Dimensional Forum

Chapter 391 Quartz Alliance and the Rockets

[Dr. Oki, are you hiding something from your netizen?

what?Are you talking about Lijia?How about a surprise for you?

[What surprise?Be more serious...Do you really think you have an illegitimate child?

It is true that Dr. Omu only said that it was a young "Pokémon Observer" who was going to "assistance" Guan Liyuan, but he did not say that it was a big beauty.

But Guan Liyuan's attention is obviously not here at all, but is talking about another thing...

[I mean your glorious history... Oki champion?] Guan Liyuan reminded.

[Ahem, Lijia told you, right?In fact, it was a long time ago. After I handed over the title to Alia, I have been doing research in Zhenxin Town and never asked about the league...Is this not hiding from you?You never asked!Oki said.

[You still don’t admit it!Didn’t you say that you don’t have a Pokémon to give it to me?Are you not a champion?Give me a few heavenly kings!] Guan Liyuan said immediately.


Only then did Dr. Omu know that Guan Liyuan was talking about what he had just "traversed" when he came over. At that time, Guan Liyuan asked himself to ask for a Pokémon. Dr. Omu’s "excuse" research institute only had three imperial families, and the active fossil of the fossil pterosaur Give it to Guan Liyuan.

[This... can't be said to be a lie to you. Except for the two Pokémons who accompany me to take care of the elderly, the other Pokémons are all put elsewhere by me, and they are of great use.Okay, you are now in the seaport?Where you go to the Pokémon Teleporter, I will give you a Pokémon... It is the "youngest" one in my sub-team Pokémon, maybe I prefer to travel around!If it agrees to go on the road with you, I will leave it to you in the future.Dr. Oki said.

[Vice team...]

[My main Pokémon is indeed useful.Dr. Oki explained.

Better than nothing!

Guan Liyuan immediately agreed...As for the Pokémon that was transmitted, would he be willing to go with him?Guan Liyuan is also ready to "advertise".

[One more thing...Dr. Oki, didn't you know that Sakaki is the Rockets boss?] Guan Liyuan asked suddenly.

There was no news from Dr. Omu for a long time, but in the end he replied: [Yes, not just me, most of the senior leaders of the alliance know...or there is such a guess.

[Then you... just sit back and watch the Rockets mess around?] Guan Liyuan asked in disbelief.

[I know you have had a few unpleasant contacts with the Rockets, but you can change your mind... the crime is behavior, not organization.I am not on the Rockets' side, but I will not stop him from competing for the championship just because I suspect that Sakaki is the Rockets’ boss.Dr. Oki said.

[You mean you need evidence?Wrong... You said that the crime is behavior, not organization, do you mean... the Rockets are legal?But are they not wanted violent groups?Guan Liyuan suddenly realized that he seemed to have misunderstood something.

[Violent group?Yes, it can be said that, but the Quartz Alliance did not want it because it is a violent group. Every time it is wanted or disrupted, it is because of the behavior itself.Dr. Oki said.

Guan Liyuan gradually understood that a person is just a member of the Rockets and will not make the Quartz League shout and kill him. However, if a member of the Rockets participates in actions such as hijacking and snatching Pokémon, If he is caught, he must sit down firmly, if he is not caught... the league will also let the Rockets give an explanation!

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, they must be wearing colored glasses when watching the Rockets, which is similar to the attitude of the island countries towards the underworld before Guan Liyuan traveled across the earth.

It's as if Xiaoxia knew Nazi's identity, she obviously had troubles in her heart, but after Baoyan "learned" it, she was very ambiguous.

And after another half-hour conversation between Guan Liyuan and Dr. Damu, they finally understood some of the "structure" of the Pokémon world!

There is no concept of government or military in the Pokémon world. There are only some backward island countries or remote places. There are still "kingdoms", and all regions are autonomous by the alliance...

In terms of functions, regional alliances are different from other common "government" organizations in the world.

The first is the army... The Pokémon world does not have a concept of a country. Although the trainers in various regions will have some sense of superiority of "the Pokémon in my big XX region is number one in the world", they are not absolute Boundaries, whether ordinary people or trainers, move around in various areas with each other, only need to comply with local regulations, without the permission of the alliance. In theory, the alliance has no concept of territory.

There is no national border, there is no concept of aggression and occupation, naturally there is no need for an army, only the police department to maintain law and order.

When it comes to the police department, it is natural to mention the Junsha clan...

The Junsha family and the Joey family are the only global organizations in the Pokémon world. The police departments and Pokémon centers in various regions are all regional alliances. They are jointly established with these two families, so they are destined to be everywhere. The alliance will not be completely independent.

Each region has its own regional alliances and violent groups. Only the "Kandong City" is too close and almost connected. Officially, the "Quartz League" represents the two regions at the same time, and the "Rockets" also dominate the two. The underworld.

Other regional alliances, dare to think about other regions, let alone humans disagree, the guardian beasts of various regions will also come out to teach people...

In other words, the opposition of the Rockets, a regional *** organization, is not the alliance of various regions, but the Junsha family.

In sum, the Rockets and the Quartz League are both regional organizations in the "Kandong City" area. When the Rockets are not looking for a draw, the Quartz League may feel more intimate with the Rockets and the Junsha family. a little.

Take the "Quartz Alliance" as an example. One of the reasons why the "Kandong City Capital" can be managed is because of the recognition of the Junsha family and the Joey family... However, this recognition is mutual, not governing the relationship. Department and Pokémon Center, the three are also constraining each other; the second is that the local trainers admit that the four kings and league champions everywhere are basically the idols and goals of all trainers; the third is...directly or Indirectly, the local alliances will also be recognized by the beasts in each region... at least not to make trouble!The three are indispensable.

Therefore, whether it is Dr. Ogi or the top of the league, there may be many people who look at Sakagi as displeased. There are other candidates for the new league champion, but they will not completely exclude Sakagi as a candidate because of the "Rockets". Outside.

And Dr. Oki also said to Guan Liyuan that if Sakaki really becomes the new Kanto champion, the league will definitely have higher requirements and greater constraints on the Rockets in the future...

Guan Liyuan finally understood why Junsha saw the Rockets chasing out of the eight streets in the animation, and Sakagi... Although there are not many people who know the identity of the Rockets boss, they can still sit every day. Drink coffee in your own consortium building.

Pokémon, mythical beasts, elven ball, and the preference of the whole world for human beings...the existence of these makes the world of Pokémon have a unique system.

And it's not like Naruto World's endless battles, but one of the worlds with the least wars. Most of the people's struggles are used in Pokémon competitions.

For Guan Liyuan, even if he was arrested by Aju last time, the other party just kept saying that they would send them to the headquarters, instead of killing them directly. In addition to the personal reasons for Aju, it was also because of the Rockets. Violence is not so intense compared to dark organizations in other worlds.

Of course, the mere fact that they have robbed other people's Pokémon is enough to make more than 90% of the trainers hostile to them!

However, although Guan Liyuan couldn't understand this, he didn't think about changing... and the stable order could not be changed by outsiders.

In fact, according to Dr. Omu's statement, there is a hidden meaning in this, Guan Liyuan did not realize at this time...

Regional alliances represent compromise and order, while violent groups represent resistance and restriction, and the two maintain a delicate balance.

It not only represents the balance between ordinary trainers and the "Junsha Family", but also the balance between humans in various regions and the beasts!

The Alliance will never attack any beasts easily, and even if they find out that the Pokémon violent group hits the beasts, they will actively stop them, so most of the beasts are not hostile to humans.

However, various violent groups will find the beasts to die at intervals of three to five. Although the result is usually not very cheap, to a certain extent, it also maintains the balance between humans and beasts...

Compromise and resistance are two indispensable attitudes for mankind.

When these violent groups jump out and die...such as snatching their Pokémon, or destroying important environmental resources for private gain, the Alliance will work with the Junsha family to stop and punish them, but at other times, the Junsha family wants When it is necessary to completely wipe out the violent groups in various places, the alliance will drag them back and teach them what it means to be "distinguishable"!

In order to protect the status of its own law enforcement family, the Junsha family must cooperate with all local alliances.

[If so, it would be a little strange...]

Yep?What is strange?

[In other words, at this time, Sakagi is planning the activities of the Saint-Teanu. It is impossible to prepare to make a fortune at this time and snatch everyone's Pokémon, right?Asked Guan Liyuan.

Now is the time for Bangi to fight for the championship in Kanto. If the event hosted by Bangi Group changes, it should be very unfavorable for him!

of course!Who did you hear that said?Dr. Oki questioned.

[No, maybe I think too much...] Guan Liyuan is also not sure at this time whether there will be an event of snatching Pokémon.