Dimensional Forum

Chapter 987 I'm Not Targeting A Certain Region

"Carlos and Alora? Hmm...how long will the league match between the two places be held?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Boss, if you really want to participate, because you have already won a youth championship in the Kanto Quartz Contest, they hope you can participate in the competition without age restriction... The Carlos Pokémon Contest is six months later, Ah The Rolla Pokémon Contest is a year and two months later. In terms of time... Alora is probably more abundant!" Tomoko said.

Of course, "relatively abundant" or something is entirely for Guan Liyuan, and it shows Sophon's confidence in Guan Liyuan.

There is no age limit in the competition, every place is once every three years. Not only is the difficulty of qualifying for the competition completely different, but...the strength of the participating players is also completely different from that of the youth group!

The age limit for the youth group is maintained at 24 or 26 in each region, and the trainers who participate in the unrestricted group, also known as the adult group competition, can be divided into two situations, one is over age, and the other is obtained before Over the quarter-finals of the same regional youth competition.

Take Guan Liyuan's "traveling" Pokémon world, Pokémon is closely related to all walks of life of human beings, but not everyone is a trainer for life.

Most people also need to cooperate with their Pokémon partners at work, but at that time they can no longer be regarded as pure trainers.

And after the age of 24 or 26, those who are still active on the field as trainers are all professionals who aim to be gym trainers-and this is only the minimum goal. If you say "ideal", you don't want to The trainer who becomes the "king of heaven" is not a professional trainer!

As for the youth group players who have won the quarterfinals, those who are "conventional" will not participate in the youth group competition in the same region again, so they will also flood into the unrestricted group...

And Guan Liyuan is very suspicious that if he goes to a certain area to participate in the unrestricted group competition, there is a high chance that he will greatly increase the intensity of the competition like before in the Kanto competition!

Because just like the "previous quarterfinals" will not participate in the youth group competition again, the heavenly king-level trainers, the masters of gymnasiums and some other well-known trainers will not participate in the competition-but this is just a "conventional" rule.

When in Kanto, once because of Guan Liyuan's competition, a large number of previous champions and runners-ups who did not exceed the age were drawn out. Everyone broke the old rules and created an unprecedented event... but was very unfriendly to Mengxin. Youth competition.

Guan Liyuan is very doubtful that if he participates in the unrestricted competition, will it also attract a large number of kings and museum owners, and even considering the regional influence, it is very likely that even the four kings will appear in person. After all, this is also a promotion for his own region. Great opportunity for publicity!

And just like the Kanto time, Guan Liyuan may act as a fuse. For example, two Tianwang-level trainers usually don’t accept each other, but their self-respect identity will not easily open the duel. At this time, one party will participate and the other will know. After that, even for their own "old enemies", they will compete in the same way and play a role in driving each other.

Normally, there is only one year and two months, and if you have to go to the local area to take Pokémon to participate in the competition, it is not easy to just qualify for the competition.

However, Guan Liyuan is obviously not "normal" in Tomoko's eyes.

"En...then enclose land in both places at the same time! Of course the Carlos area is chosen in the'Miyare City', the playground is in the city, the cultivation area is chosen in the suburbs, and the Arora area... The island’s Mariejing city is just fine. The location of the cultivation area should be well chosen. In addition, pay attention to the adjacent sea area and also apply for the special zone in the alliance with Alola." Guan Liyuan said.

"Huh? Are both regions available? The competition..." Sophon asked in confusion.

"Tell them, I want the champions from both places! I will announce the opening of the playground branch of the World's First House at the championship award ceremony... So the construction of the branch in the Carlos area has to rush to work, only half a year." Guan Liyuan Said boldly.

Sophon realized that Guan Li was far more abnormal than he thought!

Regarding the difficulty of the unrestricted group, Tomoko felt that he didn't need to explain to Guan Liyuan himself, so he didn't say much. After confirming Guan Liyuan's intention, he went to deal with what she could do-try to fight for two good locations.

Sophon did not feel strange about the general position that Guan Liyuan had set.

The Carlos area is located on the Carlos mainland and can be roughly divided into three parts: the northwest coast, the central-south plain and the northeast mountain range. The "Miyare City" is the center of the Carlos area. According to the "First House in the World" The development route will naturally focus on this "self-respect" position, even if the land price is high, it will be crowded here.

The Alora region is composed of four small islands, "Meile Melody Island", "Akara Island", "Ulaula Island" and "Poni Island". The population is the smallest among the major regions. The age of the alliance is also the latest, with a unique humanistic culture.

Among them, Urauula is the largest island, and Mariejín is the largest city on Urauula, and it is also a port city.

"But if you really want to open two branches in a row, both in Carlos and Alora, the United Alliance may have some opinions." Tomoko said.

Geographically speaking, the two regions under the jurisdiction of the Quartz Alliance, the Fengyuan Alliance and the Shenao Alliance, are located in close proximity, Carlos and Alora are similar, and the Hezhong area is independent...

"How long is the unrestricted competition in the Union League?" Guan Liyuan asked suddenly.

"In less than two years, about a year and ten months." Tomoko said.

"Then tell Hezhong Alliance that their branch will also open on the day of the awards ceremony!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Well... by the way, there are anti-human Pokémon with the concept of'exotic beasts' in the Carlos and Alora regions. Although they are not common, don't forget to bring Daha and Erha with them." Tomoko One more reminder.

Although it is to use the local Pokémon for training and competition, but... Guan Liyuan can use the "voluntary goal" method to bring six other Pokémon with him.

Normally, although Carlos and Alora have "exotic beasts", it is known from the status of their tourist destinations that they are usually safe, but Tomoko is not at ease with Guan Liyuan's "problematic" physique!

"Don't worry, I understand! In addition, contact Carlos Alliance, I will be there soon, then send me a Yusanjia!" Guan Liyuan said.

In accordance with the established rules, you can bring one or two Pokémon from other regions as the initial Pokémon to participate in the league competition in a different region. Otherwise, it will be difficult for some people to use more than two Pokémon from other regions. Dreaming to compete in a game may be considered a show of power, attracting pressure from other well-known local trainers.

But looking at Guan Liyuan's appearance, is he preparing for a fully localized lineup for the competition?

When Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia were watching the sunset at Hualan Cape that night, they also talked about going to the Carlos area in the future.

It's just that Xiaoxia wanted to conduct professional training for a period of time instead of training trips, so she didn't mention her peers, but said that she might go to Guan Liyuan after the training.

For Guan Liyuan, returning from Carlos to the Guandong Hualan City is just a troublesome little Hupa...