Dimensional Forum

Chapter 619 Out of the Shell!

"Wait a minute, direct detonation may be dangerous. Once the space barrier is broken, it may cause even worse results, Xiao Hei, look at the egg first!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Is it yours? Don't look at it..." Xiao Hei spit out mercilessly.


At this moment, the orangutan beast said impatiently: "It's annoying to jump around and hide in hiding! Is it going to evolve to full body for the time being? Evolution or something... no longer needed! Anti-evolution song!"

I saw the giant ball on the lower body of the orangutan beast, and it began to rhythmically, like a beating heart...

During the beating, bursts of dark gray energy ripples, centered on the orangutan beast, and at the same time bursts of disturbing and irritating sounds entered Guan Liyuan's ears!

"Not good..." Guan Liyuan exclaimed.

He just felt that the sound made him uncomfortable, and Xiao Hei degenerated back to the form of a "big black beast" after a flash!

"What's the matter with this voice? It's even worse than the previous'Love Serenade'!" Xiao Hei said hard.

The effect of "Love Serenade" is to reduce the enemy's fighting spirit... As for the "temporary evolution" Digimon degrading, it is only an additional effect, because the moment the fighting spirit is reduced, the temporary evolution state will be lifted.

Even Guan Liyuan's "contact" version has temporarily evolved, and the decline of the fighting spirit will even cause the instant release of "contact".

The previous "Serenade of Love" by the orangutan was not so uncomfortable to appreciate only from the auditory point of view.

Otherwise, let alone the decay of fighting spirit... Clicking on this song in an Internet cafe will easily be thrown out!Where can the fighting spirit decay?

However, at this moment, I saw Xiao Hei, who was already in the "big black beast" state, and his whole body flashed again...regenerating back to the pocket "little black beast"?

"Huh? Haven't seen you such a cute look for a long time?" Guan Liyuan seemed to be trying to "revenge", and relentlessly complained.

"Shut up!" This time, Xiao Hei said irritably.

Perhaps because of the unusual aesthetic of a certain fox, Xiao Hei was not very satisfied with his original form...that is, the form of the "little black beast", but rather liked his form of the "big black beast", but was more concerned about the "li soul beast". The two forms are hesitant...

"This guy is not right, right? Even the normally evolved Digimon can be degraded?" Guan Liyuan muttered suspiciously.

Orangutan’s "Love Serenade" has absolutely no such effect. "Temporary Evolution" can be achieved by Guan Liyuan's "Mind Contact" and must be done with the power of the "Divine Plan". There are few cases in which it can be done!

The "Serenade of Love" of the normal orangutan beast is normal only to make people lose their fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

But now...

The "anti-evolution song" of "Ape Ball" actually degenerates the normally evolved Digimon?

However, Guan Liyuan has allowed Penguin to monitor the data in real time. Xiaohei's degradation is the same as the temporary evolution. It hasn't changed in essence. It can be restored after a period of time or directly "rebirth".

Otherwise, if the data of "Yin Cat Rock" is "washed", Guan Liyuan will really be depressed!

"Jie Jie Jie! See it? This is the real power! Evolution...is something that is no longer needed...welcome our anger!" the orangutan beast said wildly.

"We?" Guan Liyuan suspected that its consciousness was not sober, so he used "spiritual communication" to test it.

Sure enough, the consciousness of the gorilla beast at this time seemed to be screwed together with countless messy consciousnesses, which was completely messed up.

This "ball" itself is a combination of the will of countless "evolutionary failed" Digimon. To some extent, it is similar to the Apocalypse...

It’s just that the Apocalypse beasts exist on the other side of the "Fire Bi", which is a combination of the grievances of all the Digimons that have failed evolution, and the "ball" is just the "biochemical arsenal" that forcibly catalyzes many " Evolutionary failure" a combination of grievances of Digimon.

The molecular beast designed this thing, it should be used to blast a gap in the "fire wall", so that the other side of the Apocalypse beast into the digital plane, rather than want to combine with it!

After the orangutan defeated the molecular beast and inherited some of the design of the molecular beast, it also intentionally contributed to more Digimon "evolution failures"...

It was not only cruel, but also misunderstood the research direction of molecular beasts, and put a "bomb" on himself as a "battery"!

[Dandan!Don't you have a way?Wouldn't you "degenerate" in it too?If you can't do it, I'm going to "rebirth" with Xiao Hei once, and then detonate it directly...] Guan Liyuan asked Dandan.

Although Guan Liyuan was worried that after the detonation, the "Fire Wall" would be impressed, but if this continues, every time the orangutan uses its "nirvana", it will also affect the "Fire Wall". Worse than direct detonation!

It's now!Use the "Holy Plan" on me!As Dandan said, there was a slight bulge on the "ball" of the orangutan beast, which was only a small piece of the "ball" volume.

[Is that there?

Guan Liyuan said as much as he could to run towards the "Ape Ball", but was erased twice by the "Dark Necrosphere"...

Finally after the third rebirth, he approached the "orangutan ball" floating in the air, raised the "sacred plan" in his hand and took a photo!

"The damn little bug... is not dead yet? Is this the blessing of'constancy' to the caller?" the orangutan said angrily.

"No, I'm a wild caller, I don't care for anything..." Guan Liyuan replied while using the "Holy Plan".

And when the light of the "sacred plan" was shining on the bulge, Guan Liyuan also used "spiritual contact" on Dandan through the contract!

According to Dandan, it seems to have been swallowed by the "Sludge Beast plus", and it is undergoing a certain impact of will, but the corrosive nature of the "Sludge Beast plus" has no effect on it.

The subsequent "unidentified substances" did make Dandan once life-threatening, but after the orangutan beast "snapped" and became the orangutan ball, the internal structure stabilized, but the "impact" on the will became stronger. .

Ordinary Digimon, I am afraid that when it is first swallowed by Mudmon plus, it will stop evolving abilities-the molecular beast said "up to this point" should also mean that evolution stopped.

However, at the same time of "impacting", he was also training Dandan's will...

Dandan wants to evolve into the form of a "titan beast", what he needs most is "will", or an unyielding fighting spirit!

Dandan had only reached the "lower limit" in terms of fighting intent before. If it can be stronger, the required data values ​​in other aspects can also be lower...

Now, Dandan is trying to "temporarily evolve" directly to the state of Titan Beast!

Real evolution also requires three kinds of special data, so virtual data of the "Holy Plan" is also needed to assist...

"En? What is this...what?" The orangutan seemed to feel something, but it was too late!

I saw that the "bulge" was faintly photographed by the divine plan, and it expanded more and more, and gradually... accompanied by a clear cracking sound, the "orangutan ball" was even broken through a crack, a huge The green palm stretched out from it...