Dimensional Forum

Chapter 989 Guan Liyuan's Two "Evolutions" (two in one)

"How is it?" Seeing the light on Guan Liyuan's body gradually extinguished, Na Zi asked immediately.

"It's nothing, I'm in good condition. Wait for a while." Guan Liyuan first stated that everything was normal for him, and then immediately contacted Penguin.

[There are already observations!Comparing the fluctuation when the skill was activated just now, you just "molded"!Said Penguin.

what?Guan Liyuan said he didn't understand what Penguin was talking about.

[Your new profession is passively used for effect transfer when the "crystalization" and "snakeization" cannot be removed, which is related to crystalization and snakeization... According to the current situation analysis, your new occupation There is more than 90% of the possibility, similar to the transformation of Medusa.Said Penguin.

Guan Liyuan: ……

The various transformation professionals in this system in Paradise are considered to have some orc bloodlines, so it seems that Medusa transformation is not impossible, but...

[Are you sure there is a male Medusa?Guan Liyuan was relieved for a while before he asked helplessly.

[From the previous dialogue between the Dreadlord and the Queen of Ten Thousand Snakes Cavern, it is deduced that the probability of male Medusa's existence is less than 3%... But this has nothing to do with you, you are not a real Medusa, you just can become Medusa. .Said Penguin.

Guan Liyuan imagined the appearance of the Dreadlord and the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Caves, and then changed his face in his heart-he couldn't help but shiver.

[Originally, you were going to be affected by snakeification!If there is not a forum to import the effect into the new profession, you have become a snake!Penguin takes credit.

[Then why is it Medusa and not an ordinary snake?] Guan Liyuan was puzzled.

[Because at the same time you were also "crystallized", some unpredictable results appeared under the combination of the two...Although the purity of Medusa's blood is very low, in theory, as long as you stimulate the profession, you can indeed count as It's an impure Medusa.Said Penguin.

[Then why hasn't it been stimulated before?] Guan Liyuan asked immediately.

[Because at that time your "crystalization" and "snakeization" were not lifted, but were stuffed into the career vacancy together. It can be understood that your career is sealed by these two effects!However, at the same time, the talents of the two people also have the effect of restraining each other, so they have formed two abilities that can dissolve "crystalization" and "snakeization" respectively.

One of them is "molding". In theory, as long as you use enough times of "molding", you can remove the effect of "snake", and then activate another skill enough times to remove the actual "crystal". You can get rid of the shackles.Said Penguin.

[So troublesome...] Guan Liyuan couldn't help but sigh.

However, thinking of this new profession, I originally awakened for self-help, so thinking about it doesn't seem to be a waste.

[Actually, you should have made a big bargain!As I just said, your "Medusa" career is only equivalent to a slight Medusa lineage, but...every time you activate the "molting" effect, your blood will increase, and wait until you completely remove the "crystalization". When you are "snake", your Medusa lineage is equivalent to the sum of the Dreadlord and the Queen of the Ten Thousand Snake Caverns.

The words of Penguin undoubtedly made Guan Liyuan more interested in the career of "Medusa"...

Is it equivalent to the fusion of the two bloodlines?That should be quite pure Medusa, right?Maybe... it will be a first- or second-grade occupation?

If you can really awaken a first-class profession, as for "Medusa" are all women or something, what about women's ladies?Anyway, it was only during the transformation...

and many more!If the grade of "Medusa" is too high, wouldn't it cause a normalized body shape change?] Guan Liyuan suddenly reacted.

It's just that when he turned into a "women's clothing boss", it really made Guan Liyuan grow something that every boy would like. Guan Liyuan felt that he should not "molt his skin" anymore, and it would be better to treat this profession as nonexistent!

[Relax, there is the "Ninzong" profession, it is more difficult for other professions to cause normalized body changes, and Medusa's change of direction should not be as "horrible" as you think... You think that Jiang Ruonan Isn’t it just “just” an extra circle of lion’s mane when he’s in his new career and transforming?

The example given by Penguin made Guan Liyuan relieved.

It is true that even Jiang Ruonan, the new profession of the transformation department, turned into a lion, but it was only an extra circle of mane, and there were no other strange things...

As for Xiaoxia and others' explanation, Guan Liyuan is an excuse to say that he has some hidden talent, and he is currently awakening, and can absorb the evolutionary stone-and he has found Dr. Omu to testify!

After that, Guan Liyuan tried to absorb four, eight... to sixty-four stones of light, and it was sure enough to trigger the moulting every time, but the effect was the same each time, but the consumption had to be doubled.

At present, there are only these stocks on the four cultivated islands. Although mineral veins have been discovered, they are still being mined...

In addition, Guan Liyuan also tried other evolution stones. It turned out that it is not only the light stone, other fire stones, water stones, leaf stones, thunder stones, ice stones, sun stones, moon stones and dark stones, all The nine evolution stones with attributes can all stimulate the moulting effect. The evolution stones of the same kind start from one, and they need to be doubled for repeated use!

Only the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone are different. These two evolution stones are actually counted according to the "same species", which means that the two can be mixed and share a double count.

In this way, not only the excessive consumption of the Stone of Light was avoided, but also Guan Liyuan was separated from the title of "little fairy".

I also tried the "Stone of Awakening"-yes, it is the kind of special evolution stone that is effective for female Xuetong or male Kirulian and can evolve into a "sex-transformed form"...

Normal Xuetong, male or female, can only evolve into "Ice Ghost Guard", but female Xuetong can evolve into a more feminine "Snow Demon Girl" by using the Stone of Awakening. Correspondingly, under normal circumstances, Kirulian, Both males and females will evolve into "Sanaduo" in the image of female evening dresses, but the male Kirulian carries the Stone of Awakening and can evolve into a masculine-looking "Ellerido".

The biggest difference between the Awakening Stone and other evolutionary stones is that it is not a "necessary item". The male Kirulian can evolve into the "Super Queen" Xanadu... just a treasure of a certain gender. Dreams form a special form after evolution.

It is said that some Pokémon experts are still studying how to use the "stone of awakening" to save the female's strange power, that is, hope to develop a special form of female strange power.

The result actually worked for Guan Liyuan...

However, nothing "loved to hear" happened, and it was still the same after a burst of light.

If the sun stone and the moon stone are counted as the same kind, there are nine evolution stones that can inspire "molding"!

In the end, Guan Liyuan is lucky. If he is not in the Pokémon world, Guan Liyuan is in the main world. I don't know how long it will take to discover something that can trigger "molding".

In the Pokémon world, these "evolution stones" that can promote evolution are equivalent to props that can purify the blood in the main world!

Although the Evolution Stone is also a hard currency in the Pokémon world, it is not that precious. If you simply think of a solution in the main world, the entire alliance may not be able to afford Guan Liyuan's "unblocking" needs.

"Don't worry! I am in a surprisingly good state now. By the way, besides the evolution stone, there are evolution materials, right? Sophon, help me get the evolution materials for me, I want to try it!" Guan Liyuan said a little excited.

Guan Liyuan’s current state is indeed surprisingly good. Although the "Medusa" class has not been completely unblocked, the class’s attribute bonuses have begun to gradually show up. This makes Guan Liyuan’s physical fitness in the Pokémon world begin to improve. In the direction of the humanoid Pokémon...

The most important thing is that every time you use the evolution stone, Guan Liyuan has a sense of mastery over the power of the corresponding attribute. For example, after using the "fire stone", Guan Liyuan feels that he is one step closer to the fire attribute.

After all, it’s only a beginner level. No amount of bonuses to himself can be compared to the beasts. What Guan Liyuan really cares about is that if he can possess the attributes of Pokémon, then he can “understand” Pokémon with a deeper understanding. Perspective to analyze...

After Guan Liyuan looked for other evolutionary materials, including the "big tongue shell" used for the evolution of the david beast, the "metal film" used for the big rock snake and the flying mantis, the "round stone" used for the evolution of Xiaofudan, and the evolution of the sea thorn dragon. The "dragon scales" used, the "spiritual cloth" used by the wandering night spirit...

In the cultivation of the four islands, these things are of course indispensable, and all the props that can be used as evolution materials are everything!

Nine types were found to be effective against Guan Liyuan, which can also trigger the "light of evolution".

Naturally, Xiaoxia and the others were also amazed-but if you watch it more, you will get used to it!After all, it just shines every time, and there is no change in the actual image.

"It doesn't seem to have changed. Could it be that the effect of this'special function' is the unlimited consumption of evolution stones and evolution materials?" A Zi said with a curled mouth.

"No, if you look closely, it seems to be taller?" Nazi said sharply.

"This increased price seems to be a bit big!" Xiaoxia watched with a distressed look at Guan Liyuan applying eight parts of the metal film to her body, followed by a flash of light... the thick metal film disappeared!

You must know that this is a steel Pokémon such as iron dumbbells. The residual metal materials left during evolution and the special paint obtained after processing are usually used to promote the evolution of the big rock snake, or to promote the evolution of the flying mantis. Pincers of the praying mantis.

It’s only about Liyuan’s own knowledge of these evolutionary materials, which are different from the other ten types of evolutionary stones, including the "Stone of Awakening." It is the ability that the Dreadlord uses to move normally in the crystallized state!

Considering that the Sun Stone and the Moon Stone are equally judged, it is currently found that there are nine types of props that can trigger the "molding" and the "crystal body".

"Boss, let me remind you that although our sponsorship is abundant, but... if we continue to consume exponentially this way, it may affect other projects, so... do we need to go to other groups to set up more sponsorships? The Lin Group seems There is a willingness to participate in sponsorship."

The words of Tomoko made Xiaoxia sweat profusely-can the funds used for co-sponsoring the cultivation house be used like this?I can't see that Sophon actually has passive skills to cheat sponsorship... and Nazi sister is here, is it really okay for you to say so honestly that you want to pit the Lin Group?

"No, the cost of the evolution stone I consume can be controlled within the normal profitability. These nine evolution materials...we can produce it by ourselves, and then pay attention to the accumulation. It will not be a few days before Carlos. Each will help me prepare. About 130 copies, shouldn't it affect normal operations?" Guan Li is far more disciplined than Tomoko.

According to Penguin’s calculations, if the two skills are activated a hundred times each, they can almost completely lift the class restrictions and break the seal. Moreover, with a total of 200 bloodline purifications, Guan Liyuan will become more pure than the dreadlord and the queen of the snake cave. Medusa……

Of course, this also means that Guan Liyuan wants to completely unlock the "seal". Each evolution stone and evolution material needs to consume more than 2,000 copies!

Even if it is the "No. 1 House in the World", acquiring so many evolution materials and evolution stones in one go will delay the construction of subsequent "branches".

Therefore, Guan Liyuan planned to activate each item only seven times before going to Carlos, and then let Sophon watch slowly acquiring the evolution stone. As for the evolution materials, such as dragon scales, big tongue shells, metal membranes, etc., Many of them are materials that will shed when other Pokémon evolve. Therefore, for the "First House in the World", it is a production product. Guan Liyuan is not planning to purchase it anymore, and it can be accumulated slowly.

"Liyuan, don't let others know about the things you can evolve in the future! Xiaoxia, don't talk to other people," Na Zi reminded solemnly.

Although I haven't seen the usefulness of Guan Liyuan's "evolution" for the time being, this is obviously a very different ability from ordinary people!

Na Zi estimated that the appearance of a human being who would "evolve" would be even more severely distracted than someone with super powers beyond common sense.

As for Tomoko and Azi, I don’t need to remind them specifically. Nazi also knows that Tomoko is a Pokémon, and she will definitely not disclose Guan Liyuan's affairs. As for Azi...Although she usually plays nonsense, but because of her special childhood experience, she is very concerned about this aspect. Things are far more sensitive than the average person, and he took the initiative to remind Guan Liyuan before.

On the contrary, if Xiaoxia didn't understand the importance of the matter, she might unknowingly reveal it...

"Eh? It's really that serious? I understand!" Xiaoxia nodded immediately.

On the contrary, Guan Liyuan didn't care very much: "Don't be too nervous, it's not that serious...cough cough, okay, I know, I will pay attention."

When Guan Liyuan was halfway through speaking, he realized that Na Zi looked at herself unkindly, and immediately changed her words.

In the next seven days, Guan Liyuan not only made the necessary preparations to travel to the Carlos area, but also evolved waves from time to time, first using eighteen kinds of "evolution" materials to evolve seven times each...

However, Guan Liyuan didn't notice that when he went to a shellfish breeding farm by the sea to "evolve" with "fresh" big tongue shells, he was discovered by uninvited "guests" on the four islands!

The "Big Tongue Shell" is the remnant shell left behind after the Big Tongue Shell has evolved, which can be used to trigger the evolution of the Dummy Beast-the reason is that the toxins in it can stimulate the brain of the Dummy Beast.

And every time Guan Liyuan used a big tongue shell to stimulate the "Crystal Body", he would feel some of the mysteries of the poison attribute.

After Guan Liyuan injected himself with the toxins of sixteen big tongue shells, his whole body flashed with "evolution" brilliance. Because of the toxins and in the Pokémon world, Guan Liyuan's body was too weak, so he didn't notice anything.

On the contrary, the little Hupa who was by the side seemed to have discovered something, but he followed the feelings, but found nothing. He couldn't help but raised his short arm and scratched his head laboriously: "Well? Hupa seems to feel something, Hupa...has an illusion?"

After Hupa and Guan Liyuan left, behind the empty tree that Hupa was looking at, an invisible figure gradually emerged-roughly similar to a human shape, wearing a cloak, but the skin was dark pink. There is a long purple tail behind, and the exposed hands can see only three fingers...

That's right, it was the time of the Pokémon world. More than half a year ago, Guan Liyuan released Kaopalis and defeated him, but he let him go, and left him with "an invitation to another world" and "you can come to help if you encounter difficulties." The promised super dream.

Before Guan Liyuan returned to the main world last time, Chaomeng never reappeared. He only occasionally heard some rumors in the Kanto region, which were suspected to be related to Chaomeng, but now Chaomeng has come to cultivate four islands and happened to see Guan Liyuan’s "evolution". ", but I don’t know why I didn’t come out to see Guan Liyuan...