Dimensional Forum

Chapter 1089

"This is... what plot?"

"The gem queen seized the power of the evil fruit, and then... evolved?"

"How is this performed? Is the lighting effect? ​​How do I feel... This little diamond now looks like Tianci?"

"How... possible? Dianci is a mythical beast, hahaha... uh... won't it be...really?"

"If it's'that', it's not impossible to have a beast, right?"

"But this was'evolved' on the spot just now? Isn't it...this is a cultivating beast? It can actually be bred, and...is it specifically'evolved' on the stage for this performance?"

After the brain's "downtime and restart", the heated discussion in the field continued to sound, and it was about to make the performance unable to go on...

At this time, Guan Liyuan also spread the sound, and after confirming that everything was going well with her, let her first fly around the auditorium and fly over everyone's head.

On the one hand, it is to satisfy everyone's desire to get close to the beast, and on the other hand... it is also to delay time, this script needs to be changed!

Can’t this “jewel queen” become a beast, but was defeated by the knight snail and the agility bug?

Now Tianci didn't seem to be weak because of the evil fight against the fruit of evil.

With the "Queen of Jewels" flying around the field, the audience down the field was a complete sensation-no matter how unreasonable the situation in Tianxi was, for most people, this was the closest time to the beast.

Even the so-called divine beast trainers are just followed by divine beasts. They cannot be like Guan Liyuan’s divine beasts, who are dedicated on call, let alone appear on stage...

In addition, a very small part of the audience was silent-these people are either trainers or educators. Guan Liyuan's "" is a small diamond that was conquered in the Carlos area. His life experience is transparent and clear, that is to say..." Is this really the beast cultivated by Guan Liyuan?" "Can this beast participate in the Carlos Competition afterwards?"

Carlos's educator and trainer, at this time, some doubts about life...

At the same time, he was still arguing with the "First House in the World" as to whether the race value of the quasi-sacred beast could exceed 600 trainers. At this time, I felt a little panicked.

Guan Liyuan had cultivated a large number of quasi-sacred beasts with extremely high individual values ​​before, and claimed that he could confirm that the limit of quasi-sacred beasts was 600, and more than 600 belonged to the category of sacred beasts.

So many confuse the concepts of individual value and racial value, thinking and claiming that they have cultivated 601 and 602 racial value quasi beasts.

However, even though most of the other people think that Guan Liyuan’s cultivation ability is stronger, it does not delay the “stubborn resistance” of a small number of cultivator groups, insisting that they have increased the race value of the quasi-sacred beast-of course, they dare not say that they are The mythical beast was cultivated, after all, it was only 601 and 602. It would be a bit nonsense to say that it was a mythical beast.

They refute Guan Liyuan's main argument, which is that Guan Liyuan has a deviation in the definition of sacred beasts and quasi-sacred beasts.

But now... Guan Liyuan actually directly bred a beast, how can he "debate" with him after that?

Do you want to question Guan Liyuan, who has cultivated the sacred beast himself, and does not understand the definition of sacred beasts and quasi-sacred beasts?

I am afraid that there will be no need for Guan Liyuan to speak at that time, and there will be countless fans of the "First House Under Heaven" pointing to their faces and saying: Do you understand?Do you know why you didn't breed a beast?

There is no chance for Sapo to roll around...

On the stage, Guan Liyuan took advantage of the appearance of Di Di Di and the audience, and also changed the following script, and notified Di Di Di, the Knight Snail, and the Agile Worm with "mind communication".

After capturing the power of the evil fruit, the queen of gems was affected by the evil thoughts in it, and began to brutally seize the power of the aboriginal evolution, and also wanted to recover the power of the knight snail and the agile insect.

However, because of the mercy of the gem princess in the subconscious of the gem queen, the knight snail and the agile bug escape.

Later, in order to defeat the gem queen, the knight snail used the trunk of the sacred tree to re-reinforce the harder armor and became the "fetter knight snail". The agile bug absorbed the dead aborigines (played by a large number of ghosts) who wanted to resist the gem queen Belief, incarnation of "fetters agile bug".

In the end, they teamed up to defeat the Gem Queen... or awakened the consciousness of the Gem Princess.

While the gem princess regained her normal consciousness, the knight snail and the agility bug put her into a deep sleep, and sent her back to the gem star, and then fettered the knight snail and the bond agility bug, and began to lead the aborigines to continue to fight back against various evil beasts.

However, in the end, there are still eggs that suggest that the knight snail and the agile bug do not match the concepts...

Until Ting Ting also came on stage again, and after exiting with other Pokémon actors, thunderous applause was reported from the audience!

"It's really a wonderful performance. I didn't think that Ting Ting could actually'evolve' into a beast...Should this situation be called'evolution'?" Mikri said to Guan Liyuan while watching the broadcast screen in the background.

"It's not an evolution, it should be a beastification! According to my research results, not only Dianci, but other beasts are actually evolved from ordinary Pokémon." Guan Liyuan is an old expert.

If Lao Ka pays attention to the outside world at this time, he will be "surprised." He clearly told Guan Liyuan himself, how did it become his "research result"?

Of course, thinking that this is "Guan Liyuan", he should also be relieved.

In the dictionary of the cultivation master Guan Liyuan, there is a kind of "research" called "ask if you don't understand", and a kind of "achievement" called "can find someone to ask"...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan has also silently notified Sophon with a heart-to-heart communication, and changed the research failure report that has not yet been delivered to the major shareholder Sakaki to "successfully cultivated a Tianci", but "the reproducibility of the results is unknown." So additional investment is needed!

And it is the kind that only adds money, not shares!

Isn’t it reasonable to ask for additional sponsorship for the beasts that have been bred by their skills?—— Guan Liyuan thought.

"It's the owner of the house, do you have any research on the beasts?" Mikoli was convinced of this, after all, the example of Tianci is right in front of him.

"Hahaha, research is not considered a small result," Guan Liyuan said modestly.

At this time, Guan Liyuan felt that the debt crisis he might have had already been solved, and believed that on the Alora Alliance, as long as Eternal Z Pure Crystal was regarded as something of value, there was no reason why he could not "buy" it.

"It's not worthy of Dianci... In Carlos' legend, Dianci is the symbol of the god of gems. It is really beautiful, and I did not make a mistake, otherwise I would miss this wonderful scene, but... card You will participate in the Los Gorgeous Contest, too? Sweetheart and I will show you a more beautiful scene."

When Mikri was obsessed with Tienshi’s beauty, he didn’t know that Kanto’s champion Sakagi immediately happily granted new funds to the “First House in the World” after receiving the news, and... he was also preparing to publicize. The title of "Shen Beast Cultivator", even planning to take the opportunity to apply for the registration of Di Anshi as a sacred animal in the Kanto region!