Dimensional Forum

Chapter 892: No!

"Did they go to Hinata again today..." Hyuga Hinata frowned slightly, listening to a ninja from the Hyuga family reporting the fireworks and the new whereabouts of Hyuga.

The three clan elders were also on the sidelines at this time, and Hyuga Mitsuyoshi couldn't help but say: "Miss Huahuo is too soft-hearted... It's all because of the foreign kid who disrupted the situation!"

Guan Liyuan guessed right before. The three elders of Hyuga Nissa also understand the character of Huahuo. It is precisely these days that they want to "baptize" Huahuo's heart so that she understands that she is the family of the Hyuga family. To be lonely...and must be lonely!

However, they did not expect that, with the help of "Hinata Shin", Hua Huo would go to Hinata to chat every day.

"Elder Guangyi, please pay attention to your words, are you criticizing the future patriarch of the clan?" Hyuga gave him a sideways glance.

Hyuga Mitsuyoshi suddenly lost his arrogance, and repeatedly said "Don't dare".

Hyuga Nikita usually respects the "clan elders". After all, the clan elders are the representatives of the separation of families—but it never represents the expression of dissatisfaction with the "cage bird" and the rules of the family. Not only does it require qualifications, but also Only the most "loyal" elders of the separated family can serve.

But if at this time, the clan elders dare to express dissatisfaction with the fireworks, Hyuga will definitely not tolerate it!

Hyuga Nissa understands his little daughter...

Huahuo's character is not as weak as Hinata, in contrast to his own domineering side, but it is not a decisive type.

"It's just that you don't really need to keep him away from Miss Huahuo? Miss Huahuo is still growing, and if she often gets involved with that kid..." Hyuga Kazuyoshi also looked worried.

They have also discovered that under the influence of "Hyuga Shin", Hyuga Fireworks may not become the "cage lifter" they expect.

"Tomorrow is the clan sacrifice, don't let the extravagant branches happen." Hyuga Nizuo finally decided.

Although the fireworks need to be changed, but...at least before tomorrow, let her indulge again-this is the gentleness of Hyuga Nizu as a father.

However, after the family sacrifice, since the status has been determined, Huahuo must adapt to his role as soon as possible. Hyuga Shin... must also start his own practice, and there will be no chance to influence Huahuo afterwards.

As for Hinata... Before the coming war is over, let her stay in the clan first, and after the war is over, arrange for her a long-term mission away from Konoha and no danger!

When Hyuga Nissa had planned everything, Guan Liyuan was still chatting with Loli and the girl in a "powerless" manner...

The reason for being "incompetent", of course, is not because nutrition can't keep up, but because...there are too many "minefields" in today's chat, and it is difficult to divert the topic!

After all, tomorrow is the clan sacrifice, after that, Hinata will be given a "cage bird". No matter how high the affection between Huahuo Jiang and his sister, it will not change the fate that the clan and the division must face.

The topic revolves back to tomorrow's affairs. Hinata encourages the fireworks to make her like her father in the future, making the Hyuga family stronger.

Hua Huo kept his head down for a long time without speaking...

"It would be fine if there were no clan families and separate families!" Hua Huo said suddenly.


In Guan Liyuan's stunned mouth, Hina Tian stood up and slapped Huahuo!

According to Guan Liyuan’s understanding in the past few days, although Hinata is the older sister and is four or five years older than Huahuo, the two sisters have always been more “attack” with Huahuo. It is not because Huahuo will be the clan. Because of his personality, Hinata is too weak, and Huahuo is more domineering in comparison, and because of his talent, Huahuo gets more attention, so he is more confident.

"Shut up! Huahuo...you can't say such things!" Hinata said that he seemed to regret what he had done just now, and the circles under his eyes turned red.

The "cage bird" of the Hyuga clan is not something that the clan wants to cancel, and it can be canceled. Even if it wants future generations to never be imposed on the "cage bird", it is impossible. It was found that it would definitely "kill the family righteously."

Even if Hinata and Hanahuo think that way, Hyuga Nissa would rather choose a new successor from the separation...or try harder?

Not because Hyuga is harsh on his daughter, but because he understands what it means for the Hyuga clan once the "cage bird" disappears.

"It's true that if you put this kind of thing on Hinata's forehead, it must not be pretty." Guan Liyuan said at this time.

It is completely different from the previous few days!

Not to mention the "lubricant", now Guan Liyuan completely plays the role of large particles to increase friction!

Having just received a slap in the face, when he was competing with himself at this time, he immediately glared at "Hyuga Shin" after hearing this.

"Of course! Not everyone is an idiot like you! An idiot! An idiot!" Hua Huo cursed like venting.

However, the language is too scarce, and Guan Liyuan's heart does not fluctuate.

"Huahuo, you can't talk to A Xin like this." Hinata persuaded.

However, Hua Huo directly threw off Hinata's extended hand, and then also annoyed Hinata: "The same for you! Do you think you are like this, a good sister? Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"Huahuo...I'm sorry!" Hinata had indeed been thinking about escaping before. At this time, when he heard Huahuo's words, his eyes were also red.

Seeing the sisters embracing and crying, Guan Liyuan grinned for a while, feeling that he was still not good at dealing with this situation.

"That... you didn't make me cry, right?" Guan Liyuan asked hesitantly.

"Shut up!" After Hua Huo came out of Hinata's arms and sniffed, he said proudly.

Tsk tsk, have you forgotten who is staying with you these days?This child must be a female tyrant when he grows up, Guan Liyuan couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Puff, in fact, Hua Huo is still very grateful to A Xin?" Hinata suddenly laughed.

"Who, who thanked him!" Hua Huo naturally denied it.

Seeing this, Hinata was relieved a lot-there was a "strange" branch with Huahuo, so there was no need to worry that Huahuo would become what she once hated.

But at this moment, Guan Liyuan suddenly interjected: "It's true that now is not the time to thank me, should you do a big vote?"

"What do you vote for?" Hua Huo turned around suspiciously.

Before, she and Hinata embraced each other, Guan Liyuan was standing in the direction Hinata was facing, which was behind her.

At this time, Hinata had already seen the action of "Hyuga Shin" and could not help but said in a panic: "No, no! Our relationship has not yet...and...are you already married?"

Huahuo saw Guan Liyuan's actions at this time, with the same incredible eyes: "What are you doing with your pants off? What are you going to do?"

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, the reason why we take off our pants is only because we can't be discovered by others..."

"No! You can't do this without being discovered!" Hinata blushed and said in principle.

Then I saw the purple "Holy Light" blooming from Guan Liyuan's waist...