Dimensional Forum

Chapter 60: Arriving in the Country of Taki

[Liyuan, you wait!I'll let you see how good I am immediately, you must not guess what technique I have learned recently!] Naruto enthusiastically sent a private message to Guan Liyuan.

Haha, I guess it is "psychic art"!

Combined with Naruto’s tone, Guan Liyuan had already guessed that he should have already met Jiraiya, and he was about to learn the "psychic art" he had used, so the tone of "I am super diao"...

[Okay, then I am waiting for your surprise.Guan Liyuan didn't disappoint him to expose him.

A few days ago, Naruto also sent a private message, telling him about the written test...

By the way, if you use the forum’s private messaging function to cheat, even Morino Ibis will definitely catch the blind, but unfortunately, Guan Liyuan will not even have a single question inside!

As for the last question...

Sure enough, in that situation, if there are people who can be discussed, people will instinctively feel dependent!

Even Naruto came to discuss with Guan Liyuan and asked him whether he should abstain at this time.

Originally, Guan Liyuan used the name of psychological analysis to prove that this question must be fraudulent, but before sending the private message, he deleted the answer and only responded to Naruto: [When you are at a loss, remember that you are a ninja The origin of it!

[How do I feel that this is the signature file of "Eight Lian Killing the God of Eater"?

(The actual source of this sentence is from the little master of China. A Fei advised the little master. The original saying is "the chef"... As for who is "Eight Lian Killing the God of Cookery"? I highly recommend Dongdong's finished old book "The Counterfeit Little Master of Food Halberd"~!)

This test of Ibizi was a very important exercise for Naruto's will, and Guan Liyuan was unwilling to destroy it.

The final result, of course, was that he passed the exam safely. In the next world scroll test, Naruto also sent a private letter to Guan Liyuan and left a "suicide note"...

Although Naruto didn't say anything about it, Guan Liyuan guessed that he probably encountered Dashewan!

Before Naruto could learn the "psychic art", Guan Liyuan and Bai had already arrived in the northern part of Takiji. The Fuze Group also breathed a sigh of relief. The two men and one dog (Nine Lamas:?) and the three plague gods finally left. .

Moreover, it is considered credible. Apart from taking a downwind boat, there is no other rude behavior. When the pirate ninja is encountered in the seas of the transfer of Thunder Country and Iron Country, he also helped out...

After eight days, starting from the small island on the border of the country of water, all the way north, bypassing the country of thunder and the country of iron, finally arrived at the northern coastline of the northern country of the mainland of Takino. At this time, Guan Liyuan’s timeline limit Half of the time has passed.

"Huh, it's really cold. There is no such cold place in the country of water and wave, right? Bai, you... uh, it's okay." Guan Liyuan stopped the topic in a bit embarrassing manner.

I originally wanted to care about Bai, but thinking that Bai is particularly sensitive to this aspect, I might feel that Guan Liyuan is sexist, and more importantly... Bai's blood following the boundary is Bing Dun!It makes no sense to be cold, right?

As for the nine lamas, they were directly ignored by Guan Liyuan.

Nine Lama is still in a good mood, today is in the four-tailed state, on the way to the five-tail...

The Nine Lama in the four-tailed state already has the strength of the elite Shangren, and the explosive power and endurance are stronger than the elite Shangren. Guan Liyuan speculates that the number of tails and the power possessed by the nine lamas in this state should be accepted by Naruto. The proportions of the tail beast chakra when it condenses its tail are similar.

On the other hand, Naruto in the four-tailed state can be beaten back and forth with the Oshemaru whose hands are sealed, and when Jilai holds the mentality of not hurting him as much as possible and wants to subdue him, he will also be seriously injured...

However, it can only be enjoyed for less than two days. In order to prevent the contract and seal from being invalidated, Guan Liyuan will re-summon before it reaches the sixth tail, and then return to the first tail state.

"Is it really okay for us to sway from the north of Taki no Country to the south?" Bai had some doubts about this.

In the ninja world, ninjas of different forces passing by other ninja forces’ territories are considered to be more sensitive actions, especially Bai’s identity as a gift from No Slash, or a traitor who is wanted by Wuyin Village, and Guan Liyuan belongs to the black house...

"Don't worry, Takigakura was originally very autistic, and now he should be in a period when the new leader has no successor and the old leader is dead. There will be no spare capacity for him." Guan Liyuan was very confident.

Bai was a little puzzled. Guan Liyuan was not as experienced as her in many aspects, but how could he know the situation in Takigakura as soon as he disembarked?

To know that the country of Takino and the country of Nami, but a north and south across the mainland, so Shiro did not know too much news about Takinoki Village...

However, the closure of Takigakura Village does not know it.

Many sailors of the Tomizu Group also said that in Takino Country, Takigakura Village had no sense of existence before on the ship. Most of the domestic tasks were outsourced to Konoha Village, and some of them were living in the southern part of Takino Country. Take a family contract...

At this time, the Taketori clan is fighting with the Kusage Village in the southwest of Takino Country, intending to seek a country!

"Since Takigakura Village is so weak, why did the Taketori clan seek to seize the Kusakura Village in the Country of Grass? To repay the kindness given to them by the task?" Bai asked with some doubts.

Guan Liyuan felt that Bai's thoughts were a bit naive, and his expectations for the morality of the Taketo family were too high!

"No, as far as I know, the entrance of Takiin Village is covered by a giant waterfall, and... it's not very weak, it has strong unconventional power!" Guan Liyuan said.

He is also not sure that everything in Naruto World is the same as the "story" he knows, but generally because it can't be wrong.

In other words, the current Takigakura Village should be the only small Ninja village with human pillar power besides the five great Ninja villages, and there is also the "Heroic Water" that can increase Chakra's explosion. Akatsuki's corners are also from Taki. Hidden Village, if it is weak, it is definitely wronged...

At the time, the first generation of Naruto Senjue Zhuma did not catch all the tail beasts. For example, the one-tailed Mori Crane in the village of Sandyin was originally owned by the sand ninjas. The first generation of Fengkage also used the opportunity to allocate the tail beasts to claim the territory and Other resources.

Takigakura is a small Ninja village with human pillar power, and in the early days of the establishment of the Ninja village system, Takigakura was extremely ferocious, because the Five Shadows Conference excluded Takigakura, and even dispatched elites to Ninja Kakuto and assassinate them. The first Hokage known as the "God of Ninjutsu"!

Of course, Jiaodu undoubtedly failed, and in the face of the village's punishment, Jiaodu's grievance broke out, stealing the secret law from the village, and killing many high-level officials in the village...

As for the "Heroic Water" in Takigakura Village, it has the effect of increasing chakras, but the price is that it will erode life. After using the "Heroic Water" to expand wildly and even capture the tail beast, the ninja of Takigakura Village We gradually discovered the negative effects of "Heroic Water", so they sealed it, and the entire village was isolated from the world, and turned to protect the "Heroic Water" seal as their responsibility.

This is also the fundamental reason why the strategic pattern of Takiyin Village has changed from the original "flag teeth and dance claws" to the current "harmless humans and animals".

Nanao Shigeaki, who is handed down, is often not in the village in order not to be coveted.

And now it is not long after the death of the old leader taking "Hero Water" because of the rebellion incident in Takigakura Village.

The old leader’s son stayed in Konoha Village as a proton. According to the plot in OVA, after the Zhongnin exam and before Sasuke defected, the new leader will be sent back by Kakashiban...

Therefore, the Taketori clan would rather choose to capture the country of grass, which is the land of the Four Wars, than to fight with Takiguru Village. It is actually a very wise decision!

However, it is only relatively wise. In the memories of Xianglin in the animation, before being recruited by Oshemaru, the northern fortress of Kushin Village was completely taken by the Taketoi clan, but three years later, during the time of Eagle Team, Xianglin was I met a ninja from Cao Yin Village again...

Guan Liyuan suspected that Caoyin Village might have called Konoha for help after the big defeat. Hyuga Huomen had also reminded him that if the situation is too bad, Konoha might send troops.

Although the Hyuga clan has a good relationship with the Taketori clan, don't look at the former boasting that it is Konoha's strongest family. In fact, it is very "soft" and at most discourages the Konoha high-levels from pursuing victory.

Judging from the ninjas of Caoyin Village who took part in the Konoha League's Nakanin test, although the guys in Caoyin Village looked like Guan Liyuan a completely moral dregs, they belonged to Konoha's hardcore brother...

The situation in the next two days also proved Guan Liyuan's guess that there was no obstacle along the way. Two people and one dog (Nine Lama:?) traversed the entire territory of Takino.

Although in order to save time, when the Jiu Lama was used as a foot force, the other party strictly refused Bai to ride on it, but Guan Liyuan put forward the opinion that "I hold Bai and ride you again, so she is not considered riding". After that, it went smoothly to the settlement area of ​​the Taketori family in the southwest...

Is Bai shy?

Just kidding, even if she were to hold Guan Liyuan, she would not show any change in expression!