Dimensional Forum

Chapter 191

"Researcher Nika, are we really going to the core area of ​​Yuejianshan? I heard boss Ruosong say that there should be something terrifying here, right?" When he arrived in Yuejianshan, Xiao Gang was still complaining.

"Don't worry, I just collect some fossils, and there are necessary data. It will not affect the environment of Yuejianshan... According to what Mr. Wakamatsu said before, only those who have affected Yuejianshan will encounter horror. Isn't it something?" Nika said.

"But in the hotel before, we already encountered something terrible, right?" Xiao Gang still looked a little worried.

And at this time, Guan Liyuan, who happened to be with him, said: "Otherwise, when it's time for the core area of ​​Yuejianshan, you and Xiaozhi can just wait outside, and Xiaoxia and I will accompany Researcher Nika in."

Wakamatsu did say that in recent years, there have been several incidents in which someone entered the core area of ​​Yuejianshan without permission. As a result, the Alliance staff found that they fainted inside and claimed to have been attacked by ghosts after waking up...

But Guan Liyuan didn't feel the horror of these things at all. There were no casualties in the several so-called attacks. Can this be considered horrible?

Traveling in the main world is better than this horror!

Nika was taken aback when he heard the words: "Eh? This... not so good, right? You came here for the Moonstone and Pippi, and our goals may be different, so I won't bother you..."

Soon after, the five people came to the depths of Yuejianshan Cave, a surveying point where Alliance staff were present.

Continue along the cave to reach the core area of ​​Yuejianshan. Also on the halfway outside the mountain, there are similar measurement points.

After checking the pass permits of Guan Liyuan, Xiaoxia and Nika, the staff of the alliance let them pass.

The core area of ​​Yuejianshan consists of two parts, one part is the top of the mountain outside the mountain, and the other part is the cave inside the mountain, near the inside.

Although the entrances and exits are not limited to these two, if you enter from other borders, most of them will be found by the sensor.

Even if you circumvent it carefully, once discovered by the patrol in the reserve, you will be wanted for "illegal trespass"...

The staff at the measuring point checked the entry and exit permits of Guan Liyuan and Nika, as well as Xiaoxia's permission level, and issued a pair of wrist buckles to five people to prove their identity when they encountered patrol personnel.

However, according to Ruosong, even the patrol personnel would not go to the core area.

After entering the core area, you can still see some abandoned equipment and the existence of the railway that once transported ore...

Some of the fluorite used for lighting embedded in the surrounding roofs and walls, some of which have been lost at this time, but Guan Liyuan and others also brought their own lighting equipment.

"Okay, let's separate here! Mr. Nika is looking for fossils, and we are looking for Pippi and Moonstone. Look at the way here, the way down for digging for fossils should be the way down. For the stone, it should go to the left... Pippi should also be in a place where there are many moon stones!" Guan Liyuan said at a fork in the road.

The Pippi of Yuejianshan is much more likely to appear in the cave inside the mountain than outside the mountain.

"Well! Good luck to you!" Nika said immediately.

While Guan Liyuan walked in the direction of the fork road, he said to Xiaoxia: "Tonight is a full moon, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I checked the sightings of Pippi on the Internet before and found that during the three days before and after the full moon, there was almost no sighting of Pippi." Guan Liyuan said.

"Huh? It's just a coincidence? And... if you believe this kind of statistics, why didn't you rest for two days at the measuring point or the Pokémon Center outside?" Xiaoxia asked in confusion.

"No, there is no record of direct sightings, but there are two suspected sightings. One was when a flying boat passed by. Someone saw the top of the Moon See Mountain. Under the full moon, many Pippi surrounded the'moon on the ground'. Some kind of ritual, and another time was seventeen years ago when a nearby child fainted on the night of the full moon, after being lost in Yuejianshan. When he was rescued, he said he saw a group of Pippi dancing in a trance..." Guan Liyuan said .

"The moon on the ground? A group of Pippi dancing? The latter may just be a child's dream or hallucination, right?" Xiaoxia said.

"It is also written in the material, and the sighting of the flying ship was temporarily landed because it was an alliance scientific research flying ship, but that scene disappeared in an instant, and no Pippi activity was found on the top of the moon. Mark of."

"Sure enough, it's just an illusion..."

"It may be an illusion, and there is also a possibility that the Pipi of Yuejianshan will gather together every time a full moon, and surround a large luminous body that can also be seen in the sky. Some kind of ritual... and it doesn't seem to be discovered by humans!" Guan Liyuan said.

"It's a bit intriguing... But there are indeed many unsolved mysteries about Pippi's habits and approach, and it seems that it is not completely impossible..." Xiaoxia folded her arms and rubbed her arms.

Pippi, evolved from "Pixie Babies", can evolve into Pikexi's fairy-type Pokémon.

Two years ago, it has always existed in the trainer’s cognition as a "general" Pokémon. However, two and a half years ago, a new evolution of Ibrahimovic’s "Fairy Ibrahimovic" was discovered in the Carlos area, and the It is positioned as a brand-new category "fairy line".

After half a year, Pokémon experts carried out another round of screening of all known Pokémon, and finally found that they included Baby Pi and its evolution, as well as Mali Luli, Xanadu, Alora Nine Tails And so on, Pokémon all have the attributes of the fairy type!

At the same time, it also solved the mystery of why Pippi and Maliluli were not special before, but it was difficult to cultivate and conquer...

The fairy system has also become the fourth most difficult to subdue training system after the dragon system, super power system, and ghost system. People have gradually discovered the corresponding talents of the trainer-the power of the imperial fairy. .

The fairy type is obviously restrained by the poison type and the steel type. At the same time, it obviously restrains the dragon type and the evil type. Especially for the dragon type... the Pokémon of the fairy type is almost immune to the energy damage of the dragon type, and the fairy type moves. Energy attacks can cause damage to Dragon Pokémon higher than theoretical value!

Become the second attribute after the ice type, which is more restrained than the ice type Pokémon of the dragon type.

The confirmation of the Fairy Element also revealed why some Pokémon can defeat the strong against the Dragon Element.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the world of Pokémon. A new basic system is suddenly discovered, and there will be a batch of Pokémon’s attribute data to be modified... After all, there are still many puzzles on Pokémon, and the information is constantly updated. of.

However, after being confirmed, the Pokémon of the fairy line has been very popular in the past two years, but because of the difficulty of breeding, there are not many examples of successful artificial breeding.

Like Pippi...

At the time when Yuejianshan was the busiest more than ten years ago, people even thought that Pippi was a basic Pokémon that had never evolved. It was not until the artificial breeding was successful that it was discovered that the egg hatched out of the egg was a new treasure named "Pipbab" Dream, Pippi has evolved once!

However, there are very few sightings of "Baby Pi" in the wild. It seems that after the evolution of Pipi, there will be more activities, and the evolution of Pi Babe is still unknown...

If it is according to Guan Liyuan's memory, the evolution of Baby Pi in the game is to upgrade after the "intimacy" meets the requirements.

But this obviously does not apply to the Pokémon world...If you must be intimate with a human trainer to evolve, where does the wild Pippi come from?

As for the path for Pippi to evolve to Pikexi, it is known that the "moon stone" is needed, but it does not necessarily evolve as long as you touch the moon stone. Many examples have proved that there should be other necessary conditions!

"It's almost done. We can go find the guy Nika now to see what he is hiding... If you are lucky, it may be related to Pippi. I don't think he happened to be on the full moon and entered the moon. In the core area of ​​the mountain." Guan Liyuan suddenly stood still and said.

"What? Is there anything strange about that guy? And... we have been apart for a while, how do we find him afterwards?" Xiaoxia asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, when I took a bath yesterday, I put a signal transmitter on his clothes, and then the tracking results will be displayed on this pair of glasses." Guan Liyuan said that he put on a pair of glasses and pressed it. A radar display appeared on the lens!

Yes, it was traded from a certain "savior of the neon police"!

It took more than 300 points for a set of equipment to be transferred. By the way, Guan Liyuan also paid him 500 points, which is to help him restore his identity early...

This kind of signal-transmitting equipment is useless in the main world because the signal propagation will be greatly interfered, but it can be used in the Pokémon world Guan Liyuan tried...

And because of the different ways of sending signals, it is very concealed in the Pokémon world!

"Eh? This is not so good... How are you sure he is suspicious? Isn't he a researcher at the Nibi Fossil Museum?" Xiao Xia was a little hesitant about Guan Liyuan's tracking behavior.

"That's why I am sure that he is suspicious! I asked him about the museum last night, and he said he hadn't seen us because he set out before we arrived in Nibey..."

"Is there any problem with this?"

"But he said that he had participated in the farewell party of Terahara Tomoko!"

"Huh?" Xiao Xia also reacted. If we count it this way, she and Guan Liyuan should have seen him.

Even if he has no impression of him because of too many researchers, he should have an impression of Guan Liyuan, who used fossil pterosaurs to chase down robbers!

In other words, he is not a researcher at the Nibi City Fossil Museum at all. There is a problem with the permission to enter and exit. As for the matter of Tomoko Terahara, he should have also heard people say...

"What a stupid thief, I actually missed it!" Xiaoxia expressed her IQ contempt.

However, Guan Liyuan added a sentence in his heart: [I don’t think he is stupid, but I didn’t expect that someone would get lost on the road from Nibi City to Yuejianshan for half a month, so I miscalculated that we were in Nibi. City time...]