Dimensional Forum

Chapter 186

"Is Yuejianshan right in front?" Guan Liyuan asked, looking at the volcano-like peaks in the distance.

"Yes, there should be a Pokémon Center at the foot of the mountain. Let's live there today!" Xiaoxia said.

"Well, it's time to go to the Pokémon Center, the supplies are almost exhausted..." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"Don't care about the details! At least we are here now, aren't we?" Xiaoxia's tone was a bit far-fetched.

Guan Liyuan had clearly prepared enough, but when he encountered Xiaoxia's "luo idiot attribute" + "cause attribute", he could always delay until all the supplies were used up before reaching his destination!

For example, this time, Xiaoxia started from the first day's reversal, and took Guan Liyuan around for half a month. During this period, she also encountered the spearfish group twice, the big needle bee group once, the monkey strange group once, and the circle Circle the bear three times...

It is not that I only encountered these few Pokémon, but that I only encountered the grumpy Pokémon seven times!

Spears, big needle bees, monkey monsters, and circle bears are all Pokémon with grumpy personality and strong territorial awareness.

Ordinarily, ordinary trainers will not suffer so many disasters in the wild. One is because the luck of ordinary trainers is not so bad, and the other is because most ordinary trainers either know the road or look at the map!

After all, the places where such irritable Pokémon live together are marked on the map, and there will be warning signs at the border...

However, He Xiaoxia has this passive skill that unknowingly enters the dangerous area and perfectly avoids all warning signs, and her luck is extremely bad.

Of course, Guan Liyuan suspects that this is an expression favored by the cosmic will... Maybe the cosmic will of the Pokémon world is so arrogant and will use this method to express "favor".

Especially the last circle bear, around Nibi City, is actually a rare Pokémon, but it came across three times in a row, and it was the same one!

As for why it is moving towards a clear destination, but entering the territory of the same circle bear three times in a row?

Then I have to ask Xiaoxia...

And what Guan Liyuan wants to know more is that it should be easy to see with the size of the moon?When she went the other way before, Xiaoxia didn't feel that there was something missing in the front?

But it is not without gain, at least the circle bear that has encountered three consecutive times has signed a contract with Guan Liyuan!

On the one hand, it was because of the "mind contact" after the transformation, which made it easier for Guan Liyuan to wait for the favor of Pokémon, and on the other hand, it was also because of the strong suppression of the "fossil pterodactyl".

The first two times, once in a dense forest area and once in a cave, it is not convenient to use the "fossil pterodactyl", and when encountering a circle bear, there are about 35, multiplied by the circle bear’s 500 race value, which is about Seventeen thousand combat power.

Although it was far inferior to the fossil pterosaur that had broken 40,000, the circle bear, which had exceeded the 15,000 competition level, was invincible by Guan Liyuan's other Pokémon, so he could only choose to escape.

For the third time, it was finally in a sparse forest area suitable for fossil pterosaurs to play. Guan Liyuan finally found the opportunity to use the fossil pterosaur to control the opponent and make "contact with the soul"...

Because there are still a few baby bears to take care of, Huanhuan Xiong did not travel with Guan Liyuan and was not subdued by Poke Ball. However, he signed a contract and would fight for Guan Liyuan in the main world if necessary!

Moreover, the transformed "potential stimulus" does not require a certain target to be used by oneself, and it can be used directly through contract runes.

At present, with Guan Liyuan’s professional power, he can use "potential stimulus" about fifty times a day, and Guan Liyuan’s "Alien Summoner" career is only in the early stage. As long as the contract is continuous, Guan Liyuan’s The profession of "Alien Summoner" is constantly improving, and it is now the easiest to promote among the three professions.

Therefore, in addition to circling the bears along the way, Guan Liyuan also conquered several Pokémon that are common in forests and wilderness environments. Because there were already six pokemon balls on his body, they were automatically sent to Dr. Ogi.

Among the six elves he carried, Guan Liyuan focused on cultivating the little fire dragon and pangolin.

"Do you want to subdue Pippi this time?" Xiaoxia asked.

"Well, it's better to have a higher level, I hope it can happen." Guan Liyuan said.

Guan Liyuan also looked up the information at this time. Pippi can use two treatments, one is "Moonlight", the effect will be reduced if it is used on Pokémon other than himself.

The other is "Wish of Healing", which can be said to be the strongest skill of healing Pokémon moves!

When activated, there will be a huge backlash, which is equivalent to the releaser's overdraft power, restoring all the vitality for other Pokémon.

The price is that the initiator will enter a state of fainting, temporarily losing combat effectiveness.

"Higher level? According to the current situation, most of the sightings of Pippi in the Yuejianshan public area are said to have a combat power of 7,500 to 15,000." Xiaoxia said solemnly.

"Wait... the public area?" Guan Liyuan asked in confusion.

"Yes, didn't I say it before? Some pits in Yuejianshan are contracted because they produce moonstones or fossils, and the core area is also blocked by the alliance, and ordinary trainers can enter The area is only a part of Yuejianshan." Xiaoxia said.

Guan Liyuan found the detailed map of the moon in the electronic illustration book. Sure enough, some of them were marked as "non-open areas", but in terms of area, the public areas were larger.

The whole moon sees the mountain, there are only a few mining sites for a few months of stone, and the core part belongs to the "non-open area."

"Huh? The alliance blockade at the core does not require trainers with a few badges to enter, but requires special approval from the alliance?" Guan Liyuan brightened his eyes.

"Well, it is said that in the core area of ​​Yuejianshan, there have been a few strange things, and then the Alliance blocked it, and it is not a special protection area." Xiaoxia said.

"What's the strange thing?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I don't know exactly... I also heard about it because I grew up in Hualan City when I was a child."

After Xiaoxia finished speaking, she was also shocked-why did she accidentally expose herself as a native of Hualan City?

Fortunately, Guan Liyuan didn't seem to care too much. Xiao Xia then realized that she only exposed her origin in Hualan...It doesn't seem to be a big deal!

At this time, Guan Liyuan contacted Dr. Damu and asked him to help him go through the procedures for entering and exiting the Yuejianshan core area...

Since it is not a protected area that requires "N badges" to enter, for Guan Liyuan, he has a chance to enter.

If there is a clear requirement for the number of gym badges, the doctor will not be able to give him the back door.

"Xiaoxia, give me your identity book, and I will help you to activate the permissions." Guan Liyuan said.

"Picture book? This...no need, in fact, my picture book has permission to enter the core area of ​​Yuejianshan..." Xiaoxia said with a guilty conscience.

"Huh? Did you go in?"

"No, it's just that the permission is higher than the permission to enter the Yuejianshan Restricted Area, and it was not specifically applied for."