Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1011: The Correct Use of Hupa


After Guan Liyuan gave the small diamond one-stop service, he suddenly found that the individual value of the small diamond has soared from 127% to 130%!

To know the effect of "Best Talent", it usually takes a long time for Pokémon with an individual correction rate of 120% or more to rise a little. Therefore, Guan Liyuan usually cultivates many Pokémon in the world's first house remotely through contract, in addition to focusing on training Except for a few of them, the others are generally cultivated to 110%...

Afterwards, select those with a strong desire to become stronger, and train them to 115%. Some Pokémons with exceptional racial abilities and individual will will be trained to 120%... Except for some specially trained Pokémon, they will only be cultivated. To 120%.

However, this small diamond broke the 3% individual correction rate as soon as it came up, which really scared Guan Liyuan.

Moreover, according to the law summarized by Guan Liyuan, the stronger Pokémon's desire to become stronger and the harder he works, the better the effect of accepting the "League of Talents". This small diamond should be a dead fish in this respect...

Could it be that this is actually a scheming drill, just pretending to be a dead fish?

Guan Liyuan looked at the small broken diamond weirdly, and felt that things were not that simple-it is impossible to lie so naturally under the spirit of communication!

[Small diamond, how do you feel?] Guan Liyuan asked with a heart-to-heart communication.

[It's very comfortable...Hey, hey, very comfortable.Small Broken Diamonds have not forgotten to add the secret technique of making friends "".

[Small diamond... How about traveling with me?Asked Guan Liyuan.

Although there was no plan to conquer the small diamonds, and the small diamonds are not suitable as the main combat force, especially in the case of limited time, but... the situation of this small diamond has successfully attracted Guan Liyuan’s attention. !

Of course, what's more important is that Guan Liyuan also likes the character of this little diamond. With the "one-stop service", Guan Liyuan can ignore all the aptitudes of Pokémon and take "character" as a consideration.

[Travel, what is it?Will it be fun?Will you make new friends?Asked the little diamond.

[Traveling itself is not fun, and it will not increase your friends, but you can discover many interesting things and people who can make friends when traveling, such as when you meet ecstasy, and when I meet you.] Guan Liyuan said deeply.

Okay, this is actually the first time Oshemaru met Jun Maro, what he said about Masao Jun Maro...

In the world of Naruto, after Guan Liyuan and Kaguyaji launched the Dead Moon Project, they resurrected many deceased strong men on the moon-the improved version of Dirty Reincarnation, which can enter the dormant state of the soul regularly to avoid the presence of Dirty for too long After that, the resurrected object will fall into crazy side effects.

Guan Liyuan took the opportunity to reincarnate in the improved version of the dirty soil and resurrected Kaguya-kun Maro. During a small chat, Guan Liyuan learned about this, and now uses it to improve and borrow the words of Oshe Wan.

[I met ecstatic eyes... You met me?Are you, Little Diamond’s friend?Asked the little diamond.

[Well, it's the one that has at least 30 points, and it can continue to deepen in the future.] Guan Liyuan said confidently.

[It's so complicated. If you want to think about the small diamond... Travel, do you want to leave?Small Diamond Gazed reluctantly to look ecstatically.

[If Ecstasy is willing to be together, you can also bring it.

This is completely a "bonus"!This ecstatic eye, although the character is not bad, Guan Liyuan can't say that he hates it, but...seems too embarrassing?

But after Guan Liyuan mentioned the incident to him, and knew that the small diamond would also be taken away, he immediately agreed to it excitedly, not even giving Guan Liyuan a chance to regret it!

However, Guan Liyuan can also understand the mood of some ecstatic eyes-on the one hand, from the original intention, ecstatic eyes are looking forward to "travel (prank)", but the attribute of ecstatic eyes is "evil + ghost". Few trainers can control , And its level is already close to 50, but its race value is very low. Therefore, among the few trainers who can cooperate with it, either it looks down on it or doesn't like it!

On the other hand, it is naturally that Guan Liyuan’s “one-stop service” makes Pokémon happy both physically and mentally, and the god beasts say it is good...

In this way, Guan Liyuan will face a problem, that is, if he subdues the small diamonds and ecstatic eyes, he will already have seven treasures.

In the Pokémon world, if you carry more than six Pokemon Balls at the same time, you will experience excessive mental stress and faint. Therefore, when you carry the seventh Pokemon Ball by default, it will be sent back to the selected breeding house or It is a research institute, a depository.

But this is just a small problem for Guan Liyuan. In fact, Guan Liyuan carries more than five Pokémon, and some are in the form of "voluntary goals", which are reduced to "theoretically not belong to Guan Liyuan." In order to avoid unexpected situations that are difficult to handle, the six poke balls are only used for formal duels and registration!

However, at this time, the five Pokémon that Guan Liyuan was carrying in name—Hali Li, Little Sparrow, Knight Snail, Agile Insect, and Bag Dragon, didn’t need to be “hidden” by Guan Liyuan. Their strength was unexpected. Time can't help...

[I want to subdue ecstasy eyes and small diamonds, who of you wants to cultivate the four islands?] Guan Liyuan asked.

"Nima, Nima, Nima!"

After evolution, the "Nima Mouse" became fat into a ball, and at this time it jumped wildly, like a bouncy ball.

Well, Fat Hari has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

The dragon has just been subdued by Guan Liyuan, the knight snail and the agile insect are both "warriors", and the little bitch also has the goal of surpassing his brother (although Guan Liyuan has not seen it work hard), and only the fat and fat who has had enough special training Harry wanted to go back.

what?Little Nima, you think... well, that's fine.Guan Liyuan nodded.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's agreement, Fatty Hari has cheered-finally he will not be "tortured" by Daha and Erha!

After that... Guan Liyuan took the fat Hari back into the poke ball, and then silently contacted the little Hupa who had been playing crazy with Xiao Shan, and saw a golden ring stretched out of thin air beside Guan Liyuan, and other Pokémon around him Shocked... Little Hupa didn't fully show up, just stretched out his arm from the golden ring and took away the elf ball in Guan Liyuan's hand.

And Xiao Nima... was originally very excited to think that she could finally not see Daha and Erha again, who knew that after being conquered by the Poke Ball, she still came to the "oasis" of the reversal world, and she hadn't waited for a long time go away……

Well, just send the poke ball back to the four islands and connect it to the poke ball holding machine. As for the little Nima in the poke ball, there is no need to release it. It's the same to stay in Daha and Erhana. !

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Guan Liyuan seems to hear the sound of "Nima" from the bottom of his heart...

Later, Guan Liyuan formally subdued the small diamonds and the ecstasy eyes. In this way, the ecstasy eyes who were reluctant to take Guan Liyuan to the "remains" became active.

"Ah! Brother Liyuan, just...the one who took your pokeball is..." Sharina exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it's also a Pokémon, it's a little Hupa who has the ability to travel through space. I asked him to help me send Little Nima's Pokeball back to the four islands, so as not to go to the Pokémon Center." Guan Liyuan downplayed Said.

However, the strange color on Salina's face has not diminished in the slightest—though Guan Liyuan has long known that there is a little Hupa, but when he really saw this legendary Pokémon, he was still shocked... although just watching It's a short arm!