Dimensional Forum

Chapter 555 They are the prey, and I am the hunter

"This is a wild one-horned boar. Hold its one-horned boar and break it like this... and then cut the thigh into three-centimeter steaks... and drizzle the grease from its own waist and ribs..."

At this time, an adult African elephant-sized creature resembling a wild boar was grilled on a grill. Men Qi explained the cooking process while brushing the sauce.

Half an hour later, a meal of "Roasted One Horned Wild Boar" was completed!

It’s also worth mentioning that, from the tools to the seasonings, this barbecue is all figuratively made by Men Qi...

From the perspective of "mind-attribute personality", it is not surprising that Guan Liyuan, who is neurotic Men Qi, is a concretized mind.

The development direction of Men Qi's mental abilities is very strange. As the "main system" of the materialized system, it tends to be auxiliary abilities and a lot of materialization. Even consumables such as spices are materialized...

However, Guan Liyuan uses his own food cells to taste and finds that the concreteized spices have the same effect on the improvement of "gourmet energy", and because of the use of "representative cooking", Men Qi controls the spices in detail. The food came out just right.

In combat, Men Qi prefers to use the abilities of the "change system" and the "operation system" that are close to the "concretization system". The ability of the change system allows Men Qi to turn "mind" into hormones. Significantly increase its own attributes, and can also be controlled by the ability of the operating system, using various hormones to interfere with the activities of the prey...

Men Qi's thinking ability also reflects her main business-food hunting.

The main element is completely used to embody "food", and the two adjacent sub elements are used to fight...

At this time, Guan Liyuan, Men Qi and Bu Hara came out for a month, plus Niweng and Xiao Hei, four people and one cat, in this month, ate in three secret realms, hunted countless beasts, Ye ordered Men Qi and Bu. Hara was surprised and envious of Guan Liyuan's physique!

Guan Liyuan, who seems to be just ordinary and strong, is even more edible than Bukha!

As "food hunters", Men Qi and Buha La have their own criteria, that is, never waste food and only hunt down prey that can be eaten.

This is similar to the "Food Hunter" rules on the "Human World" side...

Therefore, before Guan Liyuan joined, although there was a big stomach king named Buhara, sometimes he still had to eat for a day or two after hunting too large creatures.

However, with Guan Liyuan, bid farewell to the word "waste"!

Originally, the three secret realms and the itinerary of the past few days were all visited by Men Qi and Bu Hara. They were going to bring Guan Liyuan and Nion to adapt. According to Bu Hara and Men Qi’s experience, they would eat them all. At least three months.

But because of the existence of Guan Liyuan, they can catch a large amount of prey to make a "package", instead of hunting only one or two of them at a time to prevent waste...

Guan Liyuan's appetite is more than five times that of Big Stomach King Buhara without affecting his subsequent appetite, and he can even eat more than ten times more food... There is no need to eat for two or three days!

If you know that Buhara’s appetite is already dozens of times that of a normal adult...

Of course, this is also one of the "gourmet cells"'s ability to quickly decompose food and store energy. Guan Liyuan hasn't comprehended "nourishment", otherwise it would be fine to eat a hundred or a thousand times more food in one breath!

Moreover, Guan Liyuan doesn't have to eat so much. Under normal conditions, his appetite is only several times more than ordinary people.

However, if you only maintain the minimum food intake for a long time, you must limit the use of gourmet energy to fight, otherwise it will trigger "self-eating"...

That is, "gourmet cells" will swallow the host because of starvation, and in severe cases will lead to death.

Nyung, who has been insulated from "survival in the wild" for a long time, is now quite a bit of a "flying self" posture, wearing the tight-fitting leather armor that Men Qi bought from the adventurer's market, and those who don't know really think she is Is a combatant.

Most of the "one-horned wild boars" ended up in Guan Liyuan's stomach, and the other half went into Bukhala's stomach. As for Nyung, Men Qi, and Xiao Hei, the total amount of food was ignored.

Guan Liyuan can also feel that the energy of the body is constantly nourishing in the food cells!

Repeated consumption of the same ingredients can supplement the gastronomic energy consumed in battle, but the maximum increase in gastronomic energy, that is, the strengthening effect on the body is getting smaller and smaller.

Therefore, if you want to become stronger, you need to eat more kinds of ingredients...

In addition, although it is not an absolute law, Guan Liyuan found that the gastronomic energy provided by animal ingredients is related to its strength during his lifetime. Most of the edible monsters are stronger and stimulate the gastronomic energy. .

[It is estimated that in another one or two months, the degree of improvement in "Universal Will Favor" is enough for me to use "Entry", and then I can set "Anti-Greed Island" as a quick training ground...] Guan Liyuan secretly calculated .

That's right, Guan Liyuan is now a "human individual in the Hunter World". After integrating the "gourmet energy system" and "mind ability system", the essence of his strength has improved, and he has also played some "optimizing human" effects.

It's just that he is the only individual who is "optimizing", so the increase is not large for the entire human race.

If you want a substantial improvement, you also need to trigger a large-scale communication between the "hunter world" and the "human world".

But with the current growth, the will of the universe has been slowly increasing, after all, this can be regarded as "the beginning of human optimization."

With the improvement of the will of the universe, the compatibility of Guan Liyuan's use of Fatty Blue's items in the Hunter World is also improving, that is to say, the previously unusable items are slowly being "unlocked"!

And now it’s about to unlock, and Guan Liyuan is looking forward to using one of the props is "entering the mirror".

In the world of Fat Blue, an "entry mirror" can directly "create" a world that is the same as the real world, but without humans, and the left and right are reversed!

Although the function is limited, the effect will be castrated in the "Hunter World", but Guan Liyuan only needs to create an upside-down replica of the island...

"Greed Island" is a "game" specially created by Jin for his son, in which many terrains, missions, beasts... can be regarded as training items.

And most of the NPCs in it are "mind beasts" rather than real humans. As long as Guan Liyuan replicates the "greedy island" that is upside down, he will directly have a base camp for training minds, and there is no need to worry about being caught by the Hunter Association or V5 found...

As for another more thorough "reversed world mirror", although the effect is more powerful and can be replicated with humans, but in the reversed world, the human personality is completely opposite to the real world... But Guan Liyuan estimated that "reversed world mirror" at least After the "Hunter Realm" and "Human Realm" began to communicate on a large scale, it is possible to unlock it by myself!

As for the weakened version of "Entering the Mirror", Guan Liyuan will only need one or two more months.

After that, there is a much worse, but it is not an inevitable item-instant growth agent.

You can omit the time to accumulate mental power!

Although "Time Gate" is more suitable, it is too difficult to unlock like "Upside-Down World Mirror"!

Even with the "instant growth agent", Guan Liyuan estimated that it would be difficult for him to unlock it with these "ordinary beast ingredients"... But in two months, a certain chimeric ant should enter the hunter world.

Recently, Guan Liyuan has been frequently asking "Eight Lian Killing God of Food" about the cooking methods of ant ingredients...

The injured queen who is still far away in the mysterious world may not know that its plan to infiltrate the "Lake Island" to repair its injuries has been targeted by the "indigenous creatures", and a certain native is still preparing to prey on chimeric ants!

[But this time I should not be able to catch up, and I will return to the main world in a few days...After that, be careful to lurch back to Paradise from the northern ice sheet!The Great Speaker of the Temple and the others, they should have given out false news to lead away those monsters...]