Dimensional Forum

Chapter 960

Guan Liyuan finally understood why the Dreadlord was called "fear"!

Originally, when he saw her real body, Guan Liyuan still felt that the word "fear" was not side by side, which was different from what he imagined.

Now I know that the so-called "fear" is not her scary appearance, but her special ability!

It directly makes the opponent a snake beast... and it is not a short-term curse. Judging from the results of the forum's feedback, this is an ability to essentially reverse the race.

For most races except snakes, this is a force that will make the attacked instinctively fearful!

In all the materials of the main world that Guan Liyuan knows, no similar ability has been seen...

This is not comparable to some side-by-side "transfiguration techniques", and it is a completely different concept from the transformation system.

It's not about changing the body, or simply changing the bloodline, but changing the race in essence... Guan Liyuan suspects that this is an interference with the rules of the race!

It was precisely because of this fundamental change that Guan Liyuan could not launch the crossing...

[Alarm...what...what's the use?Can it be stopped?Guan Liyuan was so painful that mental communication was intermittent.

Hearing the "alarm" from the penguin, Guan Liyuan suspected that this "pain" should be caused by the forced reversal of the race, and had nothing to do with the body. It was not comparable to digging out one or two pieces of flesh.

[Ordinary user permissions are not limited to races, administrator permissions must be humans... Attempting to maintain, obstacles are being removed...] Penguin’s voice is somewhat mechanized, and Guan Liyuan knows that this is his reaction when he is doing his best to calculate other processes. .

In all, Guan Liyuan's body is somewhat different from the "human beings" in this world, because he is a real body traversal, not a soul traversal. Normally, it is impossible for Guan Liyuan to successfully open the spirit.

It was the forum that forcibly promoted his main world cosmic will favor, which made him gradually approach the main world humanity, but in essence, he is still another "human" like the forum maker, so he will Become an administrator.

It is precisely because of this restriction that when the race changed, Guan Liyuan was not able to pass through it for the first time. Fortunately, with this level of restriction, the forum will react now-a punch to the death of Guan Liyuan will not protect the forum. It will only be launched when it involves forum functions.

[Confirm racial tampering and exclusion method...Solution one...Need to occupy a career slot... Confirm that you have a free career slot...Racial tampering begins to transform a new career...]

Although Guan Liyuan has experienced many battles, he is still in a trance in pain at this time. He doesn't understand what Penguin is doing, but even if he is not in a trance, as long as he can survive the immediate crisis, Guan Liyuan can't bear a career position!

Gradually, the pain in Guan Liyuan's body disappeared, but...just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he found that his body was still approaching the form of a snake and beast!

[What are you doing?Haven't you succeeded yet?] Guan Liyuan said in a hurry.

[The change of race has been suppressed, and that special power has been guided to your new profession... Now your new profession is working. If you want to stop, you can control it yourself, but now you don’t want to expose yourself. ?] Penguin reminded.

When the penguin doesn't need to work hard, it feels more like a normal self-aware life, and can think based on self logic.

Only then did Guan Liyuan discover in his consciousness that besides "Ninzong", he had another professional rune that was not affected by crystallisation.

That's right, before Guan Liyuan was promoted to a higher level, of course he opened up a new professional position, and with Penguin's efforts, temporarily suppressed the complete birth of the new professional position, that is, inhibited the emergence of random new occupations.

Originally, Guan Liyuan was prepared to “customize” a new profession to a certain extent in the corresponding world according to specific needs.

Just now, when the situation was urgent, Penguin opened an emergency plan, and directly introduced the power of changing races into the career position, forming a new career!

Now Guan Liyuan's physical changes are similar to those of the transformation class. Although it still looks hopeless, the nature of the changes has actually changed. The current changes do not harm Guan Liyuan at all.

But the state of this professional rune is a bit strange...

The level of complexity is no less than that of "Ninzong", and the breath is more than "Ninzong", but there are only two skills, and the professional power of the professional rune cannot be used. Try to use the little energy stored in the three eyes, also Can not be poured into this professional rune.

Guan Liyuan didn't have time to study for the time being, what was wrong with the new profession awakened under this force, but first looked at the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caverns and the Dreadlord.

I saw that the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caves had already lifted her blood crystal statue, and the dreadlord had already crystallized the upper half of her head and most of her body!

"You actually... have found... a race... that is enough to entrust Medusa's power..." The Dreadlord could still speak with his uncrystallized mouth at this time.

At the same time, the eyes of the Dreadlord turned into blood crystals are still faintly shining with red light, and it seems that they are not completely "crystallized".

"Oh, after being disturbed by the crystalization, the power of your snake-transforming pupil is too weak! It is not enough to take effect on me. I have shed skin hundreds of times over the past thousand years, and transformed into hundreds of snake-beasts. Strength, already immune!

After finally surpassing me by using despicable means, I can't wait to use my racial talent to tell the victory or defeat, and even the pupil power spurred by the power of the big world, will definitely win me?My stupid sister, you can turn into a blood crystal forever... No, this time I will break you directly!"

Guan Liyuan was able to guess the general situation just now. In all likelihood, the Dreadlord regarded herself as her sister, and as a result, he relaxed his vigilance on the real "body".

Normally, the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Caverns is only half-step transcendent, and the Dreadlord is truly transcendent. Although it is restrained by the rules of the plane, the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Caverns must be at least king-level...that is to say, it has evolved to the extreme of the "mortal". His body, coupled with the power of the small world, can tie the dreadlord.

And now the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caves is only a lord...

However, as a pair of old rivals with deep grievances, the Queen of Ten Thousand Serpent Caves expected that the Dreadlord would definitely use racial talent to decide the victory. Normally, the racial talent of the Dreadlord is driven by the "power of the great world". Being suppressed is indeed enough to defeat the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caves.

However, the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Cave has gained the resistance of the Snake in the long-term "molding", so she has some chances of winning, and after discovering Guan Liyuan, the chance of winning is even higher!

When Guan Liyuan attracted the attention of the Dreadlord, suicidally crystallized part of her eyes, and when the defense against her body weakened, Queen Wanshe Cave directly used the fossil pupil to further "crystallize" and limit her power. , Increase your own advantages.

Originally, the Dreadlord could defeat the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caves no matter whether it was fighting head-on or activating racial talents, but he was born to death, and soon turned into a blood crystal statue...

Guan Liyuan felt very happy without a demon staring at Paradise, but... the character of the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Caves is obviously not a good man. It can even be said that the only difference between her and the Dreadlord is that she does not stare at Paradise. , And may take the initiative to give up this big Jedi.

Although even if she leaves, the will of the abyss will descend on the new Great Jedi King, but it is obviously a good thing for human beings. After all, there is less threat from the devil, and the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Cave is not comparable to the ordinary Great Jedi King. Of course it is better to drop.

It's just... Guan Liyuan didn't think she would take the initiative to help remove the crystallization!

While Guan Liyuan contacted Miss Mo and determined the attitude of the alliance, while considering how to persuade the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Cavern, a sudden change...

Originally, the Queen of Ten Thousand Snake Caverns, after being completely crystallized by the old enemy of the Dreadlord, had a lot of consumption. She sat back on the throne a little weakly, and even made Guan Liyuan want to attack her in an instant-but gave up in a blink of an eye. , The difference in strength is too big, and the opponent is just a little tired, not really seriously injured.

But at this moment, I saw the completely crystallized Dreadlord, and a bright red light suddenly burst out of the body like a blood crystal sculpture!

"Don't you want to know... how did I uncrystallize? Go, die, go!"


Before Guan Liyuan lost consciousness, the last thing she saw was the surprised look of Queen Wanshe Cavern, but it seemed that she had some last resort. The huge energy hedging made Guan Liyuan unconscious in the counterattack!

If it is in other worlds, even if the incarnation is unconscious, Guan Liyuan’s consciousness can still connect to the forum, but in the main world, Guan Liyuan’s ontology loses consciousness, and Dingchun and the others suddenly cut the signal...