Dimensional Forum

Chapter 322-Refining Secrets

"Student Guan Liyuan, your occupation covers this system, mind system, element system, and rule system, so you can choose the secret store at will, if you have three places...you can choose 30 copies for the beginner secret store, and nine for the intermediate secret store. ."

It is still Tutor Lin, in charge of the affairs of registering the secret collection.

Different professions have different types of secrets that can be refined. Only the "Professional Power Secrets" that increase the upper limit of the professional power can be refined by any profession.

This system can refine the "secret of power" that increases strength and burst, the "secret of sensitivity" that increases physical flexibility and reaction speed, and the "secret of body" that increases physical strength and body surface defense.

The Mind System can refine the "Secret Store of Essence" that strengthens mental power, the "Secret Store of Will" that enhances the activation of will, and the "Secret Store of God" that enhances mental power and will sensitivity.

The element system can refine the "Elemental Affinity Vault" that increases the scope and scale of the spell, the "Elemental Destruction Vault" that enhances destructive power, and the "Elemental Control Vault" that enhances the ability to control details.

As for the rule system, it can only refine the "Professional Power Vault" that increases the professional power...

The first nine primary secrets are worth 100,000 copies when traded with Paradise Coins, and the last one requires 200,000-300,000. If they are replaced with intermediate secrets, they are worth more than ten times.

"Of course I chose the'Professional Power Secret Store'!" Guan Liyuan said naturally.

Do you still need to ask the question of whether you want a golden axe or a silver axe?

Mentor Lin Ping and other directors and tutors on the side could not help but twitch their mouths.

If you want to choose the most expensive one, choose it... Is it necessary to express the emotion of "I just want to choose the expensive one"?

"Ahem, I want to remind classmate Guan Liyuan that before the full repair, the welfare of the Academy and the City Lord's Mansion were not allowed to be traded, and they had to be refined by themselves..."

"Huh? Is that true? It doesn't matter, anyway, my'Alien Summoner' also needs to expand his professional power!" Guan Liyuan said.


What do you mean by "is that way"?Still "okay"?

This guy just wants to sell!I have already said it!

"Cough cough, those 30 Secrets of Elementary Profession Power, and Jiufen Secrets of Intermediate Profession Power...You take it!" Lin Ping said helplessly.

This is also because Guan Liyuan itself does have a rule-based "Alien Summoner" class, otherwise he would not be able to receive the "Professional Power Vault", because in addition to the rule system, although other departments can refine the "Professional Power Vault", But when it comes to practicality, one usually chooses to increase the secret of attributes.

The type of "secret" produced by the academic profession is determined by the main material "soul energy", and it is very rare that abyss creatures that can produce the "secret of professional power" soul energy can be produced!

However, for Guan Liyuan, the "Professional Power Vault" is also good. It can be used to enhance the professional power of the "Alien Summoner", which can make the incarnation of Pokémon last longer, and it can also strive to summon the "Super Fast Dragon"...

With the million-dollar combat power of the super fast dragon, even if only one of its claws can appear for an instant, it will be Guan Liyuan's important trump card in the main world!

The "Professional Power Vault" has no bonus to other attributes at all, but the increase in the "Professional Power" is not small, and every ten secrets can be doubled.

There are no ranks for rule-based professions. At intermediate ranks, you can refine 30 secrets, which is equivalent to an ordinary rank 5 to rank 4. If Guan Liyuan is fully cultivated, it is equivalent to an extra three times the strength of the profession.

Moreover, the maximum professional power is increased, and the recovery speed will also increase.

Of course, this refers to the middle-level storage of full cultivation. If it is only the first-level storage, even if it is full cultivation, it only increases the professional power equivalent to three times the level of the high-level beginner...

The increase rate of the other nine secrets is about 1% of the class’s overall attributes, such as Liu Kong before. All fifteen secrets choose "Power Secrets", which is equivalent to an extra 15% attribute points. , All added to the power, the pure power is nearly half stronger than before!

However, normal professionals will not "add points" to such extremes. If there is room for choice, they will gradually use secrets to make up for their weaknesses in actual combat. This is the most efficient way to use them.

After receiving the benefits, almost a day has passed. Mo Tianfan directly instructed Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mujiao Guan Liyuan how to refine the Vault, and let them go to the supply point outside the north gate of Eagle City early tomorrow morning...

Well, normally, if the students have three elite instructors, they might have to argue about the training plan, but now Mo Tianfan has directly ordered them, and Mu Mu and Fang Yingxiong have no intention of refuting them.

"The supply point outside the north gate? Are you going to the northern suburbs?" Guan Liyuan muttered strangely.

Originally, he thought that he would train for a few days first, teach him some skills, and then engage in actual combat...

But this Miss Mo obviously didn't mean "step-by-step". Look, this is to take Guan Liyuan directly to the northern suburbs!

The Eagle Academy’s simulation training ground is in the southern suburbs. Usually, students are forbidden to go privately to other three suburbs without security. After all, those who are as bold as Jiang Ruonan are an anomaly.

Mo Tianfan seemed to have heard Guan Liyuan's "murmur". Before leaving, he gave him a look of "You are still too young" and a playful smile.

In the evening, Guan Liyuan, under the guidance of Fang Yingxiong, began to learn the "secret" refining.

Although Fang Yingxiong majored in elemental professions, his methods are the same in refining "secrets"...

The "secret" issued by the college is a kind of medicine. A small box contains ten sealed test tubes. The liquid inside is the carrier medicine of the "primary secret". Medicine, as the carrier of the "Intermediate Secret Store".

The potions are similar to the medicinal herbs. After swallowing, you will naturally feel the hidden power. With jade as the carrier, it is a little more troublesome. You need to hold the jade in your hand to meditate to guide the hidden power...

However, these methods of guiding the hidden power belong to the category of common sense. Pills, reagents, jade and stones that have other functions should also guide the power inside in this way.

What really belongs to the "method of refining secrets" is how to use this power to develop professional runes after absorbing this power.

It's also very simple, Guan Liyuan has completely mastered it in an hour...

After all, the difficulty in developing professional power lies in the rarity of the "secret", and most professionals can master the refining methods after obtaining the "secret"!

"There is a saying that human professionals and abyssal creatures should have similar strengths in the same level. It is only the strength of human professionals, which can only awaken part of themselves, so it is weaker than abyssal creatures... the truth of this statement It is impossible to verify, but it is true that there is no gap between the full-cultivation professional and the abyss creature of the same level. The high-level full-cultivation professional is even comparable to the natural king race in the abyss creature.

It’s just a pity that the middle-level secrets are still valuable. At the high-level...even super-level professionals rarely can fully cultivate the high-level secrets...well, you have mastered the refining secrets. Way, then go back to refining by yourself!Mu Mu and I will pick you up tomorrow morning, don't be too late."

After Fang Yingxiong instructed Guan Liyuan, he left with Mu Mu.

Guan Liyuan went back to the villa dormitory. The clock Li Qiu and Jiang Ruonan have also returned, and they are also refining the "secret" in the room a little bit...

Wei Yingying was in a good mood, and today's "special talent" assessment was also very smooth. At this time, she was reading a book on pharmacy.

Upon seeing Guan Liyuan, he returned to the room and began to refine the secret.

Every time a copy of the power of the "Elementary Vault" is introduced into the professional rune of the "Outside Summoner", a small part of the rune will faintly emit light green.

When the 30 primary secrets are all refined, the entire professional rune has all turned green, which is also a sign of primary full cultivation!

However, because of Guan Liyuan’s "Alien Summoner" career, after Naruto World successively conquered the four tail beasts, it has reached the mid-level and high-level. It is only three times the power of the primary and high-level careers, which is not improved for Guan Liyuan. Too big.

And the power of the "Intermediate Vault" must be covered in the part that has been developed by the "Elementary Vault", otherwise the professional runes cannot be absorbed...

After refining the twelve "Intermediate Secrets", about 40% of the professional runes were turned into "blue". At the same time, Guan Liyuan could feel that the professional power of the "Summoners of Other Worlds" was better than before. More than doubled!

"Sure enough, it has improved a lot! If you can fully repair the intermediate level of the'Alien Summoner', it is estimated that you can summon a claw of the super fast dragon and launch an attack! Although only one claw is stretched out, there is no power. One, but with the strength of the super fast dragon body, you will not panic when you encounter the Lord of Demon Root..."

However, Guan Liyuan's excitement faded instantly when he thought of the secret store he had consumed, which was worth about 40 million yuan in Paradise Coins.

[Just the profession of "Alien Summoner" requires eighteen intermediate-level professional power secrets, that is... forty to fifty million?Rounding up is one hundred million!Qiu can't afford it, right?] Guan Liyuan secretly said in his heart.

There are three other professions...Although other types of secrets are cheaper, they can’t hold up to a large amount. The fifth-rank "Rebirth Eye" requires 25 copies for full repair, and the third-rank "Common Grievous Bone" and "Nether Tiger Fighter" need each. Only 60 copies can be fully repaired, which is almost 200 million.

It is better to use Soul Energy as a general equivalent for the "consumption" of professionals. If you use Paradise Coins...smaller families, it is not easy to spend so much money without selling fixed assets!

If it weren't for the "Seed Student Program", with the efficiency of "killing monsters" of ordinary mid-level professionals, don't even think about completing a career for ten years!

Some professionals with high professional grades, although the efficiency of "killing monsters" is also high, but the amount of full repair is also larger...

As for the high-level... it is almost impossible to fully cultivate. Fang Yingxiong told Guan Liyuan before that, let alone ordinary high-level professionals, even those elite high-level mentors who are ready to attack the ultra-level are far from full. Xiu, he and Mu Mu each have only refined ten "High-Order Secret Treasures", even Yao Qiandong, Song Jun and the others have at most twenty.

[I don’t know if Teacher Mo will be full cultivation... Although everyone says that high-level cultivation is impossible, she is the "protagonist"!] Guan Liyuan wondered curiously.