile as to how many years that armor is or how many attacks that sword will break where there are scratches.

Ultimately, her husband (master) Yuki was judged to have had his personality differences and lack of experience in the results.

It's a boulder! Setsu, sis!

"Um, I didn't know I could follow you... it's Sister Boulder. I wish I could improve."

"Mm-hmm. I'll do my best."

Apparently, Awayuki and Fuyuki think I (me) and my husband (master) Yuki are equal.

However, if you think about it, you can see that the information that has just been sent to you is what your husband (master) Yuki acquired.

This means that Master Yuki has a complete picture of the 4,000 people on the battlefield and all the terrain and climate around them.

Of course, that's not all.

Master Yuki also understands how the four of us process the information, reads the situation of the 5,000 goblins lurking inside the labyrinth, keeps vigilance in the surrounding woods, and grasps the trend of hundreds of thousands of people living even inside the Wang Dynasty.

That's exactly what Awayuki thinks.

- We are dancing on the flat of God's hand.

Master Yuki exists at a far height, unlike any of us.

... and my husband (master) Yuki wants us to perform as well as ourselves.

... Well, it's time for the battle to begin immediately.

Everything is as my husband (master) Yuki thinks.

The countdown is now to zero......