Dimensional Forum

Chapter 486: Fight the mobs first, then push the BOSS

"Sorry, I don't know more information, but now it seems that you can indeed defeat the evil beasts! Fayilu Island...and the peace of the Digimon world, I leave it to you!" Andu Lu Beast said a "novice village chief".

After all, I didn't find a way back here, but it was normal-after all, they didn't appear here because of the "Iron Empire"!

Although the pupils were disappointed that they did not find a way back home, they still responded to Andulu's expectations, especially Taiyi, and said enthusiastically: "Don't worry! We will definitely defeat the evil beasts!"

Because Andulu is also controlled by Dark Gear, it can't help much when fighting against Beasts...

Fortunately, as a "village chief", Andu Lumon not only publishes tasks, but also has benefits like the "traditional village chief".

"I have some rare special data here, and I will give it to you too!" Andu Lumon said.

"Special data? What's that?" Photon Lang wondered.

Beetle Beast replied directly: "When we evolve, data will change by itself and generate new data... However, some Digimon contain data that cannot be generated through evolution. Such data is called'special data'. Therefore, to evolve into this type of Digimon, it is necessary to obtain the'special data' before the evolution."

At this time, Andulumon had modified the rune on the wall and took out the special data that was previously unknown where it was hidden-it looked like a fist-sized fist, completely black, like a black hole.

"Eh? Is that so? Then who of you needs this kind of special data?" Photon Lang said and looked at the many Digimon.

"This is...'different-dimensional metadata'? I can't use..."

"I don't need it..."

"me too……"

"No need..."

Everyone doesn’t seem to need it, but after Guan Liyuan checked the information summarized by Penguin, he saw that other Digimon didn’t need it, so he took it and said, “Then give it to me! Maybe you can meet the Digimon you need in the future. It."

Although for Guan Liyuan, the consumption of "universal will favor" can allow penguins to directly synthesize "special data", but since some people give it away for free, of course we must promote the spirit of eating more!

What's more, Agumon really doesn't use "different dimensional data", and even Guan Liyuan suspects that Tyrannosaurus machine has the ability to generate "special data"!But Guan Liyuan knows that a Digimon that exists on Fayilu Island needs this kind of special data for evolution...

As the boss of Fayilu Island, Evil Beast seems to have begun to develop steadily at this time, and Guan Liyuan is also deeply looking forward to it!

Because... Guan Liyuan has just discovered that destroying the "dark gear" is also an action that will be "favored by the will of the universe", but the improvement is minimal. After all, the impact of just a "dark gear" on the digital plane is almost negligible.

However, it can be seen that the acquisition method of "universe will favor" in the digital world is very different from the Naruto and Pokémon worlds!

In the world of Naruto and Pokémon, it is extremely difficult to achieve the conditions for the increase of "Universal Will Favor", but as long as part of it is achieved, a very large increase in "Universal Will Favor" can be obtained...

In the more digitalized digital world, the conditions for achieving "universal will favor" are more "trivial" and are not high, but the "universal will favor" obtained after achieving it is also rare.

For example, the improvement of a piece of "dark gear" is not enough for Penguin to create any "special data", perhaps after destroying a few hundred, it can create a piece of special data such as "digital alloy of time"-and only enough to evolve those parts to cover Digimon of the "Digital Alloy of Time".

Unpopular special data such as "different-dimensional metadata" requires very few Digimon, but...it is this data, if it is exchanged with "universe will favor", it is estimated to be worth thousands of "dark gears"!

According to the calculation of Penguin’s "production cost", equivalent to the more commonly used "Digital Alloy of Time", it is estimated that even if it is not enough to evolve the "Metal Sea Dragon" type of Digimon with large volume and full body coverage, "Digital Alloy of Time", At least it is enough to evolve a "metal orangutan" with the same full coverage but smaller size.

Of course... if you replace it with a super powerful and versatile "X antibody", or special data such as the "Gladiator's Soul" and "Digital Spirit", I am afraid that one copy will not be enough!

Even Guan Liyuan has no confidence that he can produce "X antibody" within the past few rounds...

But this is only in terms of the difficulty of making Penguins...

In fact, "different-dimensional metadata" is too small in application, so in terms of exchange value, I am afraid it is not as good as the "digital alloy of time" which is the weight of a hammer of Zutonmon.

But because of Penguin's comprehensive strategy, Guan Liyuan found a use object of "different-dimensional metadata"...

"In other words... it is clearly a relic factory of the Iron Empire, is there no data on the'Digital Alloy of Time'?" Guan Liyuan asked with some regret.

There have been many modified Digimon in the Iron Empire era, and many of the modified Digimon have to use the "Digimon of Time" to evolve... Including Mechanical Tyrannosaurus and Battle Tyrannosaurus!

The claws of the mechanical tyrannosaurus that can only eject, and the whole body of the fighting tyrannosaurus... are covered with "digital alloy of time"!

The hammer of the ancestor of the non-transformed Digimon is also the "digital alloy of time". As for the "chosen children", how did the Digimon evolve into these forms-it was obtained outside of the animation plot "Digital Alloy of Time"?Or is the Tyrannosaurus machine able to convert mental traits into special data?

Guan Liyuan is not yet sure...

However, as a relic in the era of the "Iron Empire", there is no "digital alloy of time". Instead, a copy of "different-dimensional metadata" was taken out, which is indeed a violation.

Although Anduromon doesn't seem to be in private possession, it seems to have a sense of "a magic staff for helping the kidnapped scientist"...

"It was originally there, and even this factory will produce some digital alloys of time every once in a while... But before they were all taken away by evil beasts! Dark gear contains certain data of'digital alloys of time' , Is used to carry those negative data!" Andu Lumon said annoyed.

Guan Liyuan understood why the evil beasts would "visit" this factory and why the dark gear had such a strong effect. When the evil beasts matured, they could do whatever they wanted on Fayilu Island, and even later ambitions grew. I want to split Fayilu Island and float to the four directions and expand my "territory"...

Just to carry other data, it needs "Digital Alloy of Time". It seems that dark gear is expensive.

In addition, although Andu Lumon said that each gear used "digital alloy of time" data is not much, but judging from the number of dark gears in the later period, I am afraid that the relic factory of "Iron Empire" has suffered heavy losses!

It seems that this "factory" is not only a totem, but also has the effect of a "resource point"... It's a pity that the inventory accumulated over the years has been packaged and taken away by evil demon to use it to enhance its own strength.

The "different-dimensional metadata" is the special data that Andu Lumon previously discovered by himself, so it was not put together with the "digital alloy of time" produced by the factory, so it was preserved.

After everyone rested in the factory for one night, they bid farewell to the Andulumon...

Because after Andulu left the factory of the Iron Empire, he could not exert his full strength in other areas of Fayilu Island, and would be controlled by the dark gear, so he chose to stay in the factory.

In addition, even though Andulu is like an old village chief, he instructs the "selected children" to defeat the evil beasts and relieve the crisis of Fayilu Island, and he also knows that the old nest of the evil beasts is in Fayi. On the Infinite Mountain in the center of Lu Island, it also reminded them that it is definitely not a good idea to fight against evil monsters now...

Andulumon’s opinion is, first sway around Fayilu Island, try to destroy the evil beasts and distribute the dark gears of the island, so that not only can the strength of the Digimon be tempered, but also the power of the evil beasts can be weakened!

Looking at Andu Lumon, who seemed to be instructing a novice, saying "Don't go to the boss for the time being, first level up near the Novice Village", Guan Liyuan felt that it looked like an old village chief...

However, Guan Liyuan agreed with the old village chief’s suggestion!

Judging from the situation on Fayilu Island and the current super-specification capabilities of the evil beasts, the Yaguramon and the strange bird beasts have temporarily evolved into complete bodies, and they may not be the opponents of the evil beasts. Destroying some dark gears is also good.

In a blink of an eye, Guan Liyuan has been in the digital world for five days...

In the two days after leaving the factory, everyone encountered a lot of Digimon who were originally mild-tempered. Because of the influence of the dark gear, they became irritable and would actively attack other normal Digimon!

Guan Liyuan never let go of the opportunity to destroy the dark gear...

And every time after the Digimon of the "selected children" evolve, they will break the opponent's dark gear-this is definitely not selling teammates first and grabbing heads later, but Guan Liyuan wants to temper them!Well, yes, that's it...

Although these Digimons in the general maturity stage have completely fallen into consciousness under the control of the dark gear, and cannot "combine inside and outside" like Andulumon, but Guan Liyuan has now learned to use the dark aura he felt when he was in "mind communication". Probably judge the position of the dark gear on the opponent.

"En? What is that flying out over there?" Meimei suddenly discovered something.

"A flying...horse?" Sora also vaguely saw the foreign object.

As the other party approaches, it can be seen that it is a flying horse with a red mask, a pair of wings behind it, and a unicorn on its head!

"Unicorn?" A Zhang recalled some legends about the human plane.

And Beetlemon said at this time: "Ah! It's a unicorn! A very gentle Digimon..."

Hearing the "open mouth" beetle beast opening, Guan Liyuan immediately contacted the Yagula beast in the sky and be careful...

"It seems that every time you say gentle, but every time there is nothing good." Guangzi Lang couldn't help but complain.

"In fact, it's a good thing... If it is really controlled by the dark gears, isn't our purpose to find them?" Guan Liyuan is always ready to snatch people... No, it's because after tempering the pupils, we can destroy them at the right time. Dark gear!