Dimensional Forum

Chapter 221 Fetters Evolution

"Mr. Kaopalas! What's wrong? Is there any offense in my experiment?" Dr. Oki asked immediately.

At the same time, he looked at several meters in shock... It seemed that Kaopallas's horrible data had skyrocketed again, but immediately returned.

Because the growth rate was too fast, many specially made meters also sounded alarms.

And Guan Liyuan shook his head at this time and said, "No, nothing! It's just an accident."

"Accidents?" Dr. Oki obviously didn't understand, what kind of accidents would make Pokémon's attribute value soar.

Guan Liyuan didn't dare to admit that it was his own ghost, because Kaopalas was hungry in advance under the stimulation just now!

"Hurry up and sample! I'll have to eat later." Guan Liyuan said with a rake.

[Kaopalas, what is going on?Guan Liyuan immediately asked Kaopalas what's going on.

Obviously, it has no effect on fire dinosaurs and Ba Dahu, and it does not consume professional power so severely. Why is the situation completely different when it comes to Kaopalas?

Yep?Don’t you know?Interesting ability. This is an effect that can only be achieved when the bond between humans and Pokémon is maximized, and the state of psychic communication is triggered. In this state, the Pokémon will be closer to the form of the human with the bond... Improve individual correction rate.] Kaopalas explained.

[The bond is maximized, the heart is connected, and the form close to the human being with the bond... It seems a bit familiar... Ah!Is it "fetter evolution"?] Guan Liyuan suddenly brightened his eyes.

[Boundary evolution?Do you call this form that way?However, it is different from "evolution", it is not maintained forever, just like...Kaopallas became vague again behind.

However, Guan Liyuan has already confirmed that what Kaopalas said is "fetter evolution"!

The same as "super evolution" is a temporary state. Since the discovery of "super stones" in the Carlos area a few years ago, "super evolution" has always been a popular subject in the Pokémon world.

"Super evolution" requires the trainer to have a "key stone", Pokémon wears a special "super stone", and the intimacy between the two parties reaches a certain level, it is possible to trigger "super evolution" in the battle, although it is a temporary However, the Pokémon in the "Super Evolution" state will increase its race value by 100 points and its strength will be greatly improved.

In contrast, "fetter evolution" is not a new discipline. In historical records, there is this form of "evolution", which is similar to the situation of "super evolution", but does not require "keystone" and "superstone", and More rare than "super evolution"...

In the animation, Xiaozhi’s ninja frog triggers the "fetter evolution" effect, and its performance is not weaker than "super evolution" (although it is still kneeling), and there is a flower leaf pedicle from the ancient kingdom that is suspected of fetter evolution...

According to the data of this world, although "super evolution" is not like in the animation, there are only a few records in a thousand years, but it is also very rare. There is even no trainer that can stably stimulate the effect of "fetter evolution", only a few accidents Record of the state of excitation.

The effect is to increase the "individual correction rate", it is possible to change attributes and characteristics, and special skills in this state appear.

In this way, Guan Liyuan also understands why the instrument issued an alarm just now...

[But you didn’t seem to have changed your form before?] Guan Liyuan was puzzled.

[Fetter Form...that is what you call "fetter evolution", it also consumes energy for human beings, your current ability is not enough to make me truly complete "fetter evolution".

Guan Liyuan accepted what Kaopalas said, but he was wondering about another thing.

[Then why other Pokémon can’t trigger "Boundary Evolution"...]

It is said that fire dinosaurs and other Pokémon have been following Guan Liyuan for much longer than Kaopallas.

[Strength, if you want to trigger "fetter evolution," at least your current conversion power of 30,000 can be triggered.] Kaopalas said.

[Thirty thousand?and many more!I also tried it on the fossil pterosaur... By the way, the fossil pterosaur was in the pokeball at that time, so did the "fetter evolution" appear?] Guan Liyuan muttered to himself in his heart.

As for Pikexi and Geng Ghost... Guan Liyuan didn't try this kind of spiritual communication skills on them for the sake of his own purity!

"Doctor, I'll take a stroll, and come back later!" After Guan Liyuan took a rest, he greeted Dr. Damu and walked into the forest.

Dr. Omu was busy measuring the data at this time, and didn't pay attention to Guan Liyuan at all, just waved his hand...

And Guan Liyuan, after leaving the researcher some distance, can't wait to release the "fossil pterodactyl", ready to try "fetter evolution"!

"Big Rock, ready..." Guan Liyuan touched the round forehead of the fossil pterosaur, and used "heart-to-heart" on the fossil pterosaur!

Guan Liyuan instantly felt that he had entered into a higher level of contact with the fossil pterosaur. At the same time, the fossil pterosaur bloomed with light that was similar to evolution, and its shape changed...

And Guan Liyuan's occupational power consumption at this time was indeed much more intense than when he couldn't trigger the "fetter evolution", but it was far less exciting than Kaopalas, and was about the same as the consumption of "cultivation enhancement".

The appearance of the fossil pterosaur at this time has been changed. There is no change in the color and volume of the whole body, but the original short hind limbs are obviously longer at this time, and the forelimbs on the wings are also thicker, and the wings seem to be smaller... …

Now squatting on the ground, it feels more like the wing membranes attached to both arms, rather than the feeling of forelimbs growing on the wings...

Some are similar to the "Sonic Dragon" form, which is more personified than the original pterosaur.

Of course, because the body of the "fossil pterodactyl" is not originally a human form like Xiaozhi's "Koga Ninja Frog", although it has been anthropomorphized, it is still far from the human form.

Afterwards, Guan Liyuan held the determination to be defiled, and experimented with Pikexi and Geng Gui one after another, and they were both successful. With the evolution of the bond between Pikexi and Geng Gui, the four of them are more developed and grow directly on the body. The eyes and mouth have also moved up a bit and become more compact...

Judging from the forum analysis results list, each has an undocumented new skill, but only the attributes of Pikexi, which have changed after the "fetter evolution", and become the "fairy type" and "superpower type" dual type. .

As for the changes in data, from the comparison of the three, the individual correction rates of the three have increased significantly in the state of "fetter evolution", and the increase is about one-third of the original correction rate. The correction rate is 120%-124%, and the improvement rate is 30%-32%.

Guan Liyuan silently calculated that one-third of the combat power increased, which should be more than the 100-point race value of "Super Evolution" in terms of combat power increase, but "Super Evolution" often focuses on improving superior abilities.

The most obvious big needle bee after the "super evolution", the "special attack" that is useless to it will even be further reduced, while the attack and speed soar by 60-70 points, and the increase in actual combat is far more than the increase in combat power. s level.

And one-third of the "fetter evolution" is evenly spread across all attributes, so although there is an advantage in the increase in combat power, the actual combat effect and super evolution should have their own advantages and disadvantages!

It seems that the effect of "Communication of Mind" on Pokémon is to stimulate "fetter evolution". As for whether there is any effect on the tail beast, I have to find Dingchun after returning to the main world...

When he returned to the research institute, Guan Liyuan was in a good mood. Compared to Kaopalas, who was unable to fight, his ability to "fetter evolution" obviously made him feel stronger!