Creator’s Internship Guide

Creator’s Internship Guide

Shounen Ai
36 Chapters ongoing 2,287 Views
The Wine May Carry On
MTL translator
Word Count
74,000 Words
Vote Count
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The Wine May Carry On ongoing


Jiang Ci created a game called “Creator’s Internship Guide” and became the god. He first created the Celestials, then the dragons, Shadow Race, and last, humans. An accident makes him travel into the game world he created. He is told that the six races went to war 1,700 years ago over which race was his favorite.

For the sake of world peace, Jiang Ci works diligently to calm down the tides of war, with his ultimate goal of choosing one of the six races administrators to become the new God so he may go back to his original world.

By the same author as “I’m Not Human” and “King’s Game.”
Creator’s Internship Guide


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