Dimensional Forum

Chapter 769: Misunderstanding

[Li Yuan, there is a little red-haired god of death who is about to be killed by the "wind to death", should I save him?Penguin Communication Channel——The penguin who can save people "remotely", the clone that has obviously materialized...Ah no, it should be called "the process".

[Um... Will it be discovered?] Guan Liyuan asked a little dazedly, it seems that he has probably guessed who it is.

[As long as I'm careful, 90% of them won't be discovered unless I happen to hit the Zanpoknife as an "innovation target".Said Penguin.

Before, Penguin and Guan Liyuan mentioned that when he launched "learning innovation", he would turn himself into the actual form of Zanpodao. Before, Penguin had "innovated" the ability of "Scourge" by using the excuse of learning. !

Just like Guan Liyuan before, without the processing of "integrated innovation", it is impossible to completely preserve this power...

[Then save it.

Guan Liyuan looked at the long-haired girl and the white-clothed boy who had completely relied on himself in the spiritual world, and couldn't help but moved a little bit of compassion-Renji this guy was beaten to the ground by the wind to death, maybe he also had his Zanpaku knife completely The reason for "rebellion"!

Although Guan Liyuan’s "Double Kings" were learned from the Zanpakuto that Renji materialized, but because of the special relationship between the god of death and Zanpakuto, it is still regarded as an "innovation" from Renji. After joining Guan Liyuan with the boy in white, Guan Liyuan's "integrated innovation" ability took effect, which was regarded as depriving Renji's ability.

Of course, the current "fixation" is only based on the "confidence" between the Baboon King and Shewei Wan. If they regretted as Zanpakudao at this time, it would still be possible for Guan Liyuan to lose the "double king" ability.

If there is a "cunzhen", whether it is to completely seal the opponent's Zanpaku or "instigate rebellion", it will be more secure.

"Captain Kuchiki hold on, I'm going to save the Captain, goodbye." Guan Liyuan shouted to Kuchiki and Qianben Sakura.

"..." Kuchiki Byakuya also naturally saw the scene where Renji's Zanpakuto became materialized and entered Guan Liyuan's spiritual world.

Only after hearing what Guan Liyuan said, he barely endured it, and wanted to wait for the matter to be over before asking Guan Liyuan to ask him clearly what he had just done.

Kuchiki Byakuya can probably guess Guan Liyuan’s ability, but when Guan Liyuan “innovated” Qianben Sakura before, it did not have any bad effect on Kuchuki itself, so now the Zenpaku sword of Renji has been substantiated and entered Guan Liyuan’s spiritual world. , I just feel a little uneasy and don't know what it means.

When Senbon Sakura saw this, he was even more dissatisfied with Kuchiki Byakuya's approach. Instead, the young Byakuya would definitely stop "Cheng Gong" first.

It’s just that Guan Liyuan estimated that "Qianbenying" was even more dissatisfied with him, so he didn't leave it to try "taking advantage of the void", and the dead wood is here, not suitable for "NTR" in person.

Kuchiki Byakuya, by virtue of Yinling and some of the secrets of the Kuchiki family that he said when he was young, already vaguely knew Muramasa’s true purpose, but he did not infer that the captain’s seal was deliberately done by his old man, so he also hoped After Guan Liyuan left, he was able to speak clearly to Qianbenying.

At this time, Guan Liyuan had also received other people’s dynamics from the materialized Penguin-the other people who broke into the team seemed to be faster than Guan Liyuan. After all, other people did not halfway to go to other places to prevent fire... No!To stop fire prevention!

Guan Liyuan saw that Kuchiki and Senbonzakura were there, and there was no chance to hunt for treasure at Kuchiki's house, so he left and continued towards the direction of the team house. Soon after, he received the news of materializing penguins again...

[Liyuan, I was discovered.] Penguin said innocently.


It seems that Penguin is not suitable for this kind of activity in person. Compared to when it existed as a forum, Penguin appears to be "clumsy" when it is materialized!

[Don't blame me...I just turned into a "Scourge" and wanted to distract the "Wind Death", but then the genuine "Scourge" came...] Penguin said aggrieved.

This is still bad luck!

[I just found out that you are not "Scourge", or have you discovered your ability?Asked Guan Liyuan.

The materialized penguin was silent for a while, and then replied: [I just found out that I was not "Scourge", but a few seconds ago, I was accidentally injured by "Wind to Death" with one enemy and two...]


Well, then of course it becomes "wind to death"!

[Wait...Muramasa is here!Let me see if I can lead him in your direction.] The materialized penguin suddenly transmits.

And this is his last time transmission!

what?Isn't it really dead?] Guan Liyuan was puzzled.

Really "dead" is nothing, anyway, it's just a process. For the forum server "Penguin", it is almost like a shadow clone...

It's just that without the cooperation of the village, the "penguin" cannot be materialized again. Without the undercover, Guan Liyuan is a little passive in information.

At this time, in Guan Liyuan’s spiritual world, the Penguin ontology replied: [Not dead, it seems that it was blocked by some ability...]

[Mura is so good?Can also restrict the forum?] Guan Liyuan couldn't help being a little surprised.

[No, since my process has been materialized, it cannot be regarded as a forum. The connection between me and you cannot be blocked, but after materialization, the "process" has become the entity of the pure ZanPaidao It's almost done...but don't worry, I just rented out the connection with you, I can still sense the situation of this process.

[Is it locked up?

[No, I was beaten by two other materialized Zanpaku Knives and asked for news about you, but "I" didn't say anything. After that, the village was forcing me to ask "I" why he has not betrayed the "God of Death" at this level. "...]

and then?

[Then "I" replied, "It has nothing to do with whether you are the god of death or whether I am Zanpakuto"... After that, Muramasa seemed to be touched by something, and after sealing the power of "I", he took him with him , And whispered "So you think so too", probably thinking that "I" can't hear it.] Penguin replied.

Guan Liyuan contacted the plot in the original work, and he could probably understand the mood of Murakami...

In the heart of Mura Masa, the relationship between himself and Xianghe is not Zanpakuto and Death, but real companions, and the kind of companions who are deeply bound and can sacrifice themselves for each other!

However, after Xianghe became black, he completely closed his heart and regarded Cunzheng as a tool, and it was a tool that had betrayed him and was worthless—but Cunzheng still didn’t know this and wanted to save Xianghe. The river comes out.

Of course, Mura Masa also obviously misunderstood the meaning of substantiating Penguin... He wanted to say that the relationship between himself and Guan Liyuan is between the forum server and the administrator!

But let this wonderful misunderstanding continue...

Because of this, Muramasa seemed to be very optimistic about the appearance of the penguin. He was obviously unwilling to hurt the "penguin" like himself, and worried about what other Zanpakudao would find, so he brought his sealing power with him, and Renji was only locked up. stand up.

This is good news for Guan Liyuan-if the village is taking a penguin to lift the seal, he can be sensed at any time!

In this way, Guan Liyuan didn't need to worry about going to the team house of the first team. After all, his purpose was not to save the old man Yamamoto who was suspected of being sealed voluntarily.

But before that, there is one more problem to be solved...

"After following all the way, let's come out!" Guan Liyuan suddenly turned around and asked.

At the same time, a figure wearing a green cloak, without any visible form, walked out from the corner behind Guan Liyuan...

[It seems like a troublesome guy... I hope "it" won't be solved.] Guan Liyuan could not help but secretly said in his heart.