Dimensional Forum

Chapter 717-What a protagonist should do

"This month has been relatively leisurely. One month later, the newly selected'Earth Demon List Candidates' will be formally ranked, and there will be opportunities for candidates to impact the official list...Earth Demon List itself also has a 40-year-old age limit, plus this year For those who break through the high-level, there should be about twenty vacancies by then." Guan Liyuan said.

Normally, although the Disha list will add people, it is a "special situation". Cheng Gong entered the Disha list halfway through. Normally, large-scale selections were made at the beginning of the year.

At this time, Guan Liyuan, Zhong Liqiu, Jiang Ruonan, and Wei Yingying opened the room first in the hotel in the outer city of Yunji... No, they lived first and opened three rooms. Zhong Liqiu strongly requested to open with Wei Yingying. One, although Jiang Ruonan also strongly requested to open a room with Zhong Liqiu, but it was rejected.

The inner city of Yunji City is the headquarters of the alliance. There is no hotel in the headquarters, let alone houses that can be bought and sold.

And not to mention that Guan Liyuan and others have not been formally granted the status of "Alternate to the Demon List" in name. Even a month later, just the "Alternate of Demon List" will not be "divided" in the league.

However, the identity card of the "Earth Demon List Alternate" allows them to freely enter the inner city and some facilities in the Demon District.

That is to say... if one person enters the "Earth Demon List", he has his own small yard in the Demon District, and then "accepts" several "Earth Demon List candidates".

For example, "Cheng Gong" met many Dishabang members who had followers before. That's how their "followers" came...

Of course, it is not to save money for opening a house, nor is it a "follower". Most of them are companions in the same team or close professionals who live together.

"Freedom? This month, can't you be free for this month?" Jiang Ruonan pouted.

That’s right, although there is a month, it’s not a "holiday" for them, and there is no such thing as a "holiday" for professionals. A squad goes out to hunt down creatures in the abyss, often returning to the city in a few months. Professionals will even cross the city, such as starting from Daling City and entering Eagle City in a few months...

In the past few months in the wild, give yourself a vacation?

It is estimated that if you let it go, you will lose your life!

Only after returning to the city, you can relax for a while, and then go out of the city to hunt down the creatures in the abyss, and cycle.

Of course, for some high-level elites, you can also choose to clear the abyss lord, that is, go to the Jedi to fight the Boss. It often requires several teams to work together. The plan is to clean the abyss creatures around the "Jedi" first. Clean, set up a temporary barrier, and then push the boss...

Killing the abyss lord in the Jedi will indeed have higher returns. The abyss lord who is connected to the Jedi is stronger than the abyss lord who hits the border. At the same time, the materials left behind are more precious and more likely.

Precious materials can be brought back to the city and sold directly to the alliance. You can also find someone to make potions and artifacts, and you can also receive an additional subsidy from the alliance.

The most important thing is that, from the perspective of self-cultivation, the training of the Qing Suppression Jedi Lord is also greater...

And this is not completely unrelated to mid-level professionals.

The main force for the suppression of the Jedi Lords is naturally those high-level elites, but due to the restrictions of the Jedi rules, not only can not there be super-level professionals to intervene, but there are also restrictions on the number of high-levels, and one less high-level can be entered, and more can be entered. Order...

Therefore, some mid-levels with special abilities or outstanding strengths will also go for a strike.

Some super-intermediate players in the first half of the list can even be the main force in the suppression!

As for the super high-level in the Tiangang list, it will take over the headhunting mission of the alliance, and the goal is to some Jedi lords over seven years...

Although Guan Liyuan and others are now in the forefront of mid-level professionals, they have not been formally experienced. Now let alone go to fight against the Jedi, the main task is to get acquainted with a normal professional. What they did, after all, they just graduated.

"A month later, you still have to go to the Warcraft clan's inheritance trial with Xiaohei? The things in Yunji City should be after you come back... Do you have time to practice this month? Otherwise, you should go back to the special Train it." Zhong Liqiu said.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaohei's side... The holy beasts only have some basics that can be given to me. In terms of specific abilities and skills, their methods are not suitable for humans. I also need to practice my abilities now. We will go out to practice in a few days. Right! It's Yingying... Are you really not going out with us? Then we are really the'chopper team'."

"I'm not going anymore. Scholars also have a way to advance scholars, but they can't concentrate on both sides." Wei Yingying shook her head.

Wei Yingying was also smart this time. She didn't say anything like she only had a beginner level, she said directly and clearly, "I want to be a scholar, you don't hook me out."...

This is indeed the case. Professionals are not the only ones who can only "kill monsters and upgrade". Otherwise, how did the professionals advance before the abyss invasion?

Now that you have chosen the path of scholars, it's okay to stay away from the front line. Otherwise, when you advance, you will develop a lot of combat skills. How can you be a scholar?

"Why don't you look for suitable support professionals in Yunji City?" Wei Yingying suggested.

"Intermediate level, no squad, and support professionals who still get along... are almost impossible to find." Jiang Ruonan said.

"Indeed, Qiu and I are okay. It's hard to find a professional who can get along with Ruonan." Guan Liyuan nodded in agreement, but Jiang Ruonan kept glaring at him.

"Then it's really the three of you teaming up?" Wei Yingying was a little worried.

"It's okay, I can ask Dingchun and the others to come over." Guan Liyuan said.

Counting that the "Tailed Beast Squad" has been free-range for some time, Dingchun's actual combat experience is no better than Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan.

"They...except for Dingchun, aren't they all elite soldiers? But fortunately, they are already familiar with the experience and can look at you." Wei Yingying nodded earnestly at last.

And the three of Guan Liyuan were helpless-what does it mean to "look at" us?In your eyes, have we not grown up yet?

"Ahem, in fact, apart from Dingchun, the other incarnations of tail beasts are now advanced..."

"What?" Jiang Ruonan exclaimed.

"Jifu and Zhongming are also at the commander level... Dingchun is almost at the lord level." Guan Liyuan said.

These tail beasts do not need to consume Guan Liyuan's professional power to exist in the main world, and can be upgraded independently...

"How can they advance so fast?"

Not only Jiang Ruonan, but Zhong Liqiu and Wei Yingying also looked shocked.

"Aren't you getting advanced quickly..."

"Cough cough!" Wei Yingying coughed slightly, indicating that there is another beginner here.

Guan Liyuan had no choice but to say something else: "Dingchun, they weren't only beginners, but now they are incarnations, and of course they will improve quickly."

"Then what rank is Dingchun's body?" Jiang Ruonan asked.

This... really ask Guan Liyuan!