"That's right..."

Belgrette, with her fingers on her chin, slowly cuts out.

"This time... [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] came to such a situation in their absence, but the reason why they left the royal palace empty in the first place....."

Hefner answered, straightening his spine as he noticed that his pupils were being pointed at by the thin ice-colored [Ice Blue].

“Yes. Three Amphivtellas have been identified in the Cortwell area and sent to the crusade.”

Category A, Amphivterra.

From time to time, its appearance can be described as "the demon possessed by the goat".Even after I saw the illustration of the Complementary Book of Resentment, I could see it clearly.Abnormally developed musculoskeletal limbs, giant double horns like axes and spears, and fangs protruding in a vicious face.It is no longer necessary to think about what will happen if an adult stands up to it.

Only Martina and the White Knights of the Snowstorm [Grachella Duela] can defeat this resentful demon in Badarnois.The soldiers to the north must not have felt alive until Svorun's party arrived.

"But it's a bad story."I never heard of Amphivtera in Courtwell before. "

Hefner nodded loudly at Mertina's sighing words.

“I see… .I 've had a little conversation with my colleagues.I hope it's not a harbinger of bad things..... "

Given the current situation, it was a precursor to the crime.

Is it a coincidence?

Belgrette's calm voice froze Hefnell's thoughts.


Hefner wasn't the only one. Probably for everyone in this room.

It raises so many questions.

... the first to recover from the freeze was the peak ice user.

"... no, no way, Mr. Belgrette." Emanu... said that Orkestar intentionally set it up...? "

Somehow, a resentment demon appeared in the Cortwell region.Then, I asked the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] who was in the way to crusade.To get away from the Imperial City.

"No, that's true...!"

Hefner was reflexively opening his mouth.

Of course.

An enchanted devil is the son of a demon.There were many dangers outside the walls, such as outlaws and beasts, but the resentment was a distinctive feature.

That is, hostile to humans by the unusual.

They have a wide variety of shapes, ecologies, and habits, but there is always one action to take when encountering people.They only attack with murderous intent.

There is no precedent for successful attempts at familiarization.Co-prosperity and coexistence are not established.

Of course, it is not necessary to discuss imitating "attracting as you wish".

Low-level and small-sized individuals may be able to manipulate their behavior to some extent using bait, etc.

But this time it was Amphivtella who showed up.Category A, the framework referred to as the Disaster Class is the trinity.

Even in the absence of shields, it is impossible to guide them in the snow.They'll find us and rip us apart first.

'Fishing' is not a success. They're not bait, they're dangerous for fishermen.

"No, it can't be anything...!"

Against the words of Hefner, who ate the bubbles,

"Impossible... I think so too"

Belgrette herself, who should have suggested the possibility, agreed.

"Huh!? No, then..."


A strong and short word echoes in the void.

"Seizure of Divine Chanting [Oracle] and Soul Heart [Pruna] by fusion, handshot, Septius..."All of this is because I was just a little while ago, and I was absolutely sure it was impossible. "

As for himself, the young man was pushed into void.

“Not only that, I've made many new discoveries in less than a year."I didn't know the place, I didn't know the common sense..."There's a lot of things I still don't know in the world - no, I don't know much about anything. "

Putting her hand on her chest, she told her like a holy oath.

"That's why I'm trying to change my perspective." It's impossible to think normally.But maybe I just don't know-- "


Therefore, the previous question was raised.

No, it's not just about this.

The extraordinary insight she had shown all along was backed up by her thoughts.

"I see......"

Larutz sandwiched a shortened cigarette to the edge of his mouth.

"I don't even know that most of them exist yet. Anyone can shoot an attack like a senior Yongsheng (Mage)...... and can prevent them from doing so."Normally, it's a [impossible] substitute.I don't believe a lot of people just talked to me.If you can make such an orkestar..... "

It's not strange that you have the Sli technique to intentionally move the resentful demon...

“Of course, there is no evidence or proof.However... [Snowstorm White Knights [Grachella Duela] left the Imperial City in a way that was too convenient for Master Ohmsolf.I was wondering if I could take care of this by accident..... "

"Hmm, sure." If the [Snowstorm White Knights [Grachella Duela] were still in the Imperial City...... "

So Happy Mertina turns her face to Hefnell.

”Speaking of which, what about Migu... Miguacintia?”

"Huh? Yes, yes... yes, it looks like you're spending your time as usual..."

What about the three orchestras?

"Ah, it looks like you've been through the surface."In particular, I haven't heard about what happened with Master Migasintia..... "

"Haha, I won't do anything but make myself happy, that man." I don't know if it was okay.

"... I think that the mere fact that Sir Miga Singhtia did not leave the Imperial City was an unaccountable event for Priest Ohmzorf."

Belgrette nodded to Lenore's words.

“That's right, but thanks to his help, we were able to rendezvous with you and Lord Meltina.”

Julie frowned complicatedly.

"I always laughed suspiciously, and I suspected that it was a mastermind for a while... but I'm grateful for that."... hey. Could you bring him to my side? "

Mertina laughed bitterly at the proposal.

"No, that's difficult. In the first place, I'm sure Mig helped us because I thought it was" fun ".The shadow of someone hiding in the royal palace reveals its identity...Since the mastermind who was discovered was the leader of the country, I guess I was very satisfied with the flow of the Mystery Book.... what happened after that would be the end of the story for him. "

"Yeah... I wonder if the queen of my country could do that."

"That's the kind of guy." He is an aristocrat, but he weighs more than possession, honor, or money. "

In other words -- the emotions that make you feel 'at ease'. Go as you are.

There are many people and soldiers who know."Strange Clan", about the behavior of the Martiborg family.

"Even Svorun feels like he's throwing a spoon."As a general rule, Mig is no friend to any enemy.I'm sure Emmanuelle knows what she's doing.... if there is only one concern... "

Belgrette picks up the stubborn continuation.

"If Mr. Ohmzorf was offered something that seemed" fun "to Mr. Migasintia......"

Everyone, except Mertina, had a hard time.

"That's right. If they said it was' fun 'to hunt us down..."I just don't think that's going to be easy.Mig has a unique sensibility.I don't think anyone but him knows what he feels' fun 'about.If you understand that, Svorun won't have a hard time.In the first place, how many times has Emmanuel told me that he was stupid?I don't know what Mig is thinking. "

"Hah... as I've always imagined... you're a strange person..."

Meltina agreed exactly with Julie, who seemed tired.

“He must be the only one who understands freaks like him.”

"... of the same kind..."

Belgrette picked up Mertina's stunned words in small pieces.

"...... I'm sorry that I missed the point.Anyway, I don't know how... but if Emanu and the others deliberately steered the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] away, they would certainly have prepared for what happened afterwards. "

Saying that, she turned to the old wooden desk beside her.A large map is spread out on top of a terribly faded one that would have been left in the factory for a long time.Even from a slight distance, it became clear that the land of Badarnois was marked.

"As I said earlier, I don't think I'm thinking of killing the Snowstorm White Knights [Grachella Duela] at least at this stage."then what are you going to do..... "

The firewood was thrown on the fire, and the sound of the saber blurred.

Well, I guess we'll want to keep the Knights away until we finish this off.

"I'm sure. First, I'll get my organs, then I'll think about how the Svoruns will handle it..."In other words, it was necessary to buy time so that the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] would not return to the Imperial City.That's how I'm concerned. "

Larutz lights the next cigarette and mutters with a proper mouthpiece.

In the first place, how is it possible that the Knights won't come back after being annihilated by Amphivtera?

I don't think so.

Meltina responds quickly and without hesitation.

"If the lower ranks confronted each other properly, it would be impossible... but at a time when both Svorun and Gebi are together, they won't lose."Rather, they will come back without even letting the dead out. "

"Hah, I guess I'll tell you everything." That guy, that's ridiculous. "

Even Hefner had no objection.

Svorun, Gebi, and Migasintia were the best in the "Snowstorm White Knights [Grachella Duela]."I couldn't imagine how the top demon could defeat me.

Satisfied with his new cigarette, Larutz made the following prediction as if breathing smoke.

If you can manipulate the movement of the resentment demon, would Sen hit yet another individual?

"It's not impossible... but when Amphivtella appeared in Cortwell, there was enough abnormality."If you want to stop the Svoruns, it won't work unless they are equally powerful individuals. However, if any more of these things appear in the land, everyone will be suspicious anymore. "

As an Orkestar, you want to avoid the fact that your presence will be revealed by the investigation.

"Hefner-san. I'm going to go through this over and over again, but do you know anything about it?"It doesn't matter if it's irrelevant to the royal palace, it doesn't matter if it's trivial.Even a little public rumor.After all, this is how we pull together, and we don't know what's going on out there.At least I don't want to go out until it almost cools down. "

"Oh, I see... hmmm..."

Hefner desperately snatched away his memories if he didn't say anything.

"... oh, by the way, I don't think it has much to do with that... but it seems that a big cold wave may be coming soon."It overlapped with the delivery of supplies to the north, and I also struggled to secure the carriage..... "

”Hmmm... that's right”

The white transcendent drops his gaze to the map in a thoughtful manner.

"Oh no, it's inconvenient in my country."

"... it's like I always say, but..."

Lenore also turned to the Badarnois territory, painted on paper, to be caught.

What do you mean?

Asked Belgrette, Lenore slowly explained.

The national territory of Badarnois is divided between north and south with the "Great White Valley" as the boundary.In winter, snow makes it impossible for people to come and go outside of here.

If you're a Badarnois, it's also common sense in winter, as most people know.

"... I mean, if this place gets blocked... the north side of Badar Nois will be completely isolated."

The girl knight muttered, and Meltina and Lenore looked at each other. The former responds.

“Yes, in fact, snow and ice can keep you out for days.So that supplies can be delivered in advance so that the isolated North can survive the period. ”

Lenore followed suit.

"... but at most, as Mel said, from a few days to... a long week."...... [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] lacks certainty and is weak. "

Perceived what Belgrette was trying to say, she said quietly.

In other words, the speculation was that the Svoruns were aiming to get stuck in the cold.

"... even a magician can read when a cold wave is coming, but only for a few days."... and they often don't hit it either.... it's impossible to use it intentionally. "

Lenore is right.

Or is there a technology that Orkester can manage, as we discussed earlier?

Ah, hey.

Julie raised her hand as vigorously as she had her own.

"But that's the only way to get through, isn't it?"Can't you imitate that you're forcibly blockading it? "

Also, the white "Penta" and his squire exchange gazes.

"... it's not a big road, there's nothing I can't do, but..."It's not very sunny in the valley, so the cold is even tougher.We'll need a lot of soldiers to seal it off, but I'm afraid it's going to break my bones.First, after the blockade, the soldiers stopped the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachela Duela]...] "

Meltina's white eyes, which were clinging to her eyebrows, were wide open and turned to everyone.

"... I see."

While shaking weakly.

"...... you don't have to be a soldier......"

"... what do you mean, Mel?"

"No, I accidentally did."Whatever. You don't have to be alone.It can be snow or ice.The road is over there.If it gets blocked with ice and snow and you can't physically pass through it, that's fine..... "

Muttered Mertina looks at Belgrette, and she nods tinyly.

“Yes, and more importantly, there's really no need for a cold wave.Reasoning and so on should be fine.There may have been an avalanche due to bad luck, or there may have been some impact on the environment due to the appearance of resentment magic in an unprecedented region. "

Anyway, intentionally and physically block the "White Great Valley".

We're bringing in a lot of supplies right now in case.

"Haha," roared Mertina.

"... most of the Badarnois have been awarded the ice attribute."With the right number of people, it would be enough to bury it with snow and ice.If you add something created by the surgeon to the actual snow and ice, it is probably not difficult to fill the path in one night.It's a valley over there.Make it look like an avalanche, and it's twitching from the top. "

Of course, by way of example, these are speculations for which there is no evidence. "But..."

"I see, it makes sense."With me and Ren accompanying you, we have no choice but to flee to the north.I know it's a pocket lane, and Belgrette and the others are heading south.Block the path to the north in anticipation of our presence in the south.That way, we could isolate the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela] at the northernmost point for a while and narrow down our search.Our actions will also be limited.Later, I can't even imitate the idea of poking a void and temporarily fleeing to the north side..... "

Often, only the sound of firewood bursts.

The label shook its head exaggeratingly.Unbelievable.

"Did Priest Ohmzorf read that much from the beginning...?"

The white hero traces his movements.

"... it's not strange to think that far. If it was Emmanuel."

Complicatedly, the saintly lady's best friend mouths.

"If you deliberately bury it... you'll buy yourself plenty of time."That's why Badarnois has a precedent for the [Embrace of Annihilation (Grusambles)].I don't think it's going to be even a month.


I figured that if I could stretch until the arrival of the [Snowstorm White Knights] [Grachella Duela], Hefnell would have no solution in the first place.

The Elite Knights you can rely on are nothing to the Belgrettes.On the contrary, the bounty was arranged by Ohmzorf on his own.Even if I make a mistake, it is not a compatible relationship.

(Still...... if you can aim at the three-legs, make things confusing...... and scratch around......)

Of course, Ohmzorf was trying to avoid it.In this discussion, I also guessed how to do it.

"... if there's only one thing left to add to Emmane..."

Mertina, who knew her better than anyone, affirmed.

"--That means she's not a warrior."

"I'm not a warrior..."

To the trailing Hefnell, she groaned in affirmation.

"As you know, Emanu is also an excellent chanting magician [Mage]."I was able to handle quite powerful magic as well.But... I'm not a warrior who stands in the Iron Fire and eliminates the enemy.I don't have any actual combat experience.It's the opposite of me. "

The most powerful user in the North, who has destroyed so many enemies, makes a mockery of himself.

"She has no [eyes] to accurately estimate her individual strength."Because it is not something that can be nourished by studying on a desk.If you want to poke it, there it is. If this happens, after all... "

I turned my gaze to the knight of the girl, who could be as intelligent as Ohmzorf.

Yes, Lord Mertina, let's proceed as originally planned.