Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Episode 23: Conditions of employment are detailed

[Clan Quest]

"The Soldier of Fruit Reporters"

Conditions of participation

· Possession of skill 'Clanmaster'

· Summon rare soldiers with the tool 'Roster of Soldiers'.

Conditions of achievement

· Summon rare soldiers with the tool 'Roster of Soldiers'.

Failure condition


Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

· Skill Points 1P

-Logic point 2P

-Cranpoint 1,000 p

· Ability 'List of Private Soldiers' version upgraded

Tool "Gold Gathering Warrant"

- Tool "Silver Gathering Warrant" x 3

- Tool "Copper Gathering Warrant" x 10

-Tools "Warriors' Training Grounds"

Upgrading of the list of private soldiers and confirmation of their actions had raised the summons limit by 10 persons.

It was also possible to select a number of subdivisions of species in the selection of species on a roster only.

What you can't choose is the less likely, the flowers and attributes fairies and all kinds of dragonuts, shemale systems, etc.

Other than that, you can choose between beasts, fish, and insect types.

... Well, that's not a big deal.

[Clan Quest]

"Lord of Fortune"

Conditions of participation

· Possession of skill 'Clanmaster'.

· Summon more than a certain rarity of private soldiers.

Conditions of achievement

· Summon more than a certain rarity of private soldiers.

Failure condition


Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

· Skill Points 1P

-Logic point 2P

-Cranpoint 1,000 p

· Ability 'List of Private Soldiers' version upgraded

Tool "Gold Gathering Warrant"

- Tool "Silver Gathering Warrant" x 3

- Tool "Copper Gathering Warrant" x 10

-Tools: "Warriors' Lounge"

By completing Lucky Lords, 30 more can be summoned, with a 10% chance of selecting all races above them.

This has only made Dragonut selectable… yet another addition… is the unidentified race with a chance of less than 1%.

Mm-hmm. This subpoena system is loyal to the odds, so if you increase the limit number by about 1000, you'll get one?

[Clan Quest]

"Lord of Haughty Luck"

Conditions of achievement

· Possession of skill 'Clanmaster'.

· Summon more than a certain rarity of private soldiers.

Conditions of achievement

· Summon more than a certain rarity of private soldiers.

Failure condition


Achievement Reward

Participant Rewards

-Skilled Points 3P

-Logic Point 6P

-Cranpoint 3,000 p

· Ability 'List of Private Soldiers' version upgraded

- 3 x Tool "Gold Gathering Warrant"

· Tool "Silver Gathering Warrant" x 9

- Tool "Copper Gathering Warrant" x 30

-Tools: The Warriors' Rebirth Grounds

This upgrade finally made it possible to subpoena all races except the hidden races, allowing the selection of gender in the selection item at the time of subpoena.

In addition, there was one more race selection in the Register, Gentlemen's Register, and Martial Arts Register, making it easier to summon rare individuals.

However, according to the tutorial, if two or more types are selected, a generation failure may occur and the failed individual appears to be a synthetic beast (chimeric) in a collapsed state.

If the lord wasn't me, the soldier would collapse and waste his magic.

The added limit number of people is 100. The level cap was also increased by 10.

The Quest, Lord of Extreme Luck, and Clear Reward are Skill Points 5P. Logic point 10p. Clan point 5,000 p.

Then, to upgrade, 5 for gold, 15 for silver, 50 for copper. "Forced Summons of Life" and "The Soul Occasion of the Warriors".

In the upgrade, the number of summons limit was 200, the upper limit level was increased by 20, and the registry's probability of selecting a race was increased. In addition, there was another increase in the number of race selections in the Gentlemen's Record and the Martial Arts Record.

The Destiny Clear Reward is Skill Point 10P. Logic point 20p. Clan point 10,000 p. Version upgraded. Fri 10. Silver 30. Copper 100. Mandatory summons of life 3. "The Warriors' Spiritual Grounds".

The upgrade consists of a summons limit of 500 and a level limit of 50. This is an increase in the race selection items in the Martial Arts Register to finalizations other than a 10% chance or less.

The sum of items, etc. obtained is Skill Point 20P. Logic point 40P. Clan point 20,000 p. Gold 20. Silver 60. Copper 200. Life 4. of the Warriors series, training grounds, rest areas, reincarnation grounds, soul grounds, and spiritual sites.

Various effects are items in which the compulsory summons of life makes it possible to select all existing races beyond the framework.

The roster gives you only one race to choose from, but with four mandatory summonses of life, you can summon the Insect Queen with everything exactly as prescribed.

Note that the Insect Queen is out of date, so if there is one sheet, the Insect Queen can be summoned.

By paying clan points, the training ground can allow private soldiers to acquire designated skills immediately.

If you do not pay the clan points, it is possible to take the time there to have the private soldiers acquire the specified skills, up to a maximum of 100 people at a time to be placed in the training area.

Because I have two training areas, it is possible to train up to 200 people to acquire skills at a time.

The lounge is a facility where when a private soldier dies, the body can be resuscitated by entering it before it dissolves into magic.

The confinement limit is up to 100 people, and to be resuscitated instantly, they consume clan points commensurate with their private soldiers.

The reincarnation site is a facility where you can reincarnate a summoned private soldier into another race by paying a clan point.

At the time of reincarnation, it is possible to take over the skills acquired in training and in action, and if the initial level limit is reached, it is possible to take over the pedigree skills. It is possible to take over soldier skills if they have reached a level twice the initial level limit.

If it's four times the initial level limit, it seems to be possible to take over even special skills.

At the time of rebirth, it is possible to make the same race and soldier choices as at the time of summons, and of course random rebirths.

Furthermore, if you have acquired military skills, you will be able to acquire special skills by exact matches (perfect matches) even if you choose a different military class.

In other words, by gunning up levels and continuing to reincarnate, the odds of a perfect match are increasing, so that you can acquire countless skills.

It also seems that reincarnated individuals are labeled as transferring +1 next to names such as rosters.

Soul Market is an institution that can synthesize the souls of two private soldiers.

The conditions for the handover of skills are the same as in the reincarnation field, a synthesis in a way that allows the soul of another individual to be placed in the individual on which it is based, and because in reincarnation by soul union, the species becomes the object of the base, no race selection can be made.

In addition, soulfulness between those who have exceeded the initial level limit of the same species increases the level limit by 10 only for that individual.

They call this limiting convergence.

There is no change in appearance, but it seems to be indicated by a limit of +1 or something beside the name of the roster, etc.

Finally, the Spiritual Ground is an institution capable of synthesizing multiple species of flesh and soul and reincarnating them into new races.

A race becomes a rare race based on if it chooses a base, and everything is synthesized if it chooses nothing.

However, in order to be a rare species, it seems that all individuals who associate with the spirit must have reached the level of the number × initial level limit, and a further number of times the number × 3 limit convexity is required.

In other words, you will need a level 150 and a limit of +9 or higher Fairy, Butterflyman, and Bickman to make a Fairy Ariel.

Note that the conditions for the transfer of skills will not change, so it will be necessary to raise them to level 200 in order to take over the special skills of the exact match (perfect match).

After spiritual union, the number of rebirths is integrated, and the limit convexity is 0.

I'm having a lot of trouble reincarnating and synthesizing, so let's leave the judgment around there to the black fog.

If you can report it before it is executed, you can also give proper instructions.