Dimensional Forum

Chapter 460 Little Lightning Bird: I made a difficult decision

Kigeld, the mythical beast active in the Carlos area and Alora area, can be said to be only one, or it can be said to be extremely widespread...

Because Kigold is not just an "individual", most of the time, it will transform itself into individual cells, mainly distributed throughout the Carlos and Alora regions.

The Kigeld cell alone, not even a Pokémon, is not aggressive...

Only possessing the characteristics of being unable to be killed and unable to be imprisoned, and unable to be subdued by the poke ball, it is not considered a Pokémon.

According to legend, Kigeld is a beast that protects the ecological environment. Its cells are eyes and ears that only observe the ecological environment. When the ecological environment is threatened, Kigeld will gather cells. The number of aggregation depends on the situation. , The more cells gather, the stronger Kigeld has!

Kigurd has a special feature "group transformation". In the game, its effect is to make Kigurd in 10% or 50% state, when his HP is lower than half, it will be transformed into a complete Kigur. Erd!

However, in the world of Pokémon, the function of "group transformation" is to enable Kigeld's cells to transform from scattered to gathered, and from gathered to scattered. If you want to incarnate into a complete body, you still have to gather a corresponding number of cells. of.

At the same time, Kigeld's cell aggregation can not be achieved by a random group of cells. It also needs a "Kigeld core"!

Compared with the Kigeld cells that are "everywhere" in the two regions, the number of Kigeld cores is much rarer.

The department responsible for exterminating and suppressing exotic animals in the Alora area also depends on the Kigeld cores that cooperated with them to a certain extent...

Although Kigeld's core is not considered a Pokémon, but... it shouldn't be what the Variety Monster can turn into!

Otherwise, Kanto has a lot of strange trainers, hasn't it been tried?

Even if it is just the transformation difficulty of the "Kigeld Core", it is much higher than the quasi-sacred beast!

After all, Kigeld is no ordinary beast...

With countless cells monitoring the ecological environment of the two major regions, even if it is only the most basic combat state, that is, the strength of Kigeld’s bottom-line combat state, I am afraid that it is no less than 240,000 combat power, and the little lightning bird may not be an opponent. Once gathered to the advanced state, the combat power is probably even more terrifying than the "True Three Sacred Birds" on Lei Island.

As for the legendary "complete body" form, people have only seen it from historical data...

Enough to conquer Rogia, the Phoenix King... and even the Rift Seat in Fengyuan area!

In the mind of the trainer, Kigeld’s complete body is probably the closest to Arceus...

Of course, no one knows exactly who is strong or weak among these top beasts.

However, Guan Liyuan analyzes the data in the game and does not consider special states such as super evolution and return to the primitive. The only two of the beasts with a race value of more than 700 are the complete body of Kigeld and Arceus!

Among them, Arceus is stronger than Kigeld completely...

As for the current "Kanto Quartz Conference", since Baojian's Variety Monster can be transformed into a "Kigeld Core", it seems that the "Kigeld Cell", which is not a Pokémon, is used as a prop. It's not something illegal...

In the "Kigeld Core", after fusing a certain "Kigeld Cell", it can also be called a Pokémon and compete.

I saw that Baojian didn’t know how to take tricks, and actually copied the "Kigeld Core" variety weird. After gathering a pool of "Kigeld" cells, one was about the size of an ordinary "long-haired dog". , But much thinner... Pokémon that looks like a Doberman appeared on the field!


Doberman... No, it's Kegeld who is gathered and growls!

Guan Liyuan was also slightly relieved after being shocked.

After all, when he saw the "Kigeld cell", Guan Liyuan had already faintly guessed that-without the comfort of the Kigeld core, would the Kigeld cell stay in the rice cooker?

Instead, now I see that Baojian’s Variety Monster incarnates into the "Kigold Core", which can only gather the basic state...that is, the 10% state of the game in the game, and Guan Liyuan is slightly loose. Tone.

After all, the basic state and advanced state span are very large, even if it is the same as the basic state of the Doberman Pinscher, the more cells it gathers, the more powerful it shows!

[Unfortunately, Kigeld has dual attributes of the ground type and the dragon type, and your current state is very disadvantaged...] Guan Liyuan spoke to Lightning Bird.

It's true that Kigel now doesn't look like a dragon at all.

However, if its cells continue to gather more and reach the advanced state, that is, the 50% state in the game, you can see a somewhat "dragon" appearance.

[Kidou?What kind of monster can change this thing?Little Lightning Bird seems to have heard of Kigeld.

But what the hell is Jigou?Guan Liyuan was already unable to complain.

"If it's a frozen bird or a blazing bird, maybe it can only be this kind of softness, and it can't be a stable victory, but... if it's a lightning bird, it seems that my luck is better!" Baojian said.

The ground system is particularly restrained against the electric system. It has almost immune resistance to the power of the electric system. Although the attacks of the ground system will also be immune to the ability of the flying system, the main methods of the little lightning bird are on the electric system.

If it is an ordinary heavenly king-level ground-based Pokémon, under the pressure of its strength, the little lightning bird can also cause electric damage to it, but... if it is replaced by a Kigeld, the little lightning bird’s electric system The power attack is basically abolished.

And in case this base dog will "fire a thousand arrows"...

"That's not necessarily..." Guan Liyuan said.

In the eyes of many people, Guan Liyuan's words are somewhat lacking in confidence!

It is true that the current situation of the battle is obviously not good for Little Lightning Bird...

But at this time everyone was attracted by this "war of the beasts", and most of them didn't care which side had the advantage.

Although one side is the bottom of the beast, the other... should be regarded as a false beast, but for most people, this is no longer important!

[Damn, hate, hate...]

[Electrode you, electrocut you...]

[I am angry, I am angry!

The attacks of Lightning Birds have repeatedly failed, and the Kigeld, who was assembled from this pseudo-core, will actually be able to "fire a thousand arrows" this exclusive skill!

The condensed earth force, after shooting at the lightning bird like an arrow, not only caused not low damage, but more importantly...because of the influence of the earth force, the lightning bird was particularly restrained by gravity and could not fly too high and avoid it. The space is limited, and the flight force is mostly imprisoned, and it is no longer immune to the attacks of the earth forces!

Kigurd is worthy of being a super animal of Alzeus. The "pseudo Kigurd" condensed on the field now only condenses some "fur", the fighting style is rigid, but the hard combat power is slightly higher than that of small. Lightning bird.

What's more terrible is that there is a great attribute restraint in...

[Shut up, shut up, smelly human!I disagree!

[I haven't said anything yet...] Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

[Don't talk, don't talk!

[But I'm going to lose like this... Tsk tsk, I was actually defeated by Variety Monster.

[Ahhhhh!Smelly humans, smelly humans!] Little Lightning Bird’s noise no matter how many words, seems to be... hesitating?

Indeed, when Guan Liyuan first reminded the Little Lightning Bird that his attributes were unfavorable, he actually had some "different purposes".

Little Lightning Bird is Guan Liyuan's trump card?

At the beginning, Guan Liyuan did think so...it should be possible to sweep everything as soon as the little lightning bird came out.

But... this is not the limit of Guan Liyuan and Little Lightning Bird!

Guan Liyuan is not enough to evolve Kaopalis's bond, but the little lightning bird... barely can fight!

However, after trying it once before, the Little Lightning Bird kept yelling "It's so disgusting, so perverted," and so on. It has a strong resistance to the state of being connected at all times.

I don’t know if it’s because the thinking of the beasts is more rational, or is it closer to humans, or the little lightning bird has been in human society for too long...

This is not the reason for the degree of intelligence, such as the IQ of Hu Di and Giant Golden Monsters, this stupid bird will definitely blow up, but if they are replaced, they will definitely not resist the evolution of the bond.

Before Guan Liyuan, he never thought that he would be forced to use "Boundary Evolution" with Little Lightning Bird in the game!

[Abominable perverted smelly human!You must be on purpose!] Little Lightning Bird swung the pot over.

[Blam me?

[You must feel so cool, right?So disgusting, disgusting, disgusting!

[Really lose!It's weird to lose to Variety...] Guan Liyuan said in a weird manner.

[Ahhhhh!I am angry, I am angry!Hurry up...I want it!I need to!Sure enough, Little Lightning Bird was more concerned about "losing to Variety" in the end.

"Let’s start... Little Fatty, do you think you have already won? The ground element? The dragon element? It’s really unfortunate, let you see what the lightning bird really looks like!" Guan Liyuan said after the little lightning bird compromised. Said.

[It’s not what it is!Now it's the real look!] Little Lightning Bird protested.

However, at the same time, the light of "fetter evolution" has bloomed on the little lightning bird...

Under the shroud of light, the outline of the little lightning bird gradually began to approach human form!

And the magnitude of this "approaching" is far from what fossil pterosaurs can compare...

Although normal "fetter evolution" will make Pokémon's shape closer to humans, but Pokémon, such as the fossil pterosaurs and Pikexi, are only slightly closer to the human shape, and now The little lightning bird can almost see the outline of his legs!

In the stunned countless audience...

As the little lightning bird of the beast, actually "fetters evolved"?

The light of evolution gradually dissipated, and I saw that the one that appeared in the original position of the little lightning bird at this time was a...no, it should be said that it was an existence that looked like the legendary "Harpy".

The arms are still not completely "evolved", they are still like wings, but the legs are already close to humans, and the feet are turned into eagle claws...

The biggest change is the body and head!

It has been completely humanized, except for some blitzkrieg patterns and lightning-shaped feathers on the forehead, the head, body and legs look like a girl wearing clothes made of feathers!

Moreover, unlike the previous electric and flight elements, what is surging on the little lightning bird at this time is the power of the flight element and the fairy element...