Dimensional Forum

Chapter 728

Ps: Who said that I forgot the human column force mode? I clearly wrote a plan to "fit" to assassinate the lord, crying T_T, rolling, and I need rewards and comfort.

"Don't worry about killing monsters, retreat first, and wait for the boss to enter the open area!" Guan Liyuan, who was responsible for killing the boss solo, commanded.

Guan Liyuan just cut off the wings of a thunder bat with a bone blade. However, the light green lightning in the ejection hit the injured thunder bat. Under the stimulation of the lightning, even the broken wings were once again. Grow out!

Either catapult lightning, chain lightning, or chain lightning... this catapult-style lightning attack is not uncommon, but the mutant Thunderbat Lord actually even the lightning in the catapult has healing properties.

Moreover, the injured subordinates will automatically "trigger lightning" like a lightning rod. The most terrible thing is the effect of the treatment, which is even better than Guan Liyuan imagined... or "horror"!

Even the bat whose body was chopped off by He Xigui re-grows a pinkish body under lightning, and can fly with wings.

Only by destroying the opponent's brain and killing him immediately can the treatment be invalidated, otherwise it can still be recovered even if the organ is pierced!

Before killing the Boss, these little guys are very difficult to kill.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan did not merge with Dingchun for the time being. Five people and one dog (Dingchun:?) retreated while fighting, and returned to the edge of the open area on the side away from the passage of the bats, making a retreat—of course, The actual purpose is to "pull" the boss out.

Sure enough, the IQ of this fellow’s IQ “lives up to expectations”, because Guan Liyuan and others continue to retreat, and the bat swarms also continue to flood back into the open area. I saw a giant thunder with green fur on its back and ten times the size of ordinary thunder bats. When the bat appeared, Guan Liyuan and others' eyes lit up at the same time...

When "adjusting the bat to leave the cave" a few days ago, Guan Liyuan and others discovered that the IQ of the lord of the mutant Thunder bat was obviously low. There is indeed a high probability as Gu Yuanxi said-it may be catalyzed by some external reason. Order.

If this is the case, it is really possible to burst good things...

As soon as the mutant Thunder Bat lord returned to the open area, Guan Liyuan scanned the number of bats around and found that it was only about 300, and there should be a small half behind the mutant Thunder Bat Lord!

Guan Liyuan condensed his eyes and made a secret decision...

"It's up to you! Rumbling Rock, Rumbling Rock or Rumbling Rock, plus an earth turtle and a big steel snake!"

Guan Liyuan's eyes condensed with a blue light, his gaze spanned nearly a hundred meters, and he shot directly at the entrance passage where the lord of the mutant Thunder Bat had just entered!

The five summoning rune formations actually emerged tens of meters away...

Summon from a distance!

It is not a skill, but a technique...Normal summoning will only summon the summoning god in front of oneself, but if the summoning is skilled enough and mental power is strong enough, the optional range of the summoning will be expanded.

Replaced by a real master summoner like Cang Xing, he can even summon several treants around the enemy instantly, and directly surround the enemy without having to run.

Guan Liyuan, as a summoner who "provides Dao with strength", although he has poor skills, he has plenty of mental power!

Originally, "Together Killing Ashes" and "Nether Tiger Fighter" all have the attributes of the mind system, and the "Rebirth Eye" is a pure mind system. In addition, the "Soul Walker" is a rule system, but it also has great spiritual power. Benefits, at this time, "Summoning across tens of meters" is something that is not very worthy of boasting. It can still be done...

The three and five Pokémon summoned by Guan Liyuan have two of the same characteristics. One is that they all have the attributes of the "ground system", but they are all very large!

Among them, the most "petite" rumbling rock is normally tall in the Pokémon world...or it should be said that the "diameter" is 1.4 meters, while the rumbling rock produced by "the world's first house" is generally more than 1.6 meters, but in the main world Summoned, each one has a diameter of more than three meters.

As soon as Fang appeared, he almost blocked the passageway!

The normal individual of the Tutai Turtle is 2.2 meters in the Pokémon world, and at least 2.5 meters in the "First House Under Heaven". When it appears in the main world, it is larger than the entrance of the passage and cannot enter at all. Entrance is strictly blocked in the direction of "open area".

Behind the earth platform turtle is a big steel snake. The normal big steel snake is 9.2 meters long and 1 meter in diameter. Not to mention the production of "The World's First House", it appears in the main world and entangles directly at the entrance of the passage...

That is, the big steel snake and the Tutai turtle back to back, completely "sealing" the entrance and exit.

And in front of the big steel snake, there are three "longlong rocks"...

Several other people in the "open area" saw the Pokémon summoned by Guan Liyuan, and they showed a slightly puzzled look-not the same as they had negotiated!

After that, I heard the direction of the entrance, and a faint "grumbling" voice came out...

That's right, it is Ronglongyan who uses "rolling" in the passage!

Normal "rolling" has no effect on flying bats. When people fly, you will roll on the ground for a year and nobody will care about you...

However, the terrain is now special, and the rumbling rock rolls up. Except for a small part of the "fly-through bats" attached to the rock wall, the others are unable to avoid because of the terrain, especially the three consecutive rolling...The abyssal bats were directly hit by a cat. Vegetarian.

In the Pokémon world, as long as any part of the "ground system" touches the ground, it is almost immune to the "electric system".

Although due to different rules, restraint in the main world is not so absolute, the resistance to lightning is indeed extremely high...

Most of the bats are thunder bats, and the discharge effect is greatly weakened, and they are in a panic. Three "balls" are like a broken bamboo at a time!

Even if bats continue to emerge from the gaps, they will not be able to stop the rolling of the rumbling rock, let alone break through the blockade of the steel snake...

Guan Liyuan had studied the terrain a long time ago, and knew that the road would be divided into three after a short distance, so he summoned three rumbling rocks, even if they were separated and moved back, it was useless.

And just as they drove to reach the limit of Guan Liyuan's summoning distance, the three Rumble Rocks brazenly used the "big bang"-that is, the enhanced version of "self-destruction."

As a result, most of the "second half" of the bat colony was severely damaged. Under the blockade of the terrapin turtle and the steel snake, they could not rush out, and the bat colony in the open area could not catch them. Even the healing thunder and lightning were blocked... …

The mutant Thunder Bat lord was obviously shocked when he saw "the back road was copied". The first reaction was not to attack the terrapin, but to command other abyss bats on the top, to "back", that is, toward the center of the open area. Withdrew.

"Good job!"

Gu Yuanxi and others also saw Guan Liyuan's intentions...

As I said before, Guan Liyuan and the tail beast are responsible for "beheading", and at the same time they will summon low-cost Pokémon to harass other abyss bats.

The main goal of others is to entangle the leader of the thunderbat while covering Guan Liyuan...

However, because the bats retreated into the passage unexpectedly, and when they were brought back, the mutant Thunder Bat lord came out not in the back but in the middle, so Guan Liyuan decided to change his plan temporarily!

Although shocked at first, other people also reacted at this moment-earned it!The group of bats is directly reduced by more than one third. According to the original plan, Guan Liyuan’s summoned beasts may not be able to contain so many abyssal bats, even if they are not all dead, but as long as they cannot rush back before the death of the lord, they are completely Can be ignored...