Dimensional Forum

Chapter 2 Become a "Noble Administrator"

What is more desperate than crossing?

Some people will answer "I have crossed into a dangerous world", others will answer "There is no gold finger after crossing", and some people will answer "I was pressed on the ground after crossing the biu"...

Well, Guan Liyuan said that he has encountered all these three situations!

So Guan Liyuan decided to vent a post in the "Great Universe Forum" with this topic...

However, just after he used his spirit, after entering the title of the post on the forum page that other people can't see, a fat penguin jumped out, but the people around still turned a blind eye to it. Obviously this penguin and the forum interface Same, it is also invisible to others.

"Hello, what does it mean to have no'gold finger'? Am I just your'gold finger'?"

Penguin fiddled with his red snood in dissatisfaction... Don't ask why it is a penguin, but also to bring a snood!

"Hey, the main reason is that I feel that I have no cheats, and I can also deceive myself that cheats are not awakened. If I admit that my cheats are just a forum, then there is no hope!" Guan Liyuan Communicating with penguins in a silent form.

This is Guan Liyuan's biggest improvement in the past month... he was finally able to control his silent communication with Penguin, and only let him hear what he wanted to "speak out"!

"What is'only' a forum? Have you realized the status of the'Great Universe Forum' in the forum world? This is a high-end forum that has only one registered member in each universe and is fully invited! You know What does this mean?"

"I know, people who do this kind of propaganda are usually liars." Guan Liyuan became even more disdainful.

"You, you are the whole universe... No, it is the most vicious slander of all the universes together! You must know that my purpose is to create happiness with my heart!"


Penguin saw that Guan Liyuan stopped talking, and suddenly felt that he had finally convinced this ignorant guy, although his eyes were still a little weird.

It seems that Guan Liyuan’s silence is reflecting on his own mistakes, and Penguin’s tone has also eased a little: “Don’t be blessed in the blessing. If it’s not detected by the system, you and the creators of this server will have the soul fluctuation system Highly consistent, depending on the degree of your'favored' by the will of the universe, the probability of becoming a member of the forum is negligibly low, let alone becoming a noble administrator directly like this!"

Being brainwashed is a terrifying thing for intelligent creatures.

But Guan Liyuan said that being repeatedly brainwashed by a fat penguin with a red scarf made him accept that "forum administrators are a mission and responsibility as glorious as the successor to the cause of communism"... This kind of brainwashing is almost innocent. Power!

"Okay, then I will confirm with you again, and I am sure that I am the only'noble administrator' in the whole page?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Yes, after this forum was launched, it was'lost' with the creator world... But the good news is that other than that, everything went smoothly, although after ten thousand years of operation, countless bugs appeared, But I found you again! In all the universes that can be connected, the only soul with administrator qualifications, now those BUGs are no longer a problem!" Penguin was relieved when he said that.

"Explain in advance, the authority dog... Uh, I mean I'm still competent as an administrator, but I don't know anything about programmers..."

"Of course, didn’t I explain it a long time ago? You don’t need to do anything specially. After you have the administrator again, the world you are currently in will automatically become the'main world'. With a basic server, BUG can be fixed automatically. ...Any other questions?"

"The last question, when will the administrator authority you mentioned be implemented? I can't wait to mute the guy who posted the lotus film when I broke the photo last time!" Guan Liyuan asked.

"It's about three months! After all, you were favored by the Universe Will at the lowest level. I need to help you raise the'Universal Favor' to the level of a normal member before you can activate your permissions... You are now The universe where he is in is quite high, and the energy required to change his will has used up nearly half of the energy I have accumulated over the past 10,000 years!" Penguin said aggrievedly.

"It's okay, after I have activated the permissions, I will increase the price of the forum currency immediately, and then engage in activities such as gift packages and holiday recharges!"

"good idea!"

Members from countless universes, almost all of whom are "the pride of heaven", or the members of the "Great Universe Forum" who are on their way to becoming "the pride of heaven", do not know that their forum coins will increase in price in three months Up...

As for what Guan Liyuan can do in these three months, he still has nothing to do with the forum!

"Tsk tusk, every day is the'universe gossip' section with the highest activity.'Gossip' is indeed the instinct of intelligent creatures, and the proud of heaven are no exception!"

After Guan Liyuan said this, he found that the fat penguin had been looking at him, and he couldn't help but stop when he wanted to open the gossip section...

"Ahem, as a noble administrator, I decided to add some knowledge..."

Guan Liyuan opened the "Strategic Discussion" area, um, this is the second largest section of the "Great Universe Forum". It can be seen that there are many "Heaven's Prodigy" who are still in business!

Although different universes have different laws and rules, so-called "strategies" cannot be copied, but comprehending by analogy and discussing each other is indeed one of the shortcuts to progress...

"Huh? This post has been topped again? It seems that a new member has joined the discussion..."

Guan Liyuan saw the post that he cared about again. The member ID of the poster was "Lord of the Xuye Palace", and the title of the post was "On the operating principle and usage method of wish-like objects".

Thousands of floors have been covered in the post, and the ones in front are not nutritious. They are basically everyone's complaints about this serious title and counterattack with the "Lord of the Night Palace"...

However, another theoretical master later joined, and finally the "Master of the Xuye Palace" found someone who had a common language. The two people met each other late and discussed thousands of floors in one go, but the others couldn't talk.

The member ID of this theoretical master is "Iron Man's Brother", and he is very insightful in the "equivalent exchange" rule...

Well, in fact, Guan Liyuan has long felt that these two guys are "suspicious" from their ID to the content of their posts. They are a bit like the protagonist and BOSS in certain two worlds he knows, especially when he sees two people in the post. [Bangyu] and [Sage’s Stone] appeared respectively!

Unfortunately, because the permissions have not been activated, the background information of the two people cannot be fully viewed...

And now there is another theoretical expert who has joined the discussion, vowing that he has mastered a [Four Soul Jade] that can achieve any wish as long as the collection is complete, and his ID has made Guan Liyuan ready for three months. He sold him a rename card at a high price!

"The good beeps make the dog slap...Penguin, didn't even add sensitive words when registering the ID?" Guan Liyuan said with a grin.

"This is also one of the bugs. There was a sensitive font library originally, but because the languages ​​of the universe are not communicated, the translation function of this forum comes into play. After these languages ​​are unified, the sensitive font library has not been updated..."

At this moment, a roar came from Guan Liyuan's ears: "Guan Liyuan! It's about three months before you're going to "open the spirit", and you turned in a blank paper again! And what are you looking down at? Do you know what is more sad than waste? I just didn't realize that I was a waste of waste!"

Seeing the trembling beard of the old lecturer, Guan Liyuan thought about it carefully, and gave up his plan to "correct his wrong perception of himself, and let him know that he is not a'trash', but a'noble administrator'". ...