Dimensional Forum

Chapter 916 It always feels like someone is thinking about me

"The oil girl still failed to stop the federation's war puppets?"

After reading the intelligence letter, the sixth generation Hokage Group was silent for a while, and then destroyed the secret letter.

From the time Konoha and Yanyin Village jointly attacked the original wind country, the "renewal federation" put the main target of the attack on the fire country.

Especially after the emergence of the White Jue Army, Guan Liyuan almost gave up attacking the land of the earth and the land of thunder. Both the east and the west took a defensive position and went directly south to fight Konoha!

The update of the federation's war model is very different from the "traditional" war process established in the Shinobu era, making Konoha very uncomfortable.

The Federation’s tactics are to completely abandon small-scale contact warfare. There is an air force in intelligence, especially the combination of "aircraft + white eyes". Even if contact warfare is abandoned, Konoha's battlefield layout is difficult to avoid the Federation's sight.

At the same time, the existence of the air force has made the fortress that can concentrate a large number of ninja powers no longer an existence that must be removed.

And the "air combat troops" of the New Federal Army cooperated with the "marine troops" to quickly break through and defeat the ninja troops...

And as long as Konoha takes a step back, the large warfare equipment of the "armored forces" will be pressed all the way to serve as a temporary fortress of the Federation, especially recently there has been a kind of "giant war puppet", which also appeared on the frontal battlefield. .

You can see from the shape that it is inseparable from Sand Shinobu's puppetry!

With the combination of "aircraft + white eyes", Konoha didn't dare to concentrate too much, lest other weak points were hit.

Nowadays, not only the northern part of the country of fire, but also many territories have been occupied, located in the mobile fortress of the Federation, and there is a special front line, which is pushing the village of Konoha!

It seems that the other party already knows that the Fire King and many important nobles in the Fire Country have been taken to Konoha Village, and now they want to force Konoha to fight...

After all, Guan Liyuan has a "criminal conviction" who loves to attack Wangcheng!

It is precisely because the royal family and nobles are in Konoha, Danzo, who has mastered most of Konoha's power after Itachi died, easily became the sixth generation of Hokage-the fire king and the nobles are under his own roof. Of course there will be no comments!

It is said that the "Insect Secret Art" should be the natural enemy of "Puppet Art" and "Machine Art". Danzo has always hoped that the oil girl clan can resist and destroy the Federation’s "War Puppet" and "Mobile Fortress", preferably directly. Let the "City of the Sky" fall, so that someone will not suffer a morale in the village because he is the first granddaughter.

However, the performance of the Yu Nv clan is not satisfactory. The patriarch You Nv Zhihei explained that all the large-scale equipment of the Federation has been treated with insects, and it is very likely that there are other insects raised by the clan!

Danzo is still not convinced by only the words of Younvzhihe, but some of the Younv clan who joined the roots, such as Younv taking the roots, are all the same.

That is to say, to destroy these instruments from the inside with the "Insect Secret Technique", you must first defeat the opponent's insects...

Since the other party's insects are arranged in the equipment, there must be corresponding seals, enchantments, or agency cooperation, just like a ninja in a fortress, completely occupying the "place."

Although the oil girl clan is very confident in their own "secret technique of insects", it is difficult to win in such an unfair duel.

Yu Nvzhihei also mentioned in the confidential battle report with Danzo about the identity of the Federation's "Bug Clan"-the Shangshuiliu Clan!

Such a shameful thing, Tuying did not share it with others before.

Although the Shang Shui Liu clan was once defeated by the You Nv clan, the You Nv Zhi Hei also has to admit that the Shang Shui Liu clan is still powerful, especially since he feels that the current Shang Shui Liu clan is stronger than before in World War II...

In fact, before the "Shangshuiliu Clan" was exiled, the "Insect Envoy Secret Art" in Yanyin Village was the same as the "Puppet Art" in Shayin Village, and belonged to the hidden village.

"The Shangshuiliu clan... There is also news from Yanyin Village. The Federation’s Guan Liyuan and Hei Tu arrived in Tuzhi not long ago and are currently meeting with the new Tuying in secret. It seems that Tuzhi, at least Yanyin Village, is already unreliable. Up!"

At an important meeting held urgently, Dan Zang directly stated that there was an undercover agent in Yanyin Village.

Many Shangren still hope to "be cautious" about this. After all, everyone knows the current situation in the land of the country. It would be too arbitrary to judge Yanyin Village to join the Federation in this way.

However, Danzo opened one of the exposed eyes at this time and said in a cold voice: "You still don't understand that the reason why the Federation is today is because of the connivance of Uchiha Itachi, and the person'Guan Liyuan' Inseparable from the relationship... he himself is the source of the turmoil in the Ninja World!

In fact, I have already contacted the ninjas in Yunyin Village. This time, Yanyin Village made peace with the Federation. It is likely that the five tails were used as a bargaining chip. Although I don’t understand why the Federation cares so much about getting all the tail beasts, there must be something hidden behind it. Human purpose..."

Danzo was halfway through, and the Hyuga Hizus seated here gave him a weird look, but at the same time Danzo also glanced at him... Hizusuji closed his eyes and said nothing.

After the collective defecting incident more than two months ago, although Hyuga Nissa did not leave, he was not only blinded, but also just acted as a "mascot" at such meetings.

Another thing that makes outsiders feel "weird" is that when Danzo mentioned that "has been in contact with Yunyin Village", many of the Konoha ninjas in the room were a little changed-obviously Hokage skipped "own people" directly. Contacting Yunyin Village is not normal to them.

But this emotion soon calmed down, as if Danzo was just doing an ordinary thing?

"...Now our undercover agent has mastered the position of the five-tailed man’s pillar strength, and carried the curse of the god of thunder. If Yanyin Village really wants to cooperate with Guan Liyuan, Shiranui Genjian, together with the same, Diyi Washi, the three of you send me, Hagi Kakashi, Metkai, Sarutobi Asma... to go.

Kill the Wuwei Ren Zhuli for the first time, and then besie Guan Liyuan!When the time comes, Yunyin Village will also use the "Send of Heaven" to cooperate with us."

Danzo said the names of several current Konoha top Shinnin and root core members, but it does not include Hyuga Nizu...

As the guards of the four generations of Hokage, I do not know Huo Xuanjian and they can jointly use the Thunder God technique, but they can't replace too many people, like this one transfer seven or eight, I am afraid that it will take a long time to lose power.

Yunyin Village’s "Send of Heaven" is not too expensive for users, but it has a huge side effect on human transmission. After the fourth generation of Raikage and Kirabi "disappeared", no one should be able to use it.

Even if it is improved now, the number of people who can transmit is certainly not many!

It seems that Danzo and Yunren want to create a chance to "behead" with the sudden siege of high-end combat power...

At the same time, in the southern part of the country of soil, Kuro Zetsu asked for instructions to the figure with the "Uchiha group fan" behind the two roads at this time: "The other party has no doubt about me now, and is in contact with Dokage in Iwagakura. I believe I will be able to get the position of five tails soon!"

Behind these two figures stood the fourth generation of Raikage, the third generation of Tukage, Nagato, Uchiha Itachi, and some of them who are not well-known in the Ninja world, but they were replaced twenty or forty years ago. Some of the figures of Megatron Ninja World seem to be normal, and some seem to have obvious characteristics of "reincarnating from dirty soil"!

Outside Yanyin Village, Guan Liyuan, who was watching the exchange of black soil with yellow soil and terracotta soil, suddenly sneezed, and couldn't help muttering: "It always feels like someone is thinking about me..."