Different worlds of the last heaven and knights of the fist.

Different worlds of the last heaven and knights of the fist.

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Frustrated by the karate he has punched in for years, he has an apathetic day of high school boy, Arishi Current Protection. One early summer evening, this troubling exodus reminds me to invite my childhood friend, who was feeling alienated, to the summer festival. That's how I finished sending cell phone emails. When he looked up, the view around him was turning into an unrecognizable meadow -. Lost there, a fantasy world colored by swords, magic and demons. Meet different people, fight different enemies. Lifeguard cuts himself through the fierce otherworlds of sword and magic with his fists. Don't know why you've been invited to the world. - A modern Japanese boy who hangs everything on his fist and a proud knight of a girl from another world. Two, stories that must have fulfilled an unforgivable encounter. ◆ Preparing 11 complete 12 copies
Different worlds of the last heaven and knights of the fist.


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