Dimensional Forum

Chapter 429

In the preliminaries of the Kanto Quartz Conference, suddenly a "light of evolution" bloomed on a ring!

The phenomenon of Pokémon evolution in the game itself is very rare, and it is also an event that easily attracts attention. When everyone finds that the Pokémon sent by Guan Liyuan is "evolving", the words "fetter evolution" It appeared in everyone's heart...

The people in each shooting group were even more moved by the wind, and Guan Liyuan almost grabbed all the shots.

And when they knew that the "fetters evolving" was the Dolly Hippo, those who came later were also puzzled.

Stay hippo?Can you fight?

The racial value of Dashi Hippo is not low. Although it is not 500, it still has 490 points, but...not all Pokémon are suitable for combat!

Dida beast and Dida hippo belong to the type in which the reflex arc is too long, and it takes a while to feel the pain.

Only after evolving into the Dummy King, can the "Salted Fish Turn Over" and counterattack to become the "extremely smart" Pokémon. In some research work, even researchers will choose the "Dummy King" as an assistant computer assistant!

But at this moment on the field, after the light flashed, a huge shell appeared on the field...

"Huh? Where's the hippo?"

"Is it in the shell? The shell has changed too much..."

"Wait, isn't it that the result of the evolution of the bond will bring Pokémon closer to human form?"

After the big tongue shell is used as the evolution material to assist the hippo to evolve, it will turn into a larger conch-shaped shell. At this time, after the "fetter evolution", it has become a larger mussel-shaped shell!

Just when everyone was wondering, the huge shell opened a gap, and I saw a hippo lying enchantingly in it, like a legendary mackerel, a mermaid, etc...

However... only the posture is personified!

The size is still that dumb hippopotamus!

And Dr. Oki's dumb hippo is still a male!

Still those cute eyes full of sarcasm!

For a while, everyone seemed to see another world through the seams of a clam shell, and the desire to complain was endless.

"Fire beast, attack!" Shenghuo immediately issued an attack command after feeling that he was visually polluted.

"Fire! Fire!"

The Fire Beast, which has been accumulating its energy, actually couldn't help but burst out when it saw the "fettered hippo". At this time, it turned into a big fireball and rolled over!

"Rolling" originally meant that the longer the rolling time, the stronger it was, and of course it consumed more energy. However, the fire beast had just been charged, and when it rolled over, because it also used the "Flash Flame Charge", the entire incarnation For the bigger and bigger fireball...

The fettered hippo "shrinks into the shell" without saying a word.

"Shrink into the shell" is also a skill. The effect in the game is only the increase in defense power, and it will not really shrink into the shell. It is good in animation or in the Pokémon world. "Into the shell" is a real shrinking of the shell. Not only does it use water power to make its shell harder, but because the body is blocked by the shell, the opponent can only attack the hard shell to greatly reduce the damage.

Ordinary dumb hippopotamus will also "shrink into the shell", but you can see from its body shape that it is impossible to completely fit itself into the shell on the tail, so it just uses a strengthened shell as a cover.

But the current "fettered hippo", as long as the clam shell is closed, the opponent can only hit the shell or stare!

Of course, at the same time, the "fettered hippo" can't attack when shrinking inside, and can only take it passively...


The fire beast used "round" + "rolling" + "flame charge" one after another to hit the shells of "fettered hippo" frantically.

However, although the power of "rolling" is getting stronger and stronger, the shells of "fettered hippo", under the blessing of the water system, are also exceptionally strong, and there is no sign of being breached!

In fact, the shell of the Dino hippo is originally extremely strong, but in general, the Dino hippo's shell is not big enough, and even after training and command, the fighting consciousness is not enough to use the shell on the tail as a cover...

Shenghuo also discovered at this time that the defense of the "fetters of the hippo" was too strong.

"Fire Beast! Use the jet flame to heat it up!"

As soon as the voice of victory fell, the fire beast released the "fireball" state, stood in front of the "fettered hippo", and sprayed a beam of fire on it...

Although there were still no signs of broken, the shells gradually became red.

The special defense of the ordinary dull hippopotamus is weaker than the physical defense, and the "fettered dull hippo" should be the same, so Shenghuo began to use the power of the fire element to heat the opponent...

Moreover, there is a time limit for "shrinking into the shell" in the arena. If you don't believe it, you can't come out!

At this moment, the shell trembled a little, and the dumb look of the hippopotamus appeared from the gap, and then "water waves" came out of the shell.

"Fire beast, don't be afraid, seize the opportunity!"

Encouraged by Shenghuo, the fierce beast, whose original character had always been indomitable, turned into a fireball again, and slammed into the seashell gap with a fit regardless of attribute restraint...

You must know that the "fire beast" that wins the fire is only close to the heavenly king level and has a combat power of about 58,000. Although the Ding Hippo has a combat power of only 50,000, it will reach 65,000 after the evolution of the bond!

However, at this time, we can also see the completeness of Shenghuo's training and command of the fire beast, rounding, rolling, and flashing charge, the combination of three skills in one go...

With the advantage of combat power and attribute advantages, the "fettered hippo" was still knocked and slid out, and the shells were also greatly opened.

Now when it is not in the state of "retracted in the shell", without the defensive blessing of water system power, the shell of the "fettered hippo" is no longer unshakable!

But at the same time, the fire beast is not comfortable, and the flames behind it have dimmed a lot...

However, the originally panting fire beast suddenly roared "Firestorm", and the flames on its back burned even more, and the flames were higher than before!

"Huh? It's the'fierce fire' characteristic?" Guan Liyuan muttered himself.

The characteristics of fierce fire are not uncommon, most of the fire beasts are "fire" characteristics, the effect is that when the physical strength enters the trough, the power of the fire system increases sharply.

But just like this, it would be too much to think about killing...

I saw the blackened "fettered hippopotamus" on his body roasted by flames, "shrinking into the shell" again...

However, according to the rules, as long as you play against the opponent once, the time limit of "retracting into the shell" will be refreshed, so Guan Liyuan said that he can drag the opponent to death!

Although the combat effectiveness of the "fettered hippo" is higher, overall, it is still biased towards defense. If you attack recklessly, it may not be comparable to the "fire beast". It is necessary to drag the opponent to death to meet the "fettered hippo" battle. Rhythm.

"Fire Beast, keep attacking! The opponent is no longer good! When you force him to open the shell again, seize the opportunity to solve it!" Shenghuo was doing tactical command.

But... afterwards, the part in front of the shell was opened again, as he expected!

The fettered hippopotamus that was exposed again, had already fully recovered from his injuries and had sufficient physical strength. After confronting the Fire Beast again, he retracted...

Although Shenghuo had some bad premonitions in his heart, he still ordered the Huohuo tactics to continue.

According to his judgment, even if the fighting power of the "fettered hippo" is higher than that of the fire beast, it will not be uninjured at all.


Opening the shell for the third time, the dull hippopotamus was like healed again!

"Regenerating power? The characteristic of this Drifting hippopotamus is regenerative power? But...Why did Drifting beasts with the'regenerative power' characteristics evolve into Drifting hippos?" Shenghuo suddenly understood.

The effect of the "regenerative power" feature is that after leaving the battle, the physical strength and injury will recover extremely quickly!

Among the dull beasts, only a very small number of individuals possess the characteristics of "regeneration", and most of them have the characteristics of "sluggishness" or "do their own way." The potential of "king" is right, so Shenghuo didn't think about "regeneration" at all at first...

"That's not right... After the'Boundary Evolved', Ling Da Hippo acquired the'regenerating power' characteristic? Come back, Huo Beast!"

In turn, Shenghuo wanted to understand that the bond evolution, like the super evolution, sometimes changes the characteristics and attributes of Pokémon.

"Leave it to you, Flame Chicken!" Shenghuo replaced the Fire Beast in the middle.

Although this is very detrimental to the "fire beast", not only can it not recover too much physical strength, but also consumes the state of "fire" during rest, but if it continues, the fire beast "retracts into the shell" and "regenerates" cooperates In front of the "fetters of the hippo", there is no room for play!

Even the effect of stamina consumption is not obvious...

And the one who was on the court was a flame chicken with a body similar to a human, with a white feather, a pair of bandaged claws in his hands, and a strong and powerful leg!

The three imperial families in the Fengyuan area have both fire and fighting systems.

"Oh? You have forgotten that Dashi Hippo is a dual system of water system and super power system?" Guan Liyuan said.

Indeed, the flame chicken's fire system is restrained by the water system, the fighting system is restrained by the super power system, and the flame chicken has a strong physical attack, and the Dai Hippo is good at physical defense...It can be said that it should not appear in the opponent position of the Dai Hippo at all. That's right!

"No! Attribute restraint is okay... I have seen the weakness of your dull hippopotamus! Although your dull hippopotamus has a strong defense after being'retracted into the shell', it is not strong in attack... …"

Winning the fire naturally has its own reasons, not the possession of Xiaozhi.

"So what?" Guan Liyuan acquiesced to Shenghuo.

"Flame Chicken! Show your strength! Throw it out of the field directly!" Shenghuo made an order.

That's it!

Everyone realized that Shenghuo had this idea...

Indeed, the fire beast is better at fire power than the power of the body, so there is no way to stay in the shrinking state of the hippopotamus. Even after opening the shell, it can only make the opposite direction slide back, while the fighting flame chicken has a body The power is obviously much stronger, and...

At this moment, a fiery red light burst into Shenghuo's chest, echoing the red gem on the flame chicken wrist.

"Keystone? Is it super evolution?" Guan Liyuan discovered that the other party kept putting pendants made of keystone in his clothes.

In the super-evolved flame chicken, the straps on both claws have become "flaming belts", the parts of the legs above the knees turned black, and the feathers on the top of the head are more heroic than before!

In this state, the super flame chicken can't break the shell of the "fettered hippo", but in the ring, it can throw the opponent out...

"Thinking is not limited by attribute restraint, special attacks and physical attacks, and he has a clear grasp of the battle situation. This guy has grown up again!" said a little fat guy who looked shameless off the court.

Another player next to him obviously didn't know the little fat guy, and said dissatisfied: "You guys are such a shit! They are the favorites to win the championship, do you need to comment? They also "grow up again"... They stood two years ago. Where were you when you were on the runner-up podium?"

"En? When he was standing on the runner-up podium... Of course I was standing on the champion's podium. Hahaha... Speaking of winning the championship and coming back for the competition, I'm really embarrassed." The fat man laughed harmlessly.


This Kanto Quartz Conference is so "dangerous"...

As for Guan Liyuan on the field, he was not shaken by the appearance of Super Flame Chicken!

"Super Flame Chicken? Very hot-blooded Pokémon...Then let's go too! Dumb, show our fetters..."


Amidst a cry of exclamation, the white light flashed again on the body of the Dao Hippo, and it could be vaguely seen that it had first degraded back to the outline of the Da Hippo and then continued to change!

"This is... evolving again?"

"No! It should be another bond evolution..."

"Does bond evolution also have an XY branch?"

"Big news! This is definitely big news..."

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze..."

"Ah! Who took the opportunity to touch my ass!"

"Ugly man, go away, the ghost touches you..."

The scene became chaotic for a while.