Dimensional Forum

Chapter 518: Yes, I'm Super Saiyan (Fog)

"That's it! This is the essence of'obsession'...not because of'enhancement' so'existence', but because'existence' makes'enhancement'!"

A light called "Wisdom" flashed in Guan Liyuan's eyes, and then... died.

"Huh...huh...immortal bastard...Is it dead this time?" Maggie said, looking at Guan Liyuan who was cut into several pieces by Fei Tan again, her face and body still stained with blood.

Which of the members of the Phantom Brigade is not the one with countless blood?I don't even care about this blood...

However, at the next moment, Maggie suddenly showed panic... No, she had exceeded her panic limit, but she looked like she was "successfully trained"!

Including the blood splattered on her body, every inch of Guan Liyuan's flesh and blood was transformed into a particle state, and then recondensed into a human form.

The eighth time……

This is Guan Liyuan's eighth resurrection!

He did not abide by the principle stated at the beginning of "the power of resurrection is very limited", as if it could be resurrected without limit.

They also considered that it was actually an illusion-type mind ability. In fact, Guan Liyuan was not "dead", just pretending to be a ghost again and again, but both Nobunaga and Feitan were very sure that they killed him!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan in this "resurrection" is somewhat different from before...

In the first seven times when Guan Liyuan was resurrected, the first two, after the resurrection, seemed to be a little confused, and he was killed again. After three times, Guan Liyuan seemed to "adapt"...After each resurrection, he said something in his mouth. A second before Fei Tan cut off his head, he only glanced at him with a slight frown, as if to say "You are so annoying"!

Fei Tan has killed countless people, has seen countless looks of resentment, hatred, despair, and pleading before his death, and of course he has seen a few people who are still "indifferent" before death.

After all, Fei Tan is cruel and likes to torture enemies in the brigade. He hasn't seen a more terrifying expression before death, but Guan Liyuan's expression greatly stimulated his heart!

Even if Guan Liyuan was "frustrated" several times, he could no longer weaken the fear that was involuntarily breeding in his heart...

Are you afraid of killing people?

Fei Tan has never counted the people he has killed. No matter how many people he kills, he has never been afraid, but this time he is afraid of killing one person...

After a few times, the people in the brigade also had troubles and wanted to talk to Guan Liyuan. After all, they have confirmed Guan Liyuan's "infinite resurrection". For the time being, there are no restrictions and usage intervals, and repeated attacks are meaningless.

However... Guan Liyuan didn't want to talk to them at all. Instead, he muttered to himself and killed him, hitting Feitan or Nobunaga's knife...

Although the two of them are also a little hairy, watching Guan Liyuan pounce at them, they couldn't help but raise their swords.

Guan Liyuan seemed to be "deadly addicted"... and no matter how Feitan dismembered him, he couldn't stop his resurrection!

But this time after Guan Liyuan was resurrected, he finally no longer immersed himself in his own world, but looked at the brigade with a smile, as if finally figured out something.

"You... why are you still alive?" Fei Tan asked nervously.

It was the first time that members of the brigade heard it, Feitan used this tone.

"Who knows? But I have divided the body so many times... I will kill you once and try it? Just once, how about?" Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

He still remembers it!

It was this guy just now, the most enjoyable to kill myself...

"Pretend to be a god!" Fei Tan pulled out the rapier from the umbrella again and rushed towards Guan Liyuan.

But at this moment, Guan Liyuan snapped his fingers, and saw the invincible battery that had been "faulty" before, and the barrel "twitched"!

The accompanying explosions also sounded one after another, and saw the seven people in the brigade in the factory all "explode in place" and were blown out...

Except for the lucky drop, which was directly blown out from the window, everyone else smashed on the surrounding walls, but-you can't go out, the other six people were directly activated by the invincible fort, " "Blow on the wall.

Until the wall behind them that prevented them from flying out broke, they finally blew them out!

Moreover, flying out of the abolished factory is not the end, but in the air, they have to accept relay explosions, blowing them nearly 500 meters away...

"What's going on? Is our previous speculation wrong... he can change the enemy's target halfway?" Finks said after getting up.

Before he, Franklin, Nobunaga, and the three people who first entered the factory, had not been attacked by the "Invincible Fortress", but the people behind were all stopped. Therefore, they also speculated about Guan Liyuan’s thought ability, the only thing they could think of The reliable speculation is that Guan Liyuan cannot change the "hostile target" arbitrarily!

But now... they were also blown out.

"The effect is still the same as in the "Sky Arena" in the video. I was only slightly injured... but the range seems to be much larger." Parker said and glanced at Finks.

The people of the Phantom Brigade, regardless of whether the mind ability is suitable for combat, at least the advanced application skills of the mind are fairly proficient.

At the same time that the "Invincible Fort" took effect, their "mind" has also been lifted, and they can use the "hard" that covers the whole body to defend.

But even the Finks of the reinforcement system with the strongest defense in the "hard" state was slightly injured in the continuous explosion...

However, Parker Nuoda, who was weak in combat skills in the brigade, was also only slightly injured.

If you don't understand the effects of "Invincible Fortress", you will probably wonder, why are two people with such a big difference in defense, but their injuries are similar?

And if you understand the effect of "Invincible Fortress", you will be surprised now-because Finks was actually injured!

You must know that in the Hunter World, a shot of the "Invincible Fort", in addition to the knock-up effect, is equivalent to Guan Liyuan's full blow, which is roughly equivalent to focusing all thoughts on the fist and using the "hard" technique. fist.

It’s just that no matter who it hits, it can only cause minor injuries at the highest, and the "mind" will dissipate if it is higher than the minor injury...

Normally, Guan Liyuan encountered a strongman of the reinforcement system like Finks, and concentrated on using a "hard" punch, and he might not be able to break the defense!

Yes, it is precisely because of the "obsession" that Guan Liyuan's "mind" has greatly increased... and it has increased eight times!At this time Guan Liyuan felt that he would not lose to Finks even if he had thoughts!

The generation of "obsession" was originally a small probability event, but in the resurrection of Guan Liyuan, the "obsession" was 100% transformed. The other legendary "resurrection minds" are not only extremely limited, but also not There is no such effect that triggers "obsession".

The people of the Phantom Brigade certainly did not think that when Guan Liyuan died, he was really "dead", and the subsequent "resurrection" was not the ability to read at all...

After eight deaths and eight lives, Guan Liyuan has also understood the reasons for the formation of "obsession".

This is not what most people with meditation ability recognize, because the deceased’s attachments strengthen the mind, so it persists even after the death of the meditation ability...

Just the other way round, because "mind" can still exist after death, it becomes stronger!

The nourishment in the process of turning "mind" into "obsession" is the "soul" in a broad sense.

"Mind" generated by mental power, after the user's death, due to various reasons, if there is a small probability event, but still exists, it will swallow the soul of the deceased and become more powerful!

However, not only the probability of "obsession" is very low, and because there are no users, there are usually only some special thoughts, which are effective when they are transformed into "obsession".

For example, continuous curses, blessings, or figurative thought implements...

If it is a change type or a release type, even if it turns into "obsession", it will dissipate in a short time because no one uses it.

The obsession of the strengthening system may make the corpse immortal, forming a so-called golden body...most of the time it has no practical effect.

As for Guan Liyuan... His "real body" in the Hunter World has only that real spirit, and everything else, including the soul, is just an incarnation created by the forum.

Otherwise, the rules of the world are different. Not only the body, but the structure and composition of the soul are also different. How can they "cross"?

It is precisely because the true spirit is immortal that Guan Liyuan’s "mind" in the Hunter World will swallow the soul of "Forum Produced". After that, Guan Liyuan will continue to use the forum to create soul resurrection and achieve a harmless transformation of "obsession"...

Therefore, Guan Liyuan's "obsession" is actually just an enhanced version of "mind" fed by the soul!

As for other people’s post-mortem enhancement thoughts, why are they considered "obsessions"?

One is because there is no control over the enhanced "mind" after death, and it will only follow the user's last instructions, even if it is another rare type of "obsession"-corpse change, which is used after forming "obsession" The person is falsely resurrected, but because the soul has been swallowed, only the walking dead are resurrected.

In the comics plot, Hiso fought Kulolo as he wished, but Kulolo used the power of knights and Kubi to blow Hiso with countless human flesh bombs by using the unfair advantage of the venue.

Before his death, Hisoso read to himself the instruction to "massage the heart and lungs after death", and Maggie received a deposit before, so even though Hisoso died, he still sewed up his body...

As a result, after Hisuo was resurrected, Nian transformed into "obsession" and became stronger, and began to attack members of the massacre brigade. The first to die were the knights and Kubei whose abilities had not been returned!Afterwards, all members of the brigade, except for Maggie, including Kulolo, were listed as targets for the massacre!

Now Guan Liyuan suspects that it is not all "transfiguration", perhaps because Hisoso's soul has been partly fused with Nian, so the thinking of Hisoso, who was already abnormal, has become more elusive and crazy...

But Guan Liyuan has no such side effects. Although his "mind" has swallowed his soul eight times, his soul is still brand new and intact!

I still have complete control over the "mind" that has been enhanced eight times...

"The radius is five hundred meters... the range is almost the same as the devil's passport, doubled!" Guan Liyuan's eyes flashed with the blue light that turned his eyes, and said as he looked at the direction in which the members of the brigade were shot.

That's right, the reason why the "Invincible Fortress" failed before was precisely because the scope of the "Devil Passport" became larger, and as a result, the body of the fort was included. It was not until Guan Liyuan retrieved the "Devil Passport" that the fort would take effect again!

"Liyuan, are you okay?" Xiaojie asked.

Qi Ya said on the side: "This should be the physique that the killer dislikes the most? Isn't it possible to kill anyway...The way you are now is a bit disgusting."

Guan Liyuan gave the white-haired kid angrily, but looked down at himself, a little helpless...

"It seems that the mind is too strong, and the body can't accept it at all..." Guan Liyuan muttered to himself.

At this time, Guan Liyuan had already smashed the clothes on his upper body, his muscles swelled to an unimaginable level, and there seemed to be countless small snakes squirming like crazy under his skin... It reminded Guan Liyuan of the Shennong who was killed by himself in the Hokage World!

It looks like a "super active body" that is evolving, and the muscles are constantly wriggling and renewing...

At that time, Guan Liyuan still humiliated Shennong, saying that his appearance was disgusting...As soon as he thought about this, Guan Liyuan was helpless at first, but then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he secretly said: Right!Super active body... If you change it, will it be effective if you use "mind" to drive it?It doesn't matter if it doesn't work!Now the important thing is to consume the extra thoughts, otherwise I feel uncomfortable looking at it...