Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1003

"I didn't get Tanigawa Gymnasium to pay me dividends, it was really a loss..." Guan Liyuan said while looking at the unattended audience.

"It's not so lively when I usually challenge the tenth badge, right?" Sharina couldn't help but say.

In the past few days, Sharina also went to the Coordinator Association several times, because the little Firefox itself has good qualifications, and under Sharina’s meticulous breeding, although the combat effectiveness is average, the appearance of the fur, such as gloss, is also good. They are all excellent.

Moreover, Sharina’s little Firefox also enjoys the process of performing and pageant, so yesterday, she has successfully joined the Coordinator Association.

Of course, this is also related to the appearance of the training. Sharina's own conditions are also very good. If it is Sakagi, there is no chance for him to be a coordinator for Menus!—— Guan Liyuan thought so.

"Indeed, I have seen nine or ten badge challenge battles many times before in the gymnasium in Miare City, and there are not so many spectators." Aisi said with a head.

The nine or ten badge challenge is no less than the level of the top eight in the league competition. Even in Nazi’s Golden Gymnasium, gym trainers who can deal with the challenge of nine or ten badges are the most top-notch elites, such as Ah Purple is among them.

Some not-so-famous official gymnasiums, even ten badges, already require the master of the gymnasium to sit in person. It needs to make an appointment a week in advance. There will be extensive publicity, and Pokémon lovers from nearby towns will come.

"It is estimated that Tanigawa Gymnasium is also very hard to promote." Guan Liyuan didn't know whether he should be helpless or proud.

It’s just an ordinary challenge for the first badge, and there is such a big movement. It is estimated that when you really participate in the unrestricted competition, trainers from other regions will come... Of course, they will come for a greater purpose at that time. It will be the newly opened branch of the world's first house.

Probably this is the burden of idols!—— Guan Liyuan thought so.

"Last year, the Electric Gymnasium in Miyale City was challenged for the eleventh badge. At that time, it was the son of Limen Lei Hall Master Xitron who fought, and there was even a battle of the Heavenly King... Audience of this size!" Esther said.

The limit of an ordinary official gymnasium is eleven badges. If someone challenges the eleventh badge, it belongs to the category of "kicking halls" for ordinary museum owners!

Because even if you are participating in an unlimited group of games or entering some ordinary protected areas, you only need ten. The owner of the eleven badges already has some privileges in the league and can enter some special locations.

Usually the eleventh badge, when challenged in the gym, the challenger must use the local Pokémon to fight.

For ordinary gyms, the highest authority is to grant the eleventh badge. The number of eleventh badges issued each year is limited. Once too many are issued, the alliance will review it. If it is issued due to insufficient strength, Will be revoked the official gymnasium qualification!

Strong gyms can issue the twelfth badge. For example, the electric gym in Miale City. If the twelfth badge is challenged, Meng Lei, the main force of the gym, will surely fight in person, and he will be able to get it. With twelve badges, the strength can basically be determined to be a heavenly king.

The 13 higher badges are only eligible to be issued by the four kings of the corresponding region, such as the current Nazi, the highest fourteenth badge... you need to apply to the league to challenge the championship.

Once the latter two situations occur, it is usually chosen for a duel in no man's land, because it may spread too far and it is impossible to arrange the audience, but the regional TV station will inevitably broadcast the battle.

And now Guan Liyuan is only challenging the first badge, and there are actually some small TV cameras on the sidelines, from the host, referee to commentator, and special guests.

At this time, the host has also begun to introduce the two sides of the duel...

"Today will represent the challenge of Tanigawa Gymnasium, it is Mingbo, an elite trainee of the gymnasium! The now 19-year-old trainer Mingbo has been studying at the Tanigawa Gymnasium since he was fourteen. One of the most outstanding students, and also the new trainer recommended by Tanigawa Gymnasium to participate in the youth competition this year!"

Guan Liyuan’s previous guess was correct. The opponent selected by Tanigawa Gymnasium did indeed have the strength of eight badges, otherwise Tanigawa Gymnasium would not recommend him a place-in the Carlos League, the students recommended by the gymnasium, yes. Challenge the eighth badge directly at other gyms.

"And Tanigawa Gymnasium welcomes the challenger today. I believe everyone already knows it. Please allow me to introduce it... that was the champion in the youth group of the Quartz Kanto Contest last year; and in the World Pokémon Forum, I won "The best cultivator of the world" voted first place; has the world’s largest breeding base and the most popular breeding playground; won the two great beasts of Lightning Bird and Hupa...The owner of the world’s first house, Guan Liyuan!"

The host introduced the Uranus superstar in a tone, and the audience was indeed very cooperative and cheered.

Tanigawa Gymnasium is to promote its own gymnasium, and of course Guan Liyuan must be as strong and excellent as possible.

Moreover, Guan Liyuan is now well-known in the Pokémon world. Although many trainers and educators in the Carlos and Alora areas think that Guan Liyuan's "winning declaration" is too arrogant, no one doubts his ability!

Afterwards, the host briefly introduced Guan Liyuan's "winning declaration" to let everyone understand why this game is worth seeing-if it is the unrestricted Guan Liyuan, he will directly release the beast, and Shanmu will also give away food when he ends.

But here, Tanigawa Gymnasium played a trick, only emphasizing that Guan Liyuan issued the championship declaration "more than a month ago", and did not say that Guan Liyuan started traveling less than half a month...

"The trainers from both sides are invited to appear below!"

After the host's introduction, Guan Liyuan and Mingbo both stood on the trainer's high platform in the venue.

The biggest matchup venue in Tanigawa Dojo is in the shape of a "bowl", surrounded by layers of auditoriums, and the part at the bottom of the bowl is quite special. The trainers on both sides stand two or three stories high. On the two high platforms, below is the venue for the Pokémon duel...

There are many metal pillars with thick thighs that are sensitive to electromagnetics. After the duel begins, the field will activate the effect of the electromagnetic force field. Electric skills will be more powerful in this kind of venue.

Because the Pokémon of gymnasium trainers are all with specific attributes, so the rule originally allowed the gymnasium to arrange advantageous venues, but in principle, it can only have an advantage over its own attribute. If the challenger also applies the treasure of this attribute Can dream, also enjoy the advantage.

Moreover, the advantages should not be too exaggerated. For example, the electric system is directly connected to high-voltage power on the field, and the water system is in the pool without even preparing a floating island... It is absolutely impossible, and the league will review it regularly.

"Tanigawa Gymnasium Challenge, the challenger, the owner of the world’s first house gate, the gymnasium party, and the trainee Mingbo of the gymnasium, the two sides can play two Pokémon in the duel, and only the challenger can exchange Pokémon halfway through. Only the side that Pokémon loses combat effectiveness, or admits defeat, loses... the game begins!"

With the announcement of the referee, Guan Liyuan and Mingbo simultaneously released their Pokémon...

"Go! Rumble Rock!"

"Look at who is harder...Knight Snail!"

Mingbo's "Long Rock" has shorter front paws than ordinary Rong Rock, and iron sand and iron stones can be seen on the face and chest, and even on the back there is what looks like an electromagnetic gun launching device.

If people in the Kanto area and the city see this kind of rumbling rock, they may feel that this kind of rumbling rock is very unfamiliar, but the trainers in Carlos and Alora are actually more familiar with this kind of rumbling rock, just in different growth environments. "Arora Long Rock" with dual attributes of rock and electricity!

On the contrary, to Guan Liyuan's knight snail, Carlos's audience exclaimed-the knight snail is very rare because of the special evolutionary conditions...