Dimensional Forum

Chapter 990 Carlos

"Hey, the one with sunglasses over there, are you also here to lead Pokémon? Line up here."

"Although it is correct to say that I am here to lead Pokémon, I have other appointments to see Dr. Fatong."

"Huh? You are not an excuse to jump in the line..."

Many teenagers are lining up outside the Fatong Research Center in Miare City, Carlos, waiting to receive their Pokémon partners!

Like Dr. Oki’s research institute, in addition to its own research tasks, this large research institute will also help the alliance share some basic affairs, such as cultivating some basic Pokémon including the local Yusanjia, which are age-appropriate and suitable Conditional teenagers distribute initial Pokémon.

Damu hid in the "countryside", so it is relatively leisurely, like the research institute of Dr. Fatong, because it is located in the center of Carlos, just a city of Miare, I don't know how many novice trainers set out in one day...

And when the others were still queuing on that day, suddenly a young man with sunglasses, who seemed to be young, was about to walk into the Fatong Research Institute.

At this time, a serious-faced girl who was wearing a white lab coat from a research institute and a simple black single ponytail, but who looked about the same age as the teenager in line, thought he was going to jump in the line, so she stopped.

"No, no, I have an appointment," said the man in sunglasses.

As the largest city in the Carlos area, Miare is also a well-known international metropolis in the world. Of course, it is impossible for children of the same age to know each other like the real new town, and no one will doubt the identity of the man with sunglasses.

And behind the serious girl with a single ponytail, there is also a girl with golden shawl hair, who is also wearing a white coat at this time. Maybe the "sunglasses" are scary?At this time the latter completely hid behind the serious girl.

Also... the white coats worn by the two seem to be loose?

"Sister Esther, he wears sunglasses...Could it be the bad boy in the legend?" the blond girl reminded in a low voice.

However, the serious squad leader-faced single ponytail girl called "Est" did not flinch at this moment. While hiding the blond girl behind her, she raised her head and said, "If it is an appointment to receive the initial Pokémon , Everyone here has it, right?"

Unfortunately, because Guan Liyuan was considering super-evolution and wanted to see Dr. Fatong soon, he responded casually: "Said it is the original Pokémon... well, it is my start in the Carlos area! Anyway! The appointment I told you did not mean the same thing, I was going to see Dr. Fatong, you continue to line up, don’t disturb...

That’s right, of course Guan Liyuan wears sunglasses. Guan Liyuan’s face has been on TV many times because of "The World’s First House". Up to now, the theme of "The World’s First House" is fixed every week. The program, the exposure rate is still very high.

To receive the initial Pokémon normally, it is of course not necessary to see Dr. Fatong, otherwise Dr. Fatong in Miare City will not have time to do other research!

"Wait a minute, you say... Dr. Fatong? Do I... really see you? He is so busy every day, he won't even see me! You are not lying to me, are you? Okay, now go to the queue obediently, and my sister can help you choose a super powerful initial Pokémon..."

The girl with a single ponytail was reluctant and tried to stop Guan Liyuan's "jumping in the line" by using a "soft" approach.

Guan Liyuan was also helpless, and at the same time wondering-why does the Fatong Institute have so many "child labor"?

At this moment, a short-haired young man in black clothes and black trousers appeared from the research institute. He looked like a young man with short hair in his early twenties. He was wearing a fingerless handguard. Colored, pretty fluffy loops.

Guan Liyuan always feels like he is in COS Qixi Qingniao...

"What's the matter? It's noisy." The short-haired youth asked.

"Brother Ai Lan, there is a bad boy!" The blonde girl said immediately.

"Huh? Bad boy?" The short-haired young man said he didn't understand at all.

And Esther said at this time: "Ahem, it's okay, this little brother just asked us where we lined up. It was a little misunderstanding."

Guan Liyuan gave her a surprised look. It seems that this "Este" is also a knife-mouthed tofu heart. Is this... worried that he will be driven out?

However, Ai Lan did not pay too much attention to Guan Liyuan wearing sunglasses, but looked at Esther and the blonde girl helplessly and said, "Est, Salina...Where did you two secretly take the research assistant's clothes? The doctor knows he will be angry!"

Guan Liyuan was also speechless for a while-are these two co-authoring really in cos?

"Don't say that! Sharina and I want to help too!" Esther said and patted the Qixi Blue Bird... No, it's Ai Lan's fluffy collar.

At this time, Guan Liyuan interjected: "Actually, I am not here to line up. Dr. Fatong and I have an appointment. Can I make a recommendation?"

When Esther heard this, he couldn't help but whispered to Guan Liyuan annoyed: "Do you still dare to say that you don't line up? The one in front of you was also a staff member of the Institute, super fierce!"

Ai Lan automatically filtered Esther's evaluation of him, looked at Guan Liyuan in doubt, and then suddenly reacted: "That's right! When I visited the doctor before, I did hear him mention that it was today...the best house in the world. The owner of Guan will come to him, are you..."

"If there is no second house in the world, then it should be me... just call me Guan Liyuan, or Shen Yuluoyan Guan Liyuan." Guan Liyuan took off some sunglasses and said.

Well, what "the master of Guan'wu' who is the number one'wu' in the world" makes Guan Liyuan a little awkward.

"Sure enough... then come in! I'll take you to see the doctor." Ai Lan found that the teenagers in the line around seemed to have noticed what he said just now, and looked over here frequently, she couldn't help but bring Guan Liyuan. Into the research institute.

"Qingxi Festival... ahem, I mean Ai Lan, can I call you that? Are you a staff member of the Institute?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I used to be Dr. Fatong's assistant, but in recent years I have been active as a trainer in the Carlos area. This time I came back to submit some important data reports." Ai Lan said.

"Then... the one on your wrist is indeed the'keystone', right? Have you mastered the super evolution?" Guan Liyuan paid attention to this thing at first.

"It's the owner of Guan, have you seen it? Yes, my main direction of exercise is super evolution. I have watched the video of the owner of Guan in the Kanto contest many times. If you don't mind, I will do it later. How about a Pokémon duel? I am also very curious about the evolution of the bond!" Ai Lan said vigorously, and it seems that this person has been enduring the battle before.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. In the Carlos area, I am going to start training Pokémon again. After my Pokémon in the Carlos area can evolve, I will be very happy..."