Dimensional Forum

Chapter 99

Guan Liyuan discovered a very efficient search method, and even considered whether or not to "release" his Ba Da Hu, Bibi Bird... As long as the Poke Ball is destroyed, the connection between Pokémon and humans will disappear. .

However, I finally gave up this idea. Although they can be commanded as long as there is a contract with "Alien Summoners", in gymnastics and alliance competitions, it will be checked whether the participating Pokémon belongs to the participant. To prevent the participation of agents...

If you destroy the pokeballs of Ba Da Hu and Bibi Bird, don't even pass the inspection by then!

In the early hours of the morning, Guan Liyuan was guided by a "wild" Bobo and came to a branch waterway through which a small stream flows.

Although it is dark all around, the red gems on the tail of the electric dragon are bright, making it easier to find!

Suddenly, the "Thunderbolt", who was already asleep, stood up, seeming to have noticed something...

Guan Liyuan didn't hesitate, and directly released the Pterosaur Fossil Ball!

"Go! Fossil pterodactyl... don't hurt them two!" Guan Liyuan warned.

In fact, not to mention the fossil pterodactyl, it is known that its resurrection is the result of the help of the electric dragon and the lightning beast.

How could it really hurt them?

But now in order to find out the truth, they have to ask them something!

Although the Thunder Beast and the Electric Dragon obviously did not think so, they found that Guan Liyuan had released the fossil pterosaur and wanted to resist, but the two "wing attacks" by the fossil pterosaur ended the battle...


Eh... eh...

The irritable Thunderbolt beast, even if it fell to the ground, still yelled at Fossil Pterosaur and Guan Liyuan in dissatisfaction, while the mild-tempered electric dragon was very aggrieved.

"Um...I didn't mean anything! I also know that you guys are also not malicious... It's just that Ms. Terahara is now regarded as a suspect in collusion with the Rockets. You shouldn't want to see this, right? Now to Ms. Terahara The most unfavorable thing is that she released you before being arrested, so she was treated as a cover-up evidence...

Actually it's not like this, right?Miss Terahara needs your help now, can you tell me why she did this?If there are any difficulties, I will definitely help!"Guan Liyuan said.



However, whether Guan Liyuan asked directly or used "spiritual communication," the two electric Pokémon resolutely refused to cooperate.

Raidenmon's attitude is tough, even the mild-tempered electric dragon never reveals anything about it.

[Don’t you worry about Terahara?] Guan Liyuan asked anxiously in a way of spiritual communication.

[No... So... Terahara... There is no danger.Dianlong hesitated.

When Guan Liyuan wanted to ask anything further, the electric dragon was stopped by the Thunder Beast, and then he just shook his head and refused to say anything more.

Originally, Guan Liyuan thought that Siyuan had let the Thunder Beast and Electric Dragon leave because of other difficulties, and the latter two did not know the situation of Siyuan.As long as he wants the Thunder Beast and Electric Dragon to explain this, they will tell himself what is going on...

Who knows that Raiden beast and electric dragon have fascinating confidence in Tomoko Terahara and don't believe her in any danger, even if he emphasizes that the police have arrested her, it is useless.

Moreover, Guan Liyuan and Fossil Pterodactyl owe such great favors to Thunder Beast and Electric Dragon, and it is impossible to use any tough methods...

But it's not completely unprofitable. Judging from the reactions of the Thunder Beast and the Electric Dragon, either they are mentally retarded, or... Is there any means by which Temple Hara can prove innocence?

Early the next morning, when Guan Liyuan left Changpan Forest and returned to Nibi City, he immediately received a call from Xiaoxia.

"How is it? Have you found any useful clues?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Last night I found several researchers who were willing to answer me... The strange things about Secretary Terahara are indeed true. When Terahara came to apply for a job two years ago, some people suspected her. There was also that heavy vehicle. The truck...every time, Terahara commanded the driver to stop in the warehouse of the museum." Xiaoxia said depressed.

She would rather face women’s natural enemies to "stay up all night", but also look for clues, which are actually contrary to her expectations!

While Guan Liyuan listened to Xiaoxia's words, he arranged the two people's gains and passed them to Shinichi Kudo...

Guan Liyuan had almost no hope, after all, all the clues were not good for Siyuan, and he hadn't seen any breakthrough yet.

[Something is wrong...When you first met the Miss Terahara, did you feel that the museum staff was repelling her?] Xinyi asked about something that seemed unrelated.

Guan Liyuan recalled for a while, and then said: [No, Ms. Terahara's popularity seems to be pretty good, and many people take the initiative to say hello when she sees her.

[Not quite right. At the same time as the incident, it was found that there was a problem with her identity, and someone suddenly revealed her suspiciousness, as well as the truck used by the prisoner to escape. The location was completely determined by Secretary Terahara, and there was even Handover signature...Although I am not there, it feels like someone wants to focus all their eyes on her.

It is hard to imagine that this is a mistake made by an agent who has been lurking for two years and has basically gained the trust of people around him!If the exposure is so thorough, why not leave together when committing a crime?

After listening to Shinichi's words, Guan Liyuan also began to feel something wrong...

It is precisely because everything is too pointed towards the temple, it is suspicious!

[But her identity and the reason for covering up the evidence, I still have...]

[Yes, she is indeed hiding something, and the real prisoner also knows this, so she uses her as a surrogate!] Xinyi said.

[Then what should I do now?

[Find the first person who started to preach that Terahara's behavior was different... Note that it may not be the first person to say this to the police, it is possible that he will first hint that other researchers have noticed this!Also... Within half an hour before the robbery happened, have you seen the robbed "thing"?

According to what you said before, the curator and researchers of the museum were still arguing about what fish was robbed until they met you. That is to say... if the prisoner is an inner ghost, he should understand the location of the fish. , May change at any time, because other research may be carried out at any time!

Judging from the behavior of the robbery gang, the other party confirmed the location of the fish very well. I think the other party confirmed the location again not long ago... If someone specifically confirmed the location before, it must have been suspected. Maybe the inner ghost went into the room where the fish was with you... It's even possible that he provoked the argument.] Xinyi said.

and many more!So speaking...] Guan Liyuan suddenly remembered something.

I felt it when I was meditating. There were three Pokémon in the room, and during the second meditation, the other one disappeared...

Guan Liyuan immediately asked Xiaoxia on the other end of the phone: "Do you remember that we were in the room of the Gukong Acanthopanax yesterday. When I was in'psychic communication' with them, did anyone leave the room?"

"At that time... I remember that only Ms. Terahara left the room and went to fetch your fossil pterodactyl report, and came back after you finished communicating."


Guan Liyuan felt helpless, and secretly said: Why are you again?Don’t post all suspicious things, OK!

Wait a minute!Doesn't seem right...