Dimensional Forum

Chapter 571

"It's now...the jewelry of flowers!"

I saw that while Lilac Beast interfered with Oga Beast, Lily Beast quickly approached Oga Beast, and from above, put a woven "garland" on Oga Beast's head...

"Flower Jewelry", as one of Lily Beast's nirvana, has no direct attack power.

The effect is to eliminate the "virus" in the Digimon Institute, or to calm the anger of the Digimon, which is completely auxiliary.

In some special cases, it can play a miraculous effect!

For example, on Fayilu Island now...

Lilymon’s "flower jewelry" can theoretically rescue all controlled Digimon and clear the "dark gear" in it!

However, "Flower Jewelry" is not ready to be used at any time. Lily beast must condense the carrier of "Flower Jewelry" before it can be activated-that is, the wreath!

The "garland" represents purity and love. It needs the unique data of Lilymon to make it, so it has a certain production cycle, and can only have one "garland" at the same time, and it cannot be made too much at once.

Therefore, in the previous battle, Lily Beast had no intention of using "precious" flower jewelry...

That's why Lilac Beast said that this trick takes a long time to prepare.

Moreover, the carrier of "Flower Jewelry" is easy to be destroyed, if you want to hit, you need to restrain the other party's attention first!

The time is right now!

Aogamon, enhanced by hundreds of dark gears, is on the island of Fayilu. It is completely worthwhile for Lilymon to use the "flower jewelry" once.

And the effect of "Flower Jewelry" can happen to the Ogamon...

Although Ogamon took the initiative to take refuge in evil beasts, and because of its nature, it did not lose its sense under the dark gear, but as long as the "dark gear" in its body is purified, ordinary Ogamon can do whatever it wants. hit.

And Lilymon is ready to avenge the "hair garland" for the self before evolution.

"Oops!" Ogamon was startled by the Lilymon who suddenly reached his head, and secretly said: Not good!

But it was too late...

I saw that the huge "garland" was worn on the swelling Ogamon's head, Ogamon suddenly screamed and knelt on the ground in pain.

Ogamon raised his hand to tear off the "garland" on his head, but was kicked away by Lilymon's "Sunshine Crescent Kick", and then Lilacmon also stormed over!

If it is a gentle and righteous Digimon that is being controlled, it has regained some control of the body at this time. Normally, it will definitely endure it and make Guan Liyuan clean up the "black gear".

However, Ogamon is willing to use freedom to exchange "power". After being able to move a little bit, he immediately wants to remove the "garland" on his head, so it needs to continue to involve Ogamon's energy!

Along with the Oga beast hurriedly coping with the attacks of Lily Beast and Lilac Beast, only black gears "burst" out of the Oga Beast!

The "black gears" in the body were drastically reduced, causing Ogamon to gradually regain its original green body.

All the black gears are shattered as soon as they appear...

"You hateful fellows! Lord evil beast will not let you go!" Oga beast annoyed.

"Evil demon...sir? Are you still a combative Oga?" Guan Liyuan asked in surprise.

At this time, Ogamon was recovering to its original appearance. Guan Liyuan believed that under normal conditions, he was definitely not the opponent of Lilymon and Lilacmon, so he relaxed a lot.

"Master Evil Beast defeated me with his own power, and... it can also make me stronger! Unlike you guys, you can only play tricks!" Ogamon replied unhappy.

Sure enough... It seems that Ogamon had challenged the evil beasts before, as in the plot, but lost...but the evil beasts promised Ogamon that he could become stronger by being his subordinate.

I just don’t know if it’s the same as in the plot, Ogamon and Lionmon attack evil monsters together...

"Where is the lion beast? Is it also controlled by the evil beast?" Lilac beast asked.

She had some doubts before, why didn't she see the lion beast?

The Ogamon and the Lionmon are not companions, but the Lionmon who regards itself as a righteous companion often find the Ogamon and fight against it.

The two have been rivals like rivals since the growth period!

As for how to find Ogamon?

It doesn't even need the "old enemy" the lion beast to spend much effort, as long as the Oga beast appears, it will definitely cause riots.

The so-called deliberate provocation of Digimon that will "nosy"... In most cases, it will be the lion beast!

As a result, there are naturally winners and losers. The strengths of the Ogamon and the Lionmon are almost the same, and they are both considered to be very mature on Fayilu Island.

Perhaps it was because the two played against each other too many times, and even vaguely meant "online friends".

Although they would fight as soon as they met, there was even an "illusion" of a good relationship when they didn't meet each other.

But this time Ogamon has been here for so long, but the Lion Beast has never appeared?This made the Lilac Beast and Lily Beast of the same age a little worried.

"The lion beast? That pedantic guy... now is going to attack your companion! Hahaha..." Ogamon said with a smile.

However, Guan Liyuan heard an embarrassing tone...

"The lion beast seems to be under control too...but what are you proud of? The boss who called Xinbai to help solve the lion beast if you couldn't beat it?" Guan Liyuan asked back.

"Of course not! You can't beat the lion beast!" Ogamon is more concerned about this.

"Evil Beasts can defeat you in a normal state, but Lily Beasts and Lilac Beasts can also do it... As for making you stronger? I can do it." Guan Liyuan said in a persuasive manner.

The nature of Ogamon... is indeed "bad", but it is not without principles, nor is it impossible to communicate!

In the plot of the animation, Ogamon later became one of the "heroes" who resisted the rule of the four dark kings.

The lion beast's wish when he is dying is also to continue to be the opponent of Ogamon after "reincarnation".

And since obtaining the "different-dimensional metadata" in the unmanned factory, Guan Liyuan has been preparing to recover an Oga beast...

"Huh! It's just a short-term evolution using some crooked methods..." Oga Beast said hard.

"Then do you want to evolve?"

"This one……"

"At that time, you might be able to challenge the evil beast again, and... if it can be advanced than the lion beast, and even rescue it from the evil beast'by the way,' what will the lion beast look like?" Guan Liyuan looked curious.

"Why do people, people want that stupid lion? But evolution... sounds good! But can it really make me evolve to full body on Fayilu Island?" Ogamon was obviously moved.