Dimensional Forum

Chapter 398

"As expected of the'Shen'..." Guan Liyuan muttered.

"En? Liyuan, what are you talking about?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I said that in Miss Joey's place, don't worry." Guan Liyuan said.

There used to be a special Joey on board the ship, as well as a Pokémon medical team, but when in Dead Leaf City, the medical team and Joey from Dongfang came up.

Although the San Antonio had more than a thousand passengers at this time, the Rockets on board, the Sakagi consortium, and the men brought by Sakagi, plus the original staff on board, are more than passengers...

[The person who is talking to you also has hidden special abilities. In addition, he and the Pokémon that you have explored just now have a chance to become members of the forum.] The voice of the penguin resounded in Guan Liyuan's heart.

The principle of the issuance of forum membership is that in a world, the more favored by the will of the universe, the greater the chance of being selected as a member. If they are also "member candidates", it proves that they are also "attractive" to the will of the universe!

[No wonder, five characteristics...four are special characteristics that are not in the data...] Guan Liyuan sighed.

That's right, the results of previous forums on Xiaozhi’s Pikachu have appeared. The race value is only 320. Like ordinary Pikachu, even the highest speed talent is only "relatively" high, and the real race value is 500 or more. But the dream is not comparable, the individual correction rate is also the most usual 100%...

A normal Pikachu should be similar to the Pikachu that Xiaoxia encountered when she beat up children in Dead Leaf City.

Dr. Oki probably only measured the race value and individual correction rate of the pickup ball, as well as the "lightning rod" characteristic, so he was regarded as a "common Pikachu with relatively rare characteristics" and gave it to the three leaders who have no money. Xiaozhi.

Although most of Pikachu are "static" characteristics, only a few are "lightning rod" characteristics, but nothing more than that is not too precious...

The effect of the "lightning rod" is to absorb electrical damage and enhance its own special attacks. It is also the key feature of Pikachu's several counterattacks in the animation.

However, in fact, Guan Liyuan used the forum and found out that Pikachu still has four hidden features, and his own "lightning rod" is also born Lv3!

According to Kaopalis’s combat power calculation method, the characteristics of Lv3 should be counted as 100,000 combat power...

But in fact, because the "lightning rod" only takes effect when it is powered up, Pikachu's 100,000 combat power is not reflected at all, and probably no one has noticed it.

The Lv3 lightning rod gives Pikachu a super capacitor, which can withstand being struck by lightning directly, and even absorb the power of the beast, and transform it into its own electric special attack...

At the same time, as Pikachu who is enough to become a "member candidate", there are four other hidden characteristics!

Counterattack: Every time the opponent's level is higher than 10 levels, his own attributes will be increased by 5 levels into length, which will take effect after three minutes of fighting, and will recover after fighting, and the characteristics will disappear after evolution.

Top: For every 10 points of opponent's race value higher than your own, your special attack race value will be increased by 2 points, speed race value will be increased by 2 points, attack race value will be increased by 1 point, it will take effect after three minutes of battle, recover after battle, and disappear after evolution. .

Long battle: After fighting for three minutes, the effects of "Counter Attack" and "Keshang" are increased by 20% every minute-if neither "Counter Attack" nor "Keshang" is activated, their attributes will be reduced by 10% every minute. Recovered after the battle, and disappeared after evolution.

Evolution Killer: When fighting a Pokémon in the final evolution form, the individual correction rate is increased by 50%. When fighting a non-final evolution form Pokémon, the individual correction rate is reduced by 50%. After the battle, it recovers and the characteristics disappear after the evolution.

The four characteristics can be summed up in four words-strong when strong.

Guan Liyuan finally understood why in the animation, Xiaozhi’s Pikachu was called the "skin god" when he was a tough monster, but after traveling several regions and getting good results in regional competitions, he went to other After the region, "Pi Shen" will still be beaten by children...

After all, when the four hidden traits are not activated, Pikachu's 320 race value, even if it reaches level 100, will only have a combat power of just over 30,000.

Moreover, it is impossible to exert 30,000 combat power, or against the final evolutionary form of Pokémon, there will be a 150% individual correction rate on the field, and the combat power will be 45,000. Moreover, "Keshang" and "Jiuzhan" will fight more and more after the launch. Yong...

Either against the "children", 50% individual correction rate on the field, barely the level of the competition, and more and more frustration in Vietnam...

However, these four characteristics, except for the last one, have a prerequisite, that is, "effective after three minutes of fighting"!Moreover, the effect of the "long battle" is gradually showing up.

Normally, with Pikachu's 320 race points, he couldn't stand against any powerful Pokémon for three minutes. Probably because of this, Dr. Oki did not discover its hidden characteristics.

Even Pikachu does not know it himself, and it is likely that no one will ever find out...

However, destiny caused it to meet Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi’s special talent as a trainer is the legendary magical "Rejuvenation Roar", which restores a small amount of physical strength by encouraging the Pokémon that has lost its combat effectiveness. Within minutes, every time you are defeated, you will regain your strength!

The success rate is affected by the bond with Pokémon and the strength of the opponent. The deeper the bond with Pokémon and the stronger the opponent's strength, the easier it is to succeed, and the success rate of continuous activation gradually decreases.

In fact, trainers without special abilities can do this as long as the bond with Pokémon is deep enough and their training skills are high enough. By motivating Pokémon, the toughness can be strengthened, and even the potential can be temporarily stimulated, from the loss of combat effectiveness. Wake up from the fan...

Even in the game, the concept of "fetters" has been introduced. After fettering the five hearts, there is a chance of "immortality" and "abnormal state recovery", which is not a rare ability.

Therefore, everyone just thinks that Xiaozhi is more talented in this aspect, and it doesn't boil down to a kind of "special ability".

However, under the same training skills, the effectiveness and success rate of other trainers are far from Xiaozhi Gao!

Therefore, the characteristics of "Skin God" and Xiaozhi's special ability form a perfect match.

Although it is still easy to be beaten by children, it is also possible to defeat the strong with the weak.

"Liyuan, what have you been looking at me for?" Xiaozhi was guilty of being seen by Guan Liyuan.

"Nothing... Let Pikachu fight against the weak Pokémon in the future." Guan Liyuan reminded.

"Huh? Why?"

"Ahem, from the educator's point of view, Pikachu is easy to remember the battle process, and duel with too weak Pokémon will make Pikachu have bad fighting habits." Guan Liyuan said smoothly.

Xiaozhi did not question Guan Liyuan's theory, but refuted it from another: "No, I don't think there is a weak Pokémon!"

Guan Liyuan gave him a blank look and left, leaving him alone in the infirmary to wait.

"How? Pikachu is okay?" Xiaoxia asked.

Obviously, Pikachu's appearance is quite attractive to women.

"It's okay, too much physical exertion... Just leave it to Miss Joey." Guan Liyuan said.

This means that in the Pokémon world, when the killing intent has not reached a certain level, the probability of a Pokémon’s attack causing fatal injuries to other Pokémon is extremely low.

Otherwise, the combination of Xiaozhi and Pikachu's "life-threatening" is afraid that it will be a problem to survive a season...

"Xiaozhi this guy! Always messing around like this!" Xiaoxia obviously had a big prejudice about the way Xiaozhi directed Pokémon to fight.

"By the way, when you stop tomorrow, are you going to challenge the gym?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Forget it...I already have three badges, the fourth one may not be successful, and the super power Pokemon is difficult to deal with..." Xiaoxia said a lot of reasons for herself, seeming to cover up what.

For nearly a month, the Saint-Teanu also docked in some coastal cities, so Xiaoxia and Guan Liyuan also received two more badges. Currently Xiaoxia has three badges, while Guan Liyuan already has five!

In fact, Guan Liyuan also understands her feelings. The other reasons are just excuses. The real reason is...Tonight, the Saint Terano will dock at the Golden Port not far from Golden City, and will leave after two days and three nights.

After all, Golden City is one of the first-tier cities in the Kanto region. It is more prosperous than Hualan City. There are even two gymnasiums. In addition to the most famous "Super Power Gymnasium" with Nazi as the owner, there are other A "fighting gymnasium" also has official gymnasium qualifications!

Many tourists from Shenao, and even tourists from Kanto, will take this opportunity to visit the Golden City for shopping, and the Pokémon contest on the San Juan will also be suspended for these three days.

"Don't try the fighting gymnasium?"

In the game, the Fighting Gymnasium in Golden City has been suppressed by Nazi's Gymnasium because of being restrained by the super power system, and has not obtained the official gymnasium qualification. In the Pokémon World, Golden City is a first-tier city. There can be two official gymnasiums, so the super energy gymnasium has become the "protective umbrella" of the fighting gymnasium...

In the same city, there cannot be two official gymnasiums with the same attributes. With Nazi's gymnasium in it, the fighting gymnasium does not have to worry about being targeted by other superpower gymnasiums.

"Don't go... Do you think Nazi will come?" Xiaoxia asked.

"Maybe..." Guan Liyuan said.

It will come in all likelihood!

It is now clear what Sakagi wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the "Santeanu" to sail.

He personally sits on the "Santiano", the main event is not only the Pokémon contest, but also during the Pokémon interval the next day, that is, every time the "Santano" is briefly in the port or coastal city. When docking, there will be the owner of the official gymnasium boarding, and sometimes there will be two museum owners boarding at the same time!

In nearly a month, the Santo Anu had seventeen owners of the official gymnasium...

One of them is Guan Liyuan's "acquaintance" Aju!

Xiaoxia exploded her hair again when she saw him, but Aju insincerely insisted that she admitted the wrong person...

That's right, it is the news in the last few days that Aju successfully challenged the official gymnasium in Light Red City and became the official owner of the light red gymnasium!

And the reason why these museum owners suddenly boarded the ship together was obviously to build momentum for Sakagi...

Guan Liyuan also remembered what Dr. Oki had said, that King Toten was very popular in the city capital area, and Sakaki was about the support of many patrons in the eastern area...

Of course, according to Guan Liyuan's observation, among these museum owners, there are still differences. They are not all members of the Rockets. Some should only support Sakagi as the Kanto champion for some reason.

This kind of "trend tactics" of one or two museum owners making high-profile appearances and supporting Sakagi every other day has indeed made many people feel that "the next champion should be him", and has contributed to Sakagi's popularity.

Guan Liyuan also relaxed a little because so many museum owners were aboard the Saint-Teanu...

With the current lineup on the Saint-Teanu, even if the weaker animal comes, it can't be pleased, right?

"Then I will go to the Golden City tomorrow, what are you going to bring?"

Guan Liyuan decided to go to the Super Energy Department Gym by himself...