Dimensional Forum

Chapter 207 Six-tailed Pokémon Egg

"Huh? Master, do you want those two?"

"Yes, it's the two that will be hatched soon..."

After hearing the conversation between "Uncle Guang" and the owner of the Boom Flame Pavilion, Guan Liyuan had some guesses.

Soon after, "Uncle Guang" with an awkward face brought two Pokémon eggs in the fixed device!

Well, obviously the hairstyle is very hearty, but the expression on his face is very awkward... and he glared at Guan Liyuan, it seems that these two Pokémon eggs are precious?

"These two Pokémon Eggs were only obtained after a bit of effort... after I reached my age, I retired from the official gymnasium position and the Alliance gave me the'consolation gold'!" Said.

"Consolation Jin?" Guan Liyuan glanced at the two Pokémon eggs in surprise.

Although it is to support the newcomers, the official gymnasium trainers who have reached their age are relieved of their duties. As compensation, the alliance naturally cannot be stingy...

For some general gymnasium trainers from ordinary families, they can choose to enter the alliance to take up public office, or they can choose a sum of money to subsidize their families.

As for the master-level and master-level gymnasium trainers, although no one thinks that they will have a hard time not working in the official gymnasium, there are also a series of benefits for everyone to support the rules set by the alliance.

The owner of an official gymnasium such as the owner of the explosive flame hall can directly enter the middle and high level of the alliance, or they can also make some other requirements...

It seems that these two Pokémon Eggs were chosen by the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion!

In this world, the artificial environment reproduction of Pokémon is far simpler than in the game, so Pokémon eggs are also very precious. After all, if a Pokémon egg is carefully cultivated, it means that one is completely in harmony with the trainer. Pokémon.

If these two Pokémon Eggs are quasi-sacred beasts, it is estimated that the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion will have to spend money...

However, even if there is no money, as the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion, the "comfort gold" should be a very precious Pokémon Egg.

"These are two six-tailed eggs that I personally selected from the cultivation department of the Quartz Alliance!" The owner of the Boom Flame Museum revealed the secret.

"Six tails?" Guan Liyuan nodded clearly.

The six tails in the Guandu area are a pure fire Pokémon. After evolving into the nine tails, it is also a single fire type, with a race value of 505 points. In terms of race value, it can also be regarded as the upper-middle class!

And like the Gota Duck and the Gotha Duck, although the six tails and nine tails do not have "super powers" attributes, they can learn a lot of super power moves...

Most importantly, the life span of Kyuubi is still "unknown"!

Apart from mythical beasts, it is one of the few Pokémon with an "unknown" lifespan...

Like humans, Pokémon has a lifespan limitation. Most Pokémons, because they can be subdued by humans, will record their survival time, and then calculate the race lifespan.

But Kyuubi...because there is no report from life to death under any credible observations of human beings, life span cannot be counted.

Part of the reason is that Kyuubi usually only recognizes one trainer throughout his life. Even if the trainer appoints another trainer to transfer, Kyuubi will refuse to cooperate or even leave the trainer. After the trainer has died, Kyuubi will also Often choose to leave instead of accepting other trainers.

And according to known observation reports, nine tails have a longer life span than humans, so although there are many nine tails that have been subdued by humans, in the end they either left the trainer halfway or after the trainer died, so lifespan cannot be counted!

Because in the world of Pokémon, unless it is extremely evil, even villains and bad guys in a broad sense will only use Pokémon to do some bad things, and rarely will there be a phenomenon of ruining Pokémon and harming Pokémon. Sex research is also prohibited by all regional alliances, so many data cannot be collected without the cooperation of Pokémon.

However, according to rumors, there are descendants of Kyuubi trainers who insisted that they had seen Kyuubi trained by their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and even guessed that Kyuubi's life span was over 200 years long...

However, because these witnesses did not have real evidence, they were not adopted as official information.

In the Alola region, because of the different climate and environment, there are other types of "six tails" and "nine tails". The "six tails" of Alola have white fur and are ice Pokémon. Learn the tricks of the fairies, and after evolving into the "Nine Tails" of Alora, they have the dual attributes of ice and fairies.

Therefore, there is also a saying that Kanto’s Kyuubi actually has the potential to become a dual-attribute Pokémon of Fire and Fairy. It’s just because it is difficult for Kantō’s 6-tailed to learn fairy-type moves, so it became a single-attribute fire after evolution. Pokémon...

Although Nine Tails is not a divine beast, it is also a Pokémon full of secrets!

"You should know Liuwei? Pokémon that is difficult to cultivate... how about it? If you think you are qualified to open a cultivation house, you will surpass me, the old man in the gym, right?" Baoyan said intentionally. .

"No, I am not qualified to open a cultivation house, but to open and close the capital area, the Quartz Alliance, and even the world's number one Pokémon cultivation house." Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

For this reason, there is no need to be humble.

At first, the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion thought Guan Liyuan was going to give up, but he couldn't help becoming even more angry when he knew that he heard even more crazy talk later...

"Xiaoxia is like this because you get along too much with your friends!" Bao Yan said angrily.

[Hey hello, uncle, are you too much?How long have I met Xiaoxia?] Guan Liyuan looked helpless.

Baoyan continued: "Your assistant just said that you want to keep here as a cultivation house? That is to say, you originally wanted to open a fire-type cultivation house, right? That's not bullying you, let you choose a treasure first. Dream eggs... These two are six-tailed eggs that will be hatched in three days. The most challenging breeding cultivator is the one-month juvenile period of Pokémon. After one month, we will use six-tailed eggs for a duel. Determine the outcome!"

In this world, Pokémon is not like in the game. You can start leveling when you are born. Depending on the race, within the first month or so, Pokémon will be in a juvenile period and cannot be upgraded. Training.

However, this is not time for the trainer to be lazy. As Bakuyan said, this is the month that tests the skills of the trainer the most. It has extraordinary significance for the future development of Pokémon and is an important foundation period. .

"Although they are all six-tailed eggs, there are still some differences. You choose one first...If you lose, I will take the six-tailed eggs back to Xiaoxia as her initial Pokémon to officially become a trainer. "Baoyan said.

Xiaoxia on the side heard something "formally become training" and "initial Pokémon", and almost stepped forward to "beep".

The meaning of bursting flames really negated and obliterated her previous career as a trainer.

At this time, Guan Liyuan looked forward to observe the two six-tailed eggs, and said, "Although it doesn’t matter, I still want to remind the owner of the Boom Flame Pavilion, my world’s No. Fire-type Pokémon, I want to be a mixed-type cultivation house... But as a test, in order to cooperate with the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion, the fire-type Pokémon is no problem."

After hearing this, the owner of the Explosive Flame Pavilion seemed to make a sound of grinding her teeth, and Xiaoxia became calmer when she saw it, and sneered at Guan Liyuan's "sarcasm" effect.

"Thank you so much! The selection...is the result?" Bakuyan suffocated a sentence.

"That's it." Guan Liyuan said.

"Isn't you just picking one?" The bursting flame confirmed with a smile.

Xiaoxia couldn't help but feel bad... Is it true that Guan Liyuan just picked it randomly?

[Sure enough, educator or something, it's nonsense...]