Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1055

After passing through the wormhole golden ring and landing on the grass of the "oasis", Guan Liyuan immediately squatted on the ground with a "lazy donkey roll" and a "raccoon head guard"...

Guan Liyuan believes that as long as you enter the "Oasis", it is not a problem to get stuck in these things!

Sure enough, it was just an almost inaudible noise, and it was mostly from Xiao Ai...

After Guan Liyuan made sure that he was not under any attack, he raised his head and opened his eyes, and saw two "stone steles" in front of them, with the Q version of the head of the dragon carved on them, and under the steles, Xiao Ai and Filo were pressed down respectively. Beauty!

Among them, Pheromone fainted, and Xiao Ai was still struggling, but the stele on her body was unmoved.

Guan Liyuan suspects that this stele is not simply suppressing Xiao Ai, otherwise even if Xiao Ai is suppressed, she will definitely use the power of the super power system to attack...

"What is this?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

[Rock blockade, don’t you know?Lao Ka's voice resounded in Guan Liyuan's heart.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

I am also a person who has read books!Shouldn't the "rock blockade" use the energy of the "rock system" to condense obstacles to limit the enemy's speed and actions?What the hell is it to use the stone tablet directly to suppress the opponent——Guan Liyuan roared in his heart.

When Guan Liyuan just started his journey as a trainer, he obtained a fossil pterosaur from Dr. Damu, and the fossil pterosaur was a Pokémon of the rock series. Guan Liyuan was familiar with the "Rock Blockade".

Considering that Lao Ka is not a rock system at all, he can actually extend the "rock blockade" into this, Guan Liyuan grinned...

But now that he knew that the old card was so convenient, Guan Liyuan simply asked Little Hupa to send the two "Kigold Cores" over.

Although the thing didn't have any fighting power without the Kigeld cell, it was difficult to keep it in the "Cultivation of the Four Islands", and it had to be guarded.

I don't know why, when Kigeld's core was sent, Guan Liyuan heard Lao Ka's disdainful "hum" sound.

"How about Xiao Ai? Will the healing skills of the Fairy Department work?" Guan Liyuan asked Lao Ka.

[This is caused by the disorder of her own hormones after receiving external guidance. It is not something that can be treated, but there is no major problem. She will wake up in a few days, or... After this guy wakes up, there is a way to relieve this. Kind of state.Behind the old card is talking about Pheromones.

Hearing that Lao Ka knows something about Pheromones, Guan Liyuan couldn't help asking: "The Pheromones actually have this ability... can easily make the beasts lose their minds? How do you deal with them?"

[The pheromones secreted by normal pheromones are not so strong, unless they can secrete a fixed amount of special pheromones when they break through a certain limit. This pheromone is Not long after reaching his current strength, that part of the special potent pheromones is only being used.Lao Ka explained.

Knowing that this ability is not unlimited use, but each pheromod only has a few chances to use it in a lifetime, and the quantity and timeliness are limited, Guan Li could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, thinking of Xiao Ai's abnormal situation before, Guan Liyuan still asked: "And what's the situation with Xiao Ai now? Before, she behaved somewhat differently from the other affected Kigeld cores and double axe battle dragons..."

[It’s no different. She can still find some clues in her mental power... It should be that she forcibly used "momentary amnesia" to empty her brain before she lost control, and then used "self-suggestion" to separate you and Pherometis. The identities are swapped.

After all, the use of pheromones only triggers the production of corresponding hormones in the opponent's body. It is not as meticulous as mind control. After her "self-suggestion" is successful, she will naturally choose "you" as her first target of attack.Even if Lao Ka is not in the super power system, he can still see the abnormality of Xiao Ai's mental power and guess the probable cause.

As for "momentary amnesia" and "self-suggestion", they are originally common self-enhancement skills of the super power department. They don't really cause amnesia. As long as Xiao Ai wakes up, she will naturally adjust by herself.

When Guan Liyuan heard the words, he nodded without understanding, and then squatted down next to Xiao Ai, trying to comfort one or two-according to Lao Ka's words, it will take a few days to recover, so she can calm down and rest first. Rest is good.

However, Guan Liyuan's comfort did not help much, but made Xiao Ai even more manic.

"What should I do? Before Jigou...cough cough, I mean Jigeld in the basic state, obviously very quiet in front of the pheromones." Guan Liyuan asked.

[If you want her to be quiet, you'd better stay away from her... The real pheromone can affect controlled creatures by releasing pheromones, but you don’t have the ability to use her self-suggestion "In, you have always been the best mating target that is full of attraction and can make her fight against the sky.Lao Ka said.

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but was frightened in a cold sweat-if there was no dragon tooth pendant, wouldn't he have to lose his integrity?

If it’s other Pokémon, it’s okay to say that most Pokémon’s "mating" has a completely different meaning from humans’ "mating". They may dance together or pull hands together, but... the ghost knows that Xiao Ai belongs to. How did the super dream race mate!In addition to dream genes, she has half of human genes!

However, after another thought, Guan Liyuan also thought that it was really impossible for him to "die" to keep his innocence, and then he nodded in relief.

"Lao Ka...that... are you sure you will not be affected, are you?" Guan Liyuan decided that if Lao Ka said "not necessarily", he would execute the Pheromone on the spot.

[With this level of pheromone, ten more will definitely not work for me, one hundred may have a chance.Lao Ka said disdainfully.

Guan Liyuan looked at the old card weirdly-why did he always feel that this guy would pretend to be "beep" than me?

But it’s right to think about it. Not to mention the strength. Since pheromone has been used as a guide, at least there should be a "dose" problem?

The size of the old card... When Guan Liyuan first met him, it weighed more than 9,000 tons. Recently, there was a canned food of Mizhi raw materials produced by M78 Nebula. The nutrition has also kept up. It is estimated that it has exceeded 10,000 and wants to be shaken. Old card, it's really not easy!

[This strange Pokémon will take a few days to get over, but there is a simpler way for Gigou.Lao Ka cast his eyes away toweringly and looked at the Kigeld core whose size was insignificant compared to him.

"What way?" Guan Liyuan's eyes lit up, without noticing that Lao Ka had adopted the term "base dog".

Guan Liyuan also wanted to know from the core of Kigel what happened...

Guan Liyuan originally thought that with Kigeld, the alien beasts blatantly "open red", certainly Carlos Alliance has known it, but since the problem is the core of Kigeld, then... Carlos Alliance may not get it. news!

However, Guan Liyuan didn't expect it. Just after he asked, the big dragon claws of the small house were directly photographed, and the two Kigeld cores were directly smashed together with the "rock blockade" on them.

Guan Liyuan: "..."

I saw the broken Kigeld core, in the debris on the ground, and gradually gathered again... First, the red core part was re-formed, and then the green filling liquid was drawn out again, covering the red core for ten minutes. The last two complete Kigeld cores are formed!

It can be clearly seen that the part of the red core is the real "reunion", while the part of the green filling liquid is more like being drawn from the environment...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan looked at Lao Ka with contempt, always feeling that he had deliberately chosen such a violent technique!