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Chapter 187 What kind of situation will make people give up free dormitory and open a house alone?

"Liyuan...Don't you ask me, why is there permission to enter the core area of ​​Yuejianshan?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help asking while dining in the Pokémon Center restaurant at the foot of Yuejian Mountain.

"Didn't you ask me how to get through the back door?" Guan Liyuan asked back.


"Why do you have permission is not important, what is important is that we can now go to the Yuejianshan core area together?" Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's calm look with no intention of exploring, Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief.

Guan Liyuan really doesn't care about these...what can Xiaoxia do?It doesn't affect Xiaoxia who is traveling with him now, and if he needs help, I believe Xiaoxia will take the initiative to speak.

After all, Guan Liyuan had close personal relationships with "the world's most ferocious revolutionary army leader" and "warlord leaders of the five great powers". Even if Xiaoxia had any life experience she wanted to keep secret, Guan Liyuan was not curious enough.

"By the way, after eating, let's find out about Yuejianshan nearby! According to you, Yuejianshan should have blocked the core area more than ten years ago, so someone should know what to do. Yes." Guan Liyuan said.

Yuejianshan has appeared in Pokemon animations and comics. In the animation, Xiaozhi and others witnessed Pippi dancing around the meteorite and evolving together with a researcher in Moonstone. In the comics, Xiao Chi and Xiao Xia are here, fighting the Rockets who want to capture the Moonstone...

However, in the real world of Pokémon, Guan Liyuan obviously doesn't think these two plots are of much help to him!

In addition to the lockdown of the core area of ​​Yuejianshan, there are now a three-month stone mining shop and two fossil excavation sites, all contracted by the group, and the "moon stone" has evolved as some specific Pokémon Necessities, although precious, are basically available in large cities. How could the Rockets spend a lot of money on a moonstone or two?

As for the plot in the animation, it is even less likely to happen. Although Yuejianshan belongs to the category of "wild", Xiaozhi should not have permission to enter the core blockade, and there are many trainers haunting public areas. How could it seem Just like a single-player instance, give him all kinds of epic exclusive tasks?

For example, around the Pokémon Center at the foot of Yuejian Mountain, there are many Pokémon shops and hotels for people to rest. It looks like a small town serving trainers...

In particular, the existence of the Pokémon Center itself has shown that there is a high turnover of trainers, otherwise the Alliance will not create a Pokémon Center here.

After Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia inquired about the news, they probably knew the reason...

Pippi in Yuejianshan is the reason why it is famous, but it does not mean that it is easy to meet Pippi in Yuejianshan. In fact, the most common Pokémon here are the mountains and cave environments. Similar to the common Pokémon in "Gopher Cave".

The so-called "frequent" occurrence of Pippi means that relatively speaking, there is a greater chance of encountering Pippi here than in other places, and there are more common sighting records of Absolu in Fengyuan area.

In addition, in the public area, if you are lucky, you can also get the "moon stone". Therefore, many trainers come to try their luck. Over time, a camp-type town serving trainers has been formed at the foot of the mountain.

However, Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia found nothing about the core area. After all, ordinary trainers have no access rights.

"I think it's better to ask those older locals?" Guan Liyuan suggested.

"I just heard someone say that the owner of the inn near Yuejianshan in the north has been here for 30 years, but the business has not been very good...Shall we go there and see?"

Xiaoxia said and looked at the sun that had set again: "It's not too early, otherwise we should go live there today. It is also more convenient to ask the boss something."

Although both of them have the benefits of free accommodation in the Pokémon Center, since they happen to ask someone for some advice, it should be taken care of the business.

So Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia rushed back to the Pokémon Center, retrieved their luggage, and returned the originally reserved room.

"Huh? It's getting dark, don't you want to stay?" The service staff at the Pokémon Center was obviously confused about what Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia were going to do at this time.

"Well, because there are some special things, let's go to the hotel outside for one night alone!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Something special? Go to the hotel outside alone?" The waiter couldn't help showing a clear and shocked look, and looked at Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia...

"Origin, that's the case... Then there is no way, but this is not recommended for under 18 years old..." the waiter whispered, blushing.

"Huh? Why are you under eighteen?" Guan Liyuan asked in confusion.

Most trainers in this world come out to perform at the age of sixteen. Is it not recommended to stay in a hotel for people under eighteen?

As a result, as soon as he spoke, Xiaoxia elbowed him...

Guan Liyuan looked at Xiaoxia who jumped out of the tic-tac-toe veins above her head in confusion, Xiaoxia reminded in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Huh? You said it's more convenient to go there to open a house?"

"To shut up!"


The waitress at the counter apparently had completely misunderstood. At this time, with a look of courtesy and unrest, she went through the check-out procedures for the two of them.

Some trainers around also looked at them with weird eyes...

Xiaoxia couldn't help but explain: "You misunderstood! We are just going to the inn near Yuejianshan in the north, and ask the boss there about Yuejianshan!"

Unexpectedly, after Xiaoxia's explanation, the surroundings suddenly became quiet...

"What's the matter?" Xiaoxia asked in confusion.

"You, that hotel are you going to?" a female trainer next to her asked with a slightly ugly expression.

"Is there any problem?" Guan Liyuan also noticed the abnormalities of the people around him.

"That hotel...haunted!"

"Yes! When I first came here, I stayed there for half a night..."

"I think you'd better wait for the daytime and ask again."

Not only the service staff in the Pokémon Center, but also the trainers around, seem to know this.

"Haunted? Isn't it a Pokémon of the ghost system?" Guan Liyuan guessed.

The two had only heard that there was a hotel that had been in business for 30 years, and the business had not been good, and the reason was really unclear, and now they know that it was due to haunted rumors!

Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia didn’t laugh at other people’s “rare and weird”. Here are all Pokémon trainers. Naturally, it’s impossible not to know the existence of ghost Pokémon, but even among the trainers, there is no shortage of “fear”. The existence of ghosts.

Just like the Pokémon of the super power system, you must have a trainer with special abilities to be able to subdue and train. The Pokémon of the ghost system also has many sayings, which can not be controlled by ordinary trainers...

Because of the same mystery, the ghost-type Pokémon was originally part of the ghostly legend of the Pokémon world!

Even in the illustrated book, although it is not as mysterious as the legendary Pokémon, most of the information about the Pokémon of the super power system and the ghost system has some unclear parts...