Dimensional Forum

Chapter 89: Prenatal and Postnatal Care Aspired to Pokémon

"Finally here! Almost eaten up a month's worth of compressed food..."

Standing on the rock wall, Guan Liyuan looked at the city of Nibi, where there are clusters of stone buildings and various large-scale characteristic stone sculptures, and he couldn't help but send out a "tear-jerking" speech!

Counting the week he first came to Pokémon World, Guan Li stayed in the Tokiwa Forest for half a month for hiking.

Originally, if you didn’t catch and search for elves, you would be able to pass through the Changpan Forest in two or three days. If you didn’t meet Xiaoxia, Guan Liyuan would have arrived in Nibi a week ago...

Because there is one more person in the team, the food is consumed faster.

Guan Liyuan finally understood why Xiaozhi and the others always picked wild fruits!

"Okay! Didn't you also train Pokémon? And also saw Shui Jun, this is what many trainers dream of! Don't pay attention to the details..." Xiaoxia included her own road idiot attribute " Details".

However, Guan Liyuan was not really depressed. Just as Xiaoxia said, even if he didn't get lost, he would return to the Tombstone Forest to train Pokémon after replenishment in Nibi City!

Most of the Pokémon also grew up through battles, which looked similar to the professional situation in the main world, but in fact they were completely different.

The growth of Pokémon is mostly dependent on training... Even if it is a wild Pokémon, why not carry out self-training while surviving?

As for defeating other Pokémon, it is only a means of training, not like a professional in the main world, who gains professional power by killing "abyss creatures".

Trainers usually do not deliberately kill Pokémon in the wild, and even during training, they will try to avoid affecting Pokémon that is not in good condition...

"But your efficiency in training Pokémon is really good. In the training of Pokémon, I am afraid that you already have the level of an elite trainer!" Xiaoxia rarely praised Guan Liyuan once.

To some extent, the growth rate of a Pokémon is not only related to its aptitude, but also determined by the ability of the Pokémon trainer and whether the opponent matches.

"Thanks to the ability of'spiritual communication'..." Guan Liyuan said even more humbly.

"Isn't'spiritual communication' also your ability? It's not picked up on the road! But you'd better know what your abilities are. After you completely awaken your special abilities, you will train Pokémon faster. !" Xiaoxia said.

In contrast, although Xiaoxia has not fully awakened her special abilities, she already knows the direction of her abilities, that is, the "Power of Water Protection"!

If the awakening is successful, Xiaoxia's speed in training water Pokémon will be greatly increased...

And what Guan Liyuan said before is not considered modest, "mind communication" does provide a lot of convenience for Pokémon's training.

Although there was a delay of a week in Tokiwa Forest, and he was still on a day trip to the "Gopher Cave", the corresponding Pokémon's level also increased.

The little fire dragon has been level 17 and has evolved into a "fire dinosaur". It looks less cute and more majestic;

Ba Dahu reached level 19 and learned "Phantom Light" and "Silver Wind";

Bobo reached level 18 and evolved into a "Bibi Bird" with a cluster of bird feathers on top of his head, more heroic than before;

The Kodak has reached level 16, learned more practical skills such as "Mind Power" and "Water Wave", and finally gained combat effectiveness;

The pangolin, who was only subdued in the "Gopher Cave", has the strongest willingness to become stronger. At this time, it has reached level 14 and has learned to use the "magnitude" with a lot of room...

Moreover, after daily "potential stimulation" for each Pokémon, Guan Liyuan also discovered some rules for the increase of Pokémon's race value, that is, the higher the race value of the evolution end form, the less obvious the effect, and with the number of times Increase, the effect is declining...

The fire dinosaur, the first to follow Guan Liyuan, received the most "potential stimulation", but yesterday, after Dr. Damu analyzed the information passed by Guan Liyuan, he found that its race value had increased from 405 to 420, an increase of 15 points.

The evolution end form of Ba Dahu, whose race value is only 395, has received "potential stimulation" fewer times, but the increase is also 15 points, reaching 410...

The final polar form of Bibi Bird is Bibi, and the race value is higher than that of the Ba Da Hu, and it was conquered later, with an increase of only 13 points; while the reachable duck increased by an astonishing 20 points, and the pangoit that had not been conquered long also had 10 point……

Therefore, Guan Liyuan suspects that the effect of "potential enhancement" is also related to Pokémon's special talents and effort!

The individual spiritual power of Da Duck is inherently extremely high, and the pangolin is the most hardworking...After the gopher cave, he also resolutely followed Guan Liyuan!

Because of the pangolin's hard work, other Pokémon were also stimulated, which also made Guan Liyuan very pleased.

"Will you go to the Fossil Museum later?"

Xiaoxia and Guan Liyuan walked down the stone stairs close to the rock wall, and asked Guan Liyuan.

"No, the communication with Fossil is still a bit worse..."

"Then challenge the gym first?"

"It is indeed to go to the gymnasium first, but it is not a challenge, but to rent the training and teaching equipment there first... My VIP Illustrated Book seems to have 1,000 hours of free time!" Guan Liyuan said.

In addition to actual field combat, Pokémon training also includes targeted training and skill teaching. The combination of the two parts can achieve maximum efficiency...

The most complete of the latter is the "Hezhong Place", which has a "battle training department" where trainers can learn from each other. It also provides complete Pokémon training places and facilities. In other places, places with similar functions are located Both in gymnasium.

"Huh? Don't you go to challenge the gym?" Xiaoxia asked in confusion.

"Will go, but after the resurrection of the'Fossil Pterodactyl'..."

Although according to Xiaoxia, Guan Liyuan’s current strength is enough to challenge the first badge, but since Guan Liyuan has to stay for a while, he will simply wait until the fossil pterosaur is resurrected, and other Pokémon will also complete this part of training. Challenge later, it will be more secure!

As for gym badges and league competitions, Guan Liyuan has no reason to miss it...

The penguin has already analyzed that the beasts of the Pokémon world can be regarded as the differentiated part of the "cosmic will". If you want to sign a contract with the beasts, you must also be favored by the "cosmic will".

In the world of Pokémon, the shortcut to gain the will of the universe is to promote the "evolution" of Pokémon!

The increase in "race value" is heritable to a certain extent. If the racial value of the parent and the mother is higher than the average value, the offspring also have a certain chance to have a higher racial value.

Of course, under natural conditions, the increase in average race value will be a long process.

If Guan Liyuan can increase the average race value of the entire small fire dragon population by 1 point, it is estimated that he will immediately change from "illegal entry" to the pride of heaven...

However, if you want to conquer all the little fire dragons, it is impossible to use "potential stimulation" afterwards. The breeding speed will be faster than Guan Liyuan's conquest!

The correct way is to use the Pokémon whose race value has been increased as a "stallion" and sow the seeds, even if the increase in each generation will be weakened, but the children and grandchildren will be infinite...Naturally, the entire race can be gradually improved!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan has planned to open a "cultivation house" in the future, and before that, whether it is to advertise himself, or to obtain more types of Pokémon and cultivation house qualifications, obtain gym badges, and join alliances Games are essential.

"At that time, we will challenge the Nibi Gymnasium together? Your water elves just restrained the Nibi Gymnasium's Rock Pokémon, right?"

Xiaoxia said with a slightly stiff expression: "I, I'll forget it! I won't go to the league competition...hahaha..."

Guan Liyuan glanced at her speechlessly... This reaction and excuses are a bit far-fetched!

Even if you don’t participate in the competition, the number of gym badges will determine the number of protected areas you can enter...

However, Guan Liyuan did not expose her meaning, no matter if Xiaoxia’s life experience is like in the animation, she is the little girl of the four sisters of Hualan Taoist Temple, or as in the cartoon, she is the eldest sister of Hualan Taoyuan, since she is young Xia doesn't want to say it for the time being, and Guan Liyuan won't ask more...