Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1033

"Although in theory it is a dual element of ghost and ground, but the Lord Sandcastle relies heavily on the trainer's'power of ghosts'. It seems that the three grandsons and students of the sand hall master not only have the talent of the ground element. "The narrator explained some basic information about Lord Sandcastle.

After all, this belongs to the relatively unpopular Pokémon...

Like the quack bubble frog, after evolving into the final form of the "Koga Ninja frog", it will also have the attribute of "evil type", but because in the first two evolutionary stages, both are pure water attributes, so as long as the intimacy is enough High, coupled with some talents for protecting water, trainers without "power of protecting against evil" can also train Koga Ninja Frog normally.

The same is true for Xiaoxia's jewel starfish. Although it is a dual system of water and super powers, Xiaoxia, who has no super powers, can conquer training with the help of the power of water.

But Sandcastle Lord is different, without the related talents of the ghost system, it is very difficult to subdue and train Lord Sandcastle!

Even in the ghost-type Pokémon, Lord Sandcastle is difficult to conquer and train. Trainers who don’t have the talent of the ghost-type do not need to try. If they are forced to subdue, they will have to be energetic in a few days. Malaise, the side effects are relatively large in the ghost system.

The old sand house owner also proudly said at this time: "Yes, Sha Ai and the three brothers have the dual attribute talents of'Power of Imperial Sand' and'Power of Defending Ghost'!"

Sharina said in a huff from the audience: "Really! It's obviously a ground-based gymnasium. What kind of ghost-based Pokémon is actually used."

"No way, Lord Sandcastle does have ground element attributes..." Esther said helplessly.

The most important thing is that they have also discovered that the old Shaguan master is now not only to promote his gym, but also to promote his grandson, so it is not surprising that he would use this tactic.

Just after Sha Er suddenly "disappeared" from the "iron head" of the Knight Snail, a huge figure suddenly appeared behind the Knight Snail out of thin air!

It was the "Sha San" who took advantage of the characteristics of sand hidden and lurked behind the knight snail with the help of the huge sandstorm.

At the same time, Sha San's body fell to the knight snail!

If the Lord Sandcastle is regarded as a sand castle, then it looks like the entire sandcastle has fallen down horizontally. If the Lord Sandcastle is anthropomorphized, the largest entrance is regarded as the mouth and the upper windows are regarded as It's eyes, and if the watchtowers on both sides are arms, it looks like Lord Sandcastle lowered his head and "swallowed" the knight snail...

In fact, "Sand III" also activated another ground-based skill, "Stomp". Normally, for most ground-based Pokémon, this move is activated by heavy footfalls, but when there are no feet, the sand bite After using it, Master Bao became a whole shot.

Seeing that the knight snail has no time to escape, it has only time to launch the "Iron Wall" to enhance its defense...

However, when Sha San was about to succeed, several "Flying Shuriken" rubbed the edge of the knight snail's body and shot at Sha San.

Although the "shuuri" condensed by the power of the water system is insignificant compared to the increased volume of the Sandcastle Lord at this time, the effect is as if explosives are exploded on the muck wall, "blasting" a large area. Large areas of sand!

"Min-Min!" The Agile Bug whispered twice.

The knight snail immediately understood its meaning-the two insects often pinch, which also brings an improvement in tacit understanding.

After all, the one who knows himself best is his opponent except for his friends!

The knight snail turned the heads of the two spears and pointed it at Sha Yi, that is, the sand-eater who has the characteristic of "solidification in water".

Judging from the previous rounds of dismantling each other, the three Sandcastle Lords should have only a fighting power of over 30,000, which is similar to the current knight snails and agile insects, but with triple sandstorms, special venues and their characteristics. The situation is a bit troublesome.

However, with the talent of agile insects, even in a triple sandstorm, the opponent has no time to activate the sand hidden to avoid the flying water shuriken, as long as the knight snail is responsible for the "solidified" sandcastle master.

After all, under the constant "gathering of sand", the Lord Sandcastle is also more resistant to beating, it is difficult to be defeated at once, and must be prepared for a protracted battle.

Although the Lord Sandcastle is not immune to the damage of the flying water shuriken, and even the water system can cause additional damage to them that have the attributes of the ground system themselves, if they continue to trigger "solidification in water" and increase the defense of the opponent, it is obvious Not a smart choice...

However, at this moment, the knight snail opened his eyes wide under the wind and sand: "Ride, ride?"

Sha Yi... also disappeared!

"Not good! That Sandcastle Eater is not simply a "solidification in water" characteristic, but a dual characteristic!" Esther couldn't help but exclaimed for Guan Liyuan.

That's right, the three Sandcastle Masters actually all have the "sand hidden" characteristic, but Sha Yi has one more characteristic...

I don’t know if these three Sand-Chewing Lords were found by the Crystal Gymnasium, or the Sansha brothers conquered them. It seems that the intentions are not small. No wonder they dare to challenge Guan Liyuan at this time!

When the knight snail was in a daze, vortex-like quicksand appeared under its feet and the agile insect.

Although the knight snail usually floats without touching the ground, the vortex of quicksand even surges to capture the opponent...

Ground-based skills-Quicksand Hell, a combination of trapping and attacking enemies!

Because of its fast speed, the agile bug broke away instantly before the binding force of the quicksand hell increased. However, the "heavy" knight snail had not had time to leave, and it was mostly entangled!

Suddenly several "Flying Shuriken" hit the knight snail, trying to destroy the quicksand trapping it-what?Will it be accidentally injured?The decisiveness of the agile bug shows that it is not distressed...

However, while dispersing a lot of the quicksand that bound the knight snail, the Agile Bug found that the color of the quicksand became darker, and... it seemed to be stronger!

Looking at the close-up screen, the narrator immediately said: "The situation is a bit bad for the owner of Guan! It seems that it is Shaichi who has the characteristic of'solidification in water', hiding under the knight snail and using quicksand! Lord Bao’s special ability is that he can shut the small Pokémon into his body to extract energy. If the knight snail is dragged down, it will be very disadvantageous!"

That’s right, “Quicksand Hell” is actually launched by Sha Yi and Sha Er hiding under the sand. They are not digging skills, but Sandcastle Master can blend into the sand. It’s just that Guan Liyuan didn’t expect it to be in the mine. The sand is so thick!

But at this moment, I saw a brown figure, rushing towards the knight snail who was about to be dragged down...


The marsupial dragon used a "million tons of boxing" to disperse all the quicksand bound to the knight snail, and the knight snail was also pushed out by the punch.

And in the quicksand, I want to wrap the bag dragon...

"Bag, bag, bag, bag..."

I saw the dragon yelling chants continuously, using "continuous punches", like a kung fu expert, smashing all the quicksand tentacles entangled with him.

Both "Million Tons Boxing" and "Continuous Boxing" are general skills. They use the body power similar to vitality. Normally, the powers of "Phantom System" and "General System" do not interfere with each other. Just cause harm.

However, Guan Liyuan's bag dragon possesses the "guts" characteristic, and can infuse his own courage into the energy of the general type and the fighting type, and then has the ability to harm the ghost type Pokémon!

"Bag, bag!" The dragon was fighting high-pitched—it was the twin insects who said that they wanted to try 2vs3, and the dragon didn't make a move, but now it seems that these two little things are obviously unreliable.

At this moment, Guan Liyuan also clicked the "keystone" on his wrist...

Even under the triple sandstorm, everyone can see the light shining from the body of the dragon.

Normally, the marsupial dragon has no evolutionary type, so everyone in the Carlos area understands what this scene represents-super evolution!

I saw that in the light of super evolution, the body of the dragon seems to have not changed, but there is an expanding light and shadow around him...

The narrator also explained at this time: "Due to the special reproductive structure of the bag dragon, the super-evolution will not only increase itself, but also make the bag dragon cubs catalyzed to the extent of fighting, but... uh?"

The bag dragon itself is very rare, and the super stone is not so easy to find. Therefore, many people don’t know what the bag dragon looks like after being super-evolved, but when the commentator is halfway through, the super-evolved light fades. Go, the narrator was also stunned when he saw the way the bag dragon and the cub of the bag dragon look now...

The owner of the sand house sitting next to the narrator opened his eyes wide and said: "I understand the truth, but why is this baby dragon cub so big?"

That's right, the normal baby dragon cub, under the catalysis of super evolution, will become a lot bigger and can come out of the bag dragon, but...it's just slightly higher than the knee of the dragon.

However, there are clearly two marsupials standing on the field, and the cubs of the marsupials are only slightly shorter than the body of the marsupials...

"Is this... is it near, far, and small? Please look at the camera in a different direction?" Under the strong stimulation, the narrator started to talk nonsense.

The master of the sand house stood up again, looked carefully for a long time, and confirmed: "No, no, no, it's clearly standing together, there is no near, far, or small, okay!"

"Could it be... is this some kind of technique that secretly trades another Pokémon on the field without being discovered?" The commentator continued nonsense.

But immediately he denied it himself: "Of course, the owner of Guan will not do this, and... depending on the color and physical characteristics, the smaller ones are indeed the pups that have not hatched yet!"

Yes, this is one of Guan Liyuan’s confidence...

The special breeding method of the bag dragon not only made Guan Liyuan discover a trick that can make the "potential stimulation" extremely efficient, but after obtaining the bag dragon super stone, Guan Liyuan also discovered the bag dragon after multiple "potential stimulation". The super evolution effect is extremely amazing...

Looking at the chaotic expressions of Sha'ai, Shabi, and Shahi, you know that they have been startled!