Dimensional Forum

Chapter 162

"En? Someone is asking for help...Be careful, let's go and see!" Wei Yingying said.

After seeing the signal flare, the three of them moved cautiously towards the target.

This kind of signal flare is specially made by the Alliance, which can avoid being noticed by the abyssal creatures under the command of the abyss to the greatest extent.

As for the abyss lords above...most of them are not judging the enemy or ourselves by instinct, but have their own thinking, as long as they see them, they will naturally pay attention.

Therefore, flares are not allowed to be used near the lord zone, and the effective range of calling for help is usually not very large. They are just used to "dead horses as living horse doctors" in times of danger.

"The orange-level distress signal...Is it encountered a leader-level enemy? If there is only one leader, I might be able to help."

Guan Liyuan and the three are also new professionals this year, and the orange-level distress signal is normally a level that the new professional team cannot intervene. It represents the abyss creature of the commanding level that puts the rescuer into crisis.

At this time, the correct approach should be to also use a red flare on the spot to help the opponent increase the chance of success in seeking help.

However, because of Guan Liyuan’s "Alien Summoner" career, he now has the chance to summon the lord-level "fossil pterodactyl" to attack once. As long as the target is completely hit and the target has no special resistance to physical attacks, it can kill the leader in a second... at least Can also be hit hard!

Therefore, the trio decided to lurch carefully and take a look. If there is only one Abyssal Commander and not a type that has great resistance to the attacks of fossil pterosaurs, they can choose to help...

After getting closer, the three of them heard the sound of fighting, and their hearts became more confident.

Since it can be in the hands of the abyss commander, it is not completely without counterattack, it seems that there should be at least one mid-level professional in the distressed team.

In this way, as long as the opponent only has an abyss leader, even if he can only be hit hard, the situation can be reversed!

However, when the three of them saw the scene of the fight, they were shocked...

Even the professional team didn't even see that the one who was fighting an abyss leader was actually a single professional!

There are only a few corpses of the abyssal elites around, but no human corpses are seen. It can be seen that the opponent is acting alone as soon as he opens...

And what shocked the three Guan Liyuan the most was that the professional who was fighting was a girl who looked about the same age as them.

What is fighting her is a humanoid abyss leader with razors on his arms, legs, and even his whole body!

"It is a commander-level razor monster. It is good at close combat and has no additional resistance to physical skills. Moreover, its intelligence is not prominent in the abyss command. Although it is known for its speed, it should not be able to avoid the attack of the'fossil pterodactyl' ...Li Yuan, how about it?" Wei Yingying analyzed.

Guan Liyuan also nodded, and then shouted to the girl in the battle: "Wait after I summon the flying dragon, you will immediately retreat!"

And this sound, whether it was the razor monster or the girl holding a long spear and fighting with it, all noticed the three of Guan Liyuan.

The girl Yu Guang took a moment to glance here, then showed an angry look, and shouted: "What's the matter with you? Can't you understand the distress signal? This is a commander-level abyssal creature, stay away!"

This reaction was normal. On the contrary, Guan Liyuan and the others, as new professionals, had to come over after seeing the orange signal, which was the wrong choice.

Although the attitude is not very good, letting them stay away is also a responsible performance...

"I have a one-time explosive attack that can hurt the leader of the abyss, wait for your attention!" Guan Liyuan had no time to explain in detail.

And for the sake of credibility, I didn’t say anything about “can kill the leader of the abyss”...

The pike girl believed a little now, and at the same time concentrated on dealing with the "Razor Leader" who singled out with her, implying that Guan Liyuan would find a chance to "break out" by herself, and she would avoid it in due course.

At this time, the three of them also saw the fighting style of the spear girl... a bit of cold light came first, and then the gun shot like a dragon!

The silver spear, in the hands of a girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail, seemed to be alive, fighting against the leader of the razor who was good at close combat, and did not lose the wind.

And it looks carefully, every time the girl shoots, it will bring up an afterimage!

At first I thought it was caused by the rapid speed of the gun, but gradually discovered that something was wrong. The path of this afterimage sometimes did not overlap with the true path of the silver gun, and every time the afterimage stabbed and passed the razor leader, Will see the opponent's speed slow down a bit...

The girl's marksmanship is not based on lightness, but it seems to be quite open and close!

However, there is no time to observe, Guan Liyuan immediately triggered the summoning skills of the "Alien Summoner" and communicated with the strongest Pokémon in his contract!

"It's just you! Fossil pterodactyl!"

I saw a huge summoning formation blooming in the sky, and a huge and hideous gray-purple flying dragon emerged from it...

"Be careful to avoid... the fossil pterodactyl, use the'billion impact' on the guy with the razor all over!" Guan Liyuan shouted.

The first sentence is obviously to remind the silver gun girl.

But still shocked the other party!

When she heard that Guan Liyuan had "explosive attack methods", she thought she needed to prepare for a while...

Who knew it was just summoned like this?

The feeling of oppression from the top of her head made her heart tremble...

"Wound" the leader of the abyss?This is simply summoning the Lord of the Abyss, OK?

Moreover, the strong dragon breath showed that the gray-purple flying dragon that was summoned should still be the lord of the subdragon species!

Even with only one blow, it should be able to kill the razor leader in a second, right?

"Ha!" With her last strength, the silver gun girl slightly pushed back the razor leader, and then began to retreat quickly and distanced herself from it.

Although the IQ led by Razor is not very good, he has a keen sense of danger. Similarly, he did not pursue the girl with the spear, but wanted to escape...

However, in the face of the condescending fossil pterosaur, it obviously has no possibility of avoiding it!

I saw a gray-purple fossil pterosaur, swooping down, with a wingspan of more than ten meters and a razor that smashed into a humanoid figure, which seemed to be a bit of a mountain top.


With the impact point as the center of the circle, the impact bursting out made the three of Guan Liyuan who had prepared for a long time to stand still, and the girl with the spear, who was closer, was lifted a few meters away... …

The wind and smoke dissipated, and there was only a large hole where the original Razor Commander was attacked. The rhizomes of some surrounding plants were scattered in it, and the Razor Commander and the fossil pterosaur were no longer found...

The fossil pterosaur was forced to disarm the incarnation because Guan Liyuan's "Alien Summoner" professional power was exhausted. As for the leader of the razor, he was killed in seconds. You can still find the "parts" if you look for it carefully.

"Is it all right? Don't move, I'll help you deal with it..." Wei Yingying walked towards the Silver Spear Girl at this time.

"Thank you……"

The silver-gun girl who was still brave just now, her face turned pale, her spear had disappeared, her whole body was weakened, and her words seemed weak...

Obviously, this is not caused by being swept away by the aftermath of an attack, but some are like side effects after using overdraft skills!

No wonder she didn't seem to be in a disadvantage before, but she still sent out a distress signal in a hurry...