All The Hotshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

All The Hotshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

206 Chapters ongoing 4,202 Views
Blooms Flower But Doesn't Bear Fruit
Word Count
413,000 Words
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Blooms Flower But Doesn't Bear Fruit ongoing


Hotshot 1: [80s Soldier] Her younger sister did not want to marry a soldier, so her family made her marry him instead. (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 2: [Aloof A-list Actor] Breaking News! The A-list actor’s aloof image is subverted! He lives with his secret girlfriend, an obscure actress… uh- , an extra that plays a minor role in dramas and movies, in a mansion. (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 3: [Domineering CEO’s Uncle] Cinderella has caught the domineering CEO’s eye, so he broke his engagement with his fiancee who is a good match for him. His fiancee turned around and went out with his uncle – a higher-ranking domineering CEO! (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 4: [Treasonous Chief Eunuch] This is extremely immoral! That horrible eunuch, who controls the state affairs, dares to covet the young, beautiful empress dowager! (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 5: [Republican Era Marshal] “Did you hear about Madame’s plan to make her adopted daughter marry Young Master Huo? Since he is still in coma, she wanted to use this auspicious event to ward off his bad luck.” “Tch, I can’t believe that she is really making adoptive siblings tie the knot with each other.”

Young Master: Ridiculous! I treat her like a younger sister!

Jiang Rui: Alright, older brother.

After a period of time

Passer-by: Huh, why is the young master’s cheek swollen? (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 6: [Cool School Gangster] A fierce and arrogant bad boy and a soft, well-mannered good girl become seatmates.

In the beginning: “Tch, delicate.”

Later: “Hey, who let you tease her?” (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 7: [Roguish Nouveau Riche] A wealthy, overbearing nouveau riche vs a cold Miss Perfect from a literary family.

In the beginning: “If you are rich, you can really do whatever you want.”

Later: “My wife can do whatever she wants to me.” (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 8: [Wheelchair-bound Lord] The leader of a Demonic Sect, a refined gentleman who is a sadistic demon behind the facade, with the lady who works as a cook in his estate.

Underling A: Hey girlie, get me a cup of tea.

Underling B: Girlie? You must be out of your mind! She’s our Lady!” (Seduction Complete)

Hotshot 9: [Foreign Barbarian King] The power of the ruling dynasty is weakening, so the Emperor is marrying the imperial princess to the ruthless barbarian king. (Seduction Complete)

Final Hotshot: [Deity of the Nine Abysses] Our deity is extremely! Unapproachable! (Seduction Complete)
All The Hotshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]


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